Turn 95 to Rome.
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Lung's FAST! Pbem - Part III
I see that my post last night didn't take!
The situation with the Dutch could go on no longer. The continued reluctance by the Dutch to seek peace with us, followed by the construction of the obscene monument of war - the Sphinx, put us in a precarious position. However, rumours of a secret alliance with another peace-reluctant civilisation was the last straw. Consequently, Middlesburg is now a proud new member of the Australian nation. It is worthy of note that the Dutch troops were already in a state of war readiness, yet their efforts were fruitless as their primitive weapons were no match for Australian supremacy. Only our ancient Samurai class warrior regiment found the going tough, being all but wiped out, proving once and for all that the mighty musket is the way of the future.
A dire warning was issued from Australia's spiritual leader, Archbishop Lung - "Repent your sins, foolish Dutch, and you shall be spared! Denounce your secret alliance, and we may deem your civilisation worthy of survival!"
Turn 96 to Stavros
Out of turn.
I say.... the dutch in a secret alliance with the germans?????
That has to be that way - course I know what we are doing and I think I know what the indians are doing, so
To the dutch leader: Need a little help? Just to balancing the power of this world
Senator Maximus.First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.
It appears that the Australian agressor has finally shown his true face. His lies about a secret alliance are only meant as a justification for his agression. We welcome the Roman offer to help us in these difficult times and we will do whatever is necessary to stop the evil Australian leader's plan to dominate the world.
You aren't kidding -- "Lung's Fast"! You are all almost ready for another rating change in this game where most of the other games are still languishing far behind. Congrats on your speed! Let me know, on the CTP Ratings thread, when you reach turn 99. Then please give me the results and I'll update the ratings with the Power Graph results. I don't check all the rated games but I do check the CTP Ratings thread always.
turn to Lung.
Statement from Rome:
Engineers, teatchers and gold has been dispatched immeditately from Rome and other cities to our neighbours, the dutch.
Peacekeeping forces has left several roman cities. Destination: The area between the dutch city Middlesburg and the australian nation.
I am expecting the troops to be there in only 5-6 seasons. I kindly ask the leader of the australian nation to move all australian forces to leave Middelsburg before we arrive.
The roman forces will NOT take that city, but an attack on my forces will be considered as an attack on me and The Holy Roman Empire.
By the way - we urge the germans not to take any risks during this conflict - just as we would have warned the dutch, if this had been an assult by the australians towards the germans.
Senator Maximus.First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.
Middlesburg? What Middlesburg??
Actually, it has been "de-Dutched", as it were (or shortly will be, at least) and hence been changed to it's traditional Aboriginal name - Dunedoo, meaning "black swan", after the graceful black swans of the mighty Wottanobbi river. As for vacating this beautiful city, it will not happen, although we shall not attack the forces of the Roman empire, for we have no quarrel with them, unless of course they attack first, or attack anything else belonging to Australia.
As for the pathetic feigned ignorance of the Romans regarding their sleazy deals with other nations, the secret alliance claims have now been justified by the sudden and miraculous offer of technologies of war to the Dutch. And what of the Indians? After their cowardly slave attacks on innocent civilians, it does not surprise the great Don Bradman that the Indians are up to more sinister plansSo have the mysterious Romans allied with the evil Indians as well?!!
And what of the thinly veiled threats to the Germans? Are they being threatened by Rome, or is it just another ruse to hide more sinister truths about strange goings-on behind Australia's back?!?
And as for the Dutch, rather than denounce the secret alliance, they blatantly flout favour with the Romans! They seem to be busy building weapons of war while leaving the science to their generous and perhaps naive neighbours.
And as for "balancing world power", we are mere minnows of world power, with the Germans and Romans both stronger than Australia. This simply alludes to an existing conspiracy as the Romans seek to retain their world power leader status at Australia's expense.
So far the Dutch have failed to repent, so Dutch cities will continue to fall until they come to their senses.
Turn 97 and a precarious balance of power to Stavros!
Middlesburg? What Middlesburg??
Actually, it has been "de-Dutched", as it were (or shortly will be, at least) and hence been changed to it's traditional Aboriginal name - Dunedoo, meaning "black swan", after the graceful black swans of the mighty Wottanobbi river. As for vacating this beautiful city, it will not happen, although we shall not attack the forces of the Roman empire, for we have no quarrel with them, unless of course they attack first, or attack anything else belonging to Australia.
As for the pathetic feigned ignorance of the Romans regarding their sleazy deals with other nations, the secret alliance claims have now been justified by the sudden and miraculous offer of technologies of war to the Dutch. And what of the Indians? After their cowardly slave attacks on innocent civilians, it does not surprise the great Don Bradman that the Indians are up to more sinister plansSo have the mysterious Romans allied with the evil Indians as well?!!
And what of the thinly veiled threats to the Germans? Are they being threatened by Rome, or is it just another ruse to hide more sinister truths about strange goings-on behind Australia's back?!?
And as for the Dutch, rather than denounce the secret alliance, they blatantly flout favour with the Romans! They seem to be busy building weapons of war while leaving the science to their generous and perhaps naive neighbours.
And as for "balancing world power", we are mere minnows of world power, with the Germans and Romans both stronger than Australia. This simply alludes to an existing conspiracy as the Romans seek to retain their world power leader status at Australia's expense.
So far the Dutch have failed to repent, so Dutch cities will continue to fall until they come to their senses.
Turn 97 and a precarious balance of power to Stavros!
Let me assure the Australian leader that his paranoia about conspiracies is completely unfounded. Any military actions against the Australians can be blamed only on the Australians' agression against other nations.
We wish to thank the Romans for their support against the Australian invasion. Our military is currently being reinforced and has been brought to 'at war' status to deal with the Australians.
Turn 97 to Jon.
Turn to Rome.
Please tell what 'Indian perfidy' is being hatched?
We are a deeply spiritual and peaceful people, they follow my example, and have no quarrel with any nation under the sun.
We have been repeatedly trespassed upon by Australia, have a War Ready Army upon our borders and have had every overture of Peace flatly rejected. We have no contact with the Dutch so how then can we be involved in any plots?
Our dear friends, the Romans, have offerred us help in our development but no demands have been made of us to attack anyone, be they the vilest dog ever to have raised it's leg against a tree, so wherein lies evidence of our membership of any 'vile conspiracy'?
Mahatma Jhondi.“Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
- Anon