Originally posted by regoarrarr
We've got to have iron at the capital, don't we? I know we've all made fun of the scenario designer (and not without good reason!) but even a regular map you'd think the odds were pretty high that iron would be near our capital
We've got to have iron at the capital, don't we? I know we've all made fun of the scenario designer (and not without good reason!) but even a regular map you'd think the odds were pretty high that iron would be near our capital
Then again, I also couldn't imagine a map where there were no copper or horses on the entire western half of a continent, and a map where giving one team gold/furs and the neighboring team wines/silks are treated equally... So caution might be in order here.
We definitely don't NEED to push to the Twin Peaks area for red, as I can't see another civ beating us there. Another worker might be a good idea, I just worry that we'll reach the happy cap pretty fast with no resources to speak of. Guess we can do some chopping though, right? How many military units to build is entirely dependent on what the other teams do, so we'll keep an eye on the Soldier count and see what develops. Better safe than sorry, obviously.