This thread is to take civic discussions out of the main thread. We face a debate in 2 turns time: Whether to revolt to nationalism as soon as we can (T149) or on T154, the expected completion date of the Taj Mahal.
I will try to list the factors as I see them in favour of each:
Factors in favour of a T149 revolt
Factors in favour of a T154 revolt, assuming we get the Taj Mahal
I think it's pretty close, and am undecided as to which is better right now. I'm leaning slightly towards a T154 revolt, but may change my mind.
I will try to list the factors as I see them in favour of each:
Factors in favour of a T149 revolt
- We get more troops, quicker. The extra 3 turns of drafting we could do on turns 150-153 is worth (far) more than the hammers of production we lose from anarchy. However, this is tempered by the fact that most of the draftable cities will only be drafted every 10 turns to offset the happiness cost. Some of them could be drafted twice though due to our high happiness barrier.
- We get troops quickly to defend against a possible templar counterattack at Pink Dot.
- If we miss the Taj Mahal then we get anarchy anyway
Factors in favour of a T154 revolt, assuming we get the Taj Mahal
- The turn of anarchy we save is worth over 200 points of commerce.
- It will be closely followed by gunpowder, so we get to draft Oromos almost immediately.
- Staying in bureaucracy longer gets us more gold.
I think it's pretty close, and am undecided as to which is better right now. I'm leaning slightly towards a T154 revolt, but may change my mind.