Turn 92 to Stavros.
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Lung's FAST! Pbem - Part III
Turn 93 to Lung.
"Senator Maximus Sir. We has now a diplomat right outside an australian town. Shall we send him in or shall we ask for permission?"
"Well - I think it is better just to send him in!" I answered. "It is easier to be forgiven than to get allowance"
"Ask him to bring the best greetings from me and tell him to wish a Merry Christmas to the Great Lung"
"And if he has time, before he is leaving - or being kicked out - let the leader of Australia know, that we are ready to make some exchanges, fx. how about to print a book."
First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.
The mighty Australians are pleased to receive the Roman diplomat to the fine city of Wattanobi, and are even more pleased to see that the said diplomat is beating a path back to his home, albeit with a huge hangover after naively accepting Australian hospitality from some of the rowdier locals
Sir Don Bradman the Great presumes that the same open door policy will be greeted to the Australian diplomat wishing to establish an embassy in Rome in the near future, although the same level of hospitality is not considered necessary
Turn 93 to Stavros.
Turn to Lung.
I am not pleased to see, that the australian army are at the state of war.
As their leader has choosed to turn down an offer of peace (exchange of knowledge) and furthermore not acts as a friendly neighbour should do to some other nation - that is what my diplomacy says - I have no other choice than to change the readiness of my army to a state of war!
And one thing more - even that I am not allied with any other nation(s) - I will not allow aggression from any nation towards anyone other poor and/or defendless nation on this world - unless they (the poor and/or defendless) ask me to stay away from their business. And even then.........
Senator Maximus.
[This message has been edited by TheBirdMan (edited December 27, 2000).]First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.
I see that the Romans have learnt the art of propaganda!
Australia did not reject peace, just some crappy useless knowledge for the very secrets of Australian supremacy!!! It was in fact Australia, yes, AUSTRALIA, which offered peace to the Romans, only to have it rejected!
I see excuses are already being made for some kind of evil alliance between fools with delusions of grandeur! Australia is an honourable nation who only attacks when provokedLet this be dire warnings to all who would betray us
Befriend us and the rewards will be beyond your wildest imagination - betray us and our wrath shall also be beyond your worst nightmares
Oh, and turn 94 to Stavros