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The Espionage Thread

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  • #31
    Seeing as PAL can quickly upgrade their axes to maces then I don't think that Rabbits are going to be around much longer, so we may as well put all EPs against Imperio.


    • #32
      Originally posted by sunrise089 View Post
      on the Rabbit end (demos every turn versus every 20).
      I think that is a misperception, but anyway.
      Fine by me.



      • #33
        I also agree because of marginal differences. We can schedule courthouse as next build in one of our new cities if we really want to increase total EP output. Meanwhile, knowing Rabbit demographics lets us assign exact value for each measurement to each team. (We have numbers for everybody except Banana, so Bananas have whatever value is needed to make averages work.)

        PS Can somebody calculate Banana's GNP, food, and production values and compare them to PAL?

        EDIT: Missed second page. When we see PAL's military buildup, we can start ignoring rabbits. For now, I'd like to see Banana numbers, and we need Rabbit numbers for that.
        Last edited by Zeviz; February 9, 2009, 14:19.


        • #34
          Espionage spending for T110.

          Notice that PAL has redistributed their spending. They are now started up again versus RB and started against Imperio & Templars.

          Furthermore Imperio started up spending against Rabbits.

          Attached Files


          • #35
            Espionage spending for T111.
            Not much change really.

            Attached Files


            • #36
              Wow, that's a very elaborate presentation style. I hope you have it in Photoshop or something with editable text fields and vectors.

              Thanks for the analysis and the updates!


              • #37
                Yep, the only "major" change I forsee is getting contact with Banana. Have to shuffle the arrows around a bit then.



                • #38
                  Espionage situation T112:

                  Note that PAL will be able to see our demograph next turn.

                  Attached Files


                  • #39
                    I was preparing the C&D report before Imperio committed their sinful act.
                    Their espionage points towards dropped indeed to 149, implying that the mission did cost 75epts.
                    T-Hawk, what is the formula to derive mission cost for improvement pillage? Can we increase the capture chances by moving units onto the threatened tile?

                    I fear our Horses are next. They certainly have the epts for it. The question is, do they still want to see our research. The threshold for that is currently 189, if I am not mistaken.



                    • #40
                      Originally posted by mostly-harmless View Post
                      Their espionage points towards dropped indeed to 149, implying that the mission did cost 75epts.
                      T-Hawk, what is the formula to derive mission cost for improvement pillage? Can we increase the capture chances by moving units onto the threatened tile?
                      Sabotage Improvement is 75 EP on normal speed, modified by distance, EP spending, and stationary spy. They got a multiplier for EP spending of (118 + 118 + 224) / (118 + 224 + 224) = 81% (or -19%.) I'm not sure of the distance formula but it must have been +16% to give the final cost.

                      The only countermeasure is to station a spy of our own on that tile (other units can't catch spies.) That only gives us a chance to catch on the order of 10% per turn, and sabotage improvement is cheap enough that they won't have to wait for stationary spy discount.

                      I fear our Horses are next. They certainly have the epts for it. The question is, do they still want to see our research. The threshold for that is currently 189, if I am not mistaken.
                      See Research requires 0.75 * (100 + Our EP against them). I get 0.75 * (100 + 118) = 163.
                      Last edited by T-hawk; February 22, 2009, 14:11.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by T-hawk View Post
                        See Research requires 0.75 * (100 + Our EP against them). I get 0.75 * (100 + 118) = 163.
                        Yep, right. I mixed up the brackets.

                        There is also a natural risk of failure/capturing, right?



                        • #42
                          There is, but it's low, something like 2.5% per turn typically.


                          • #43
                            Espionage situation for T113.
                            Note that Rabbits run the slider or settled their Great Spy and changed their epts spending. I assume that was the AI's doing.

                            Attached Files


                            • #44
                              Update for T113, including Banana.
                              I set our espionage to 3epts towards Banana and 1ept towards Rabbits.
                              I will renew our offer to Rabbits to stop espionage, as the last one might have suffered from their temporary turnplayer confusion.

                              Attached Files


                              • #45
                                Looks like Rabbits AI really settled that Spy. I am also convinced that the new guy did not care to check the espionage screen.
                                Ditto for Banana. You would expect them to have managed their spending better. (they are currently in anarchy, so no changes in the epts there.)

                                Attached Files

