Gosh, it seems every time I go away for a few days, the number of CE factors grows! I liked Harel's slimmer 10-factor list much better than the more recent 14-factor full version. Here are my ideas for compression, based on the M@ni@c 15-factor list.
Production -- I would eliminate the food bonus for production and make the productivity bonus apply both units and buildings. I would couple production with an increased pollution rate.
Urbanization -- I would also call this "growth," and pair it with the food function that I stripped out of "production" in the preceding paragraph. It would look something like this.
+5 growth occurs with each seven rows of food, and an aqueduct is necessary at pop. 11.
+4 growth at eight rows of food, aqueduct necessary at pop. 10.
+3 growth at eight rows of food, aqueduct at 9
+2 growth at nine rows of food, aqueduct at 9
+1 growth at nine rows of food, aqueduct at 8
0 growth at ten rows, aqueduct at 8
-1 growth at ten rows, aqueduct at 7
-2 growth at 11 rows, aqueduct at 7
-3 growth at 11 rows, aqueduct at 6
-4 growth at 12 rows, aqueduct at 6
-5 growth at 12 rows, aqueduct at 5
Evangelism - eliminate as duplicative of the latest religions proposal, which handles all religious issues outside of SE. I think that once you see our proposal, you'll agree that making religion something independent of SE, which has affects across borders, would introduce a worthwhile and interesting new twist to the game.
Reconaissance should not affect emigration
Environment should be combined with Production
Taxes should be eliminated
Internal control should be eliminated as duplicative of the latest religions proposal.
Military industrial should be combined with production.
That would be an alternate way to pare the list down to ten items, which should be more manageable.
Production -- I would eliminate the food bonus for production and make the productivity bonus apply both units and buildings. I would couple production with an increased pollution rate.
Urbanization -- I would also call this "growth," and pair it with the food function that I stripped out of "production" in the preceding paragraph. It would look something like this.
+5 growth occurs with each seven rows of food, and an aqueduct is necessary at pop. 11.
+4 growth at eight rows of food, aqueduct necessary at pop. 10.
+3 growth at eight rows of food, aqueduct at 9
+2 growth at nine rows of food, aqueduct at 9
+1 growth at nine rows of food, aqueduct at 8
0 growth at ten rows, aqueduct at 8
-1 growth at ten rows, aqueduct at 7
-2 growth at 11 rows, aqueduct at 7
-3 growth at 11 rows, aqueduct at 6
-4 growth at 12 rows, aqueduct at 6
-5 growth at 12 rows, aqueduct at 5
Evangelism - eliminate as duplicative of the latest religions proposal, which handles all religious issues outside of SE. I think that once you see our proposal, you'll agree that making religion something independent of SE, which has affects across borders, would introduce a worthwhile and interesting new twist to the game.
Reconaissance should not affect emigration
Environment should be combined with Production
Taxes should be eliminated
Internal control should be eliminated as duplicative of the latest religions proposal.
Military industrial should be combined with production.
That would be an alternate way to pare the list down to ten items, which should be more manageable.