I got the instructions - maybe we should work together.......
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Love Conquers? Part V.
Please could you all settle upon one Sub. Having one Sub for two Civs is little better than having a Sub from within the Game itself.
Keygen is a great Player and if he is Demos choice as Sub then fine but we are a small community and the supply is limited. Great for one but not an inclusive package so please make your minds up boys and girls!
Jon, Your ever loving Saint.“Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
- Anon
Turn 85 ---> Quinns
St Jon, my old friend, we shall have to resolve the question of our borders in the 'northlands".
Your knight has emerged from the jungles into territory belonging to Greece. We are willing to cede to France the land south of the knight, but we have already claimed the land north and east of him for Athens.
We are aware that France has new settlements far to the west of the knight, so we will have to divide up the land inbetween in an equitable manner. We do not wish to impose ourselves upon land already settled there by France, just as you have been gracious in your acceptance of prior Greek settlements. So a dividing line will have to be agreed upon.
We must sadly relate to the world that ELEVEN false riots have been suffered by Greece this day. This is truly a difficult time for our fair land. But we have faith that this scourge must eventually end...
Quote from the Daily Incan Chronicle editorial page--
"... The Incan generals and admirals are busy with the makings of war. However, the Incan people are becoming very concerned about this war against Breaker Morant. They profess that the Australian people are suffering but Mr. Morant does not suffer at all. Rather, he enjoys watching his soldiers die -- as though it were a sport. Much distress in Inca over the slaughter of brave Australian soldiers while Breaker sits safe on his throne and gloats about the "pleasure" of battle..."
Turn 86 to St Jon --
Turn to Madrid.
Beloved Xenophon,
Please remove your Cavalryman from what is, and always has been, French land. What you wish to do in the North-East is a matter of no concern but having passed the Massif de la Mer you have impinged upon French territorial integrity. I am also mystified as to your extensive knowledge of French geography as it is many years since a Map Exchange was made with any nation and the last with Greece was over a millennia ago. Are you blessed with second-sight?
Should your memory prove to be more reliable than your paranormal powers you will recall that France long ago proposed the negotiation of a formal borderline between us but to no avail. All we were offerred were vague undertakings, all unhonoured, as to where Greece would not go. Present a Map with your proposed division of areas of respective influence and we have a firm base from which to negotiate a peaceful resolution to any and all potential points of conflict. I am certain that you will find reasoned discussion to be the least irksome method of reaching agreement.
Love to you all.
St Jon, Recall amidst Amnesia.“Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
- Anon
(out of order)
Good St Jon,
I am perplexed by your statement that my cavalry are in French land, as they are clearly stationed in a province of Greece. But in the name of friendship and peace, I have acted upon your request, and have created a map delineating proposed borders between France and Greece. Athens prefers to act with friendship toward our neighbours in Paris, and does not wish to have to point out the obvious regarding our de facto ownership of these lands. We rely upon the wisdom of the French to see the mutual benefit to a peaceful settlement of our minor disagreement.
Your statement that proposals for a border that were made long ago were to no avail are disturbing, for could that not be interpreted as your suggesting that France has no intention of honouring these agreements? We hope not, for they have been carried out in good faith by the Greek government, and we would hate to find that we cannot trust the French.
What's more, many in Athens see your claims regarding some sort of supernatural powers possessed by we Greeks as another step down a road of delusion that started when you began claiming Divine powers of your own. The information we used to make our previous observations came from previous map exchanges which show the French city of Avignon to our west (on a long river), with the beginnings of additional farms which are clearly meant for the benefit of future cities yet to be built. In addition, we have also been long aware of the French city of Vernon, located to the south of your knight.
So you see, St Jon, not all mysteries to France have their origin in the "Mystic". Should more of these strange ideas continue to plague you, I implore you to seek the assistance of doctors. Surely it must be a great burden to believe yourself to be a Saint, and to be convinced that others are using paranormal powers against you. For the good of France and yourself, get professional help!
Xenophon of Athens
[This message has been edited by Rick Elkins (edited February 25, 2001).]
Beloved Xenophon,
As you do seem to be experiencing difficulties with your memory I have taken the liberty of helping you to discover the joys of recall.
The quoted email is the very last direct communique between us and has been acted upon in good faith by France.
It should be noted that the area 'in dispute' upon that occasion was the siting of a Greek City to the North East of the Coastal Mountains. Please explain your radical rewriting of history.
St Jon, Integrity amidst Infidelity.
From: Rick Elkins
To: jonfurderer@freeuk.com
Sent: Wednesday, January 03, 2001 5:30 PM
Subject: Re: Love Conquers.
My vacation has been extended due to the cancellation of my flight home! So I won't be back in New York for a couple of more days. This means I cannot create JPEG's until then, but I think we can resolve the situation with mere words.
My understanding is that we agreed that the land west of the recently-disputed spot belongs to France, and the land east belongs to Greece. That should apply to all land north and south of that future Greek city radius. The spot north of there, where you now have a phalanx, and I a phalanx and cavalry, is then in Greek territory. What's more, my phalanx has been there for at least 10 turns. So I would ask that you please remove the phalanx, and take him back to French land.
I wouldn't want you to think that I am pushing you into a war, but I am instead merely asking that you honor our agreement. Hopefully, we can then move beyond what we both agree is tedious misunderstandings.
Best Regards,
Rick“Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
- Anon
St Jon of France:
Hmmm...I was wrong about one thing. It doesn't seem we were able "to move on beyond tedious misunderstandings".
As for what you've quoted to me from before, I do not in any way see why you feel it is incompatable with the borders I've been discussing now. But lets continue to clear up this land dispute. Only perhaps we should do it by email, so as to not bore all other nations to tears with the minutiae
Xenophon of Greece
Turn ==> Demos
Whilst it is indeed gratifying to be kept abreast of the national concerns of our neighbours, Spain feels it is impolitic to wash one's dirty laundry in public…
Tomas de Torquemada
Turn 86 ==> Stavros
Again my thanks to Prince Regent Keygen for his superb handling of the Welsh nation in my absence. Unfortunately, my good deeds in relation to the recent flu epidemic at work have meant that I too am now incapacited, being sent home from work in a terrible state.
However, there seems to be alot to disseminate from all this information, and so comment will be reserved for the time being.