This is a long expected post where I will try to annihilate, utterly destroy and crush any futile rebellion resistance to my model.
First, Harel. It isn't 7 categories; it's 8.
Of that eight one is State Religion. It has no SE effects.
Of that eight one is Army, using the very good CTP system of military readiness. It only affects Support and perhaps Morale.
That makes 6. If you still find that too much, the first one to fall off should be your Research category. Admitted, it is a good idea, but it is added after the rest of my model was made. So if it would disappear, it wouldn't cause harm to the rest of my model.
That makes 5/6.
Now, you say 8 to ten types of government.
???????? Learn counting, Harel.
At any time in the game there can only be :
5 government choices
5 economy choices
5 value choices
4 structure choices
5 research choices
6 religion choices
(5 state religion choices)
(3 army choices)
And before you say, still more then four, keep this in mind. There are 4 more SE factors. In SMAC there were 10 factors, now 14 or even 15 with your Military Industry.
So there are 40% more factors. Likewise I may have 40% more categories and choices.
4x4 = 16, so 5.6x5.6 = 31.36.
I may have 31 SE choices.
So if you don't take the categories Army and State Religion into account, I have 30 SE choices.
I am within the limit.
Small Civ
I have given the City State Structure choice 'no pos or neg'.
Military Industry
First let me quote Snowfire :
"The fact is could be used to cheat is not a consideration: what about the "morale" cheat? Switch to good army and power, get a +4 morale for X turns, win all the wars and then proceed to better option. So what now? Also scrap morale?"
Stupid comparison, I hope you realize that yourself. Winning all the wars takes a lot longer than one turn as with the Industry cheat.
Besides creating a good morale army in three years (the time necessary for a SE switch) is much more realistic than building a good industry.
"They still need to BUILD them. China has a poor industry but still huge armies. Why?"
Because their army consists mostly out of simple riflemen. That's why.
Hopefully there will be a disease model that makes Environment more powerful.
"Since it's not important now, I suggest that you transfer the food bonus from center to enviroment."
Food bonuses have nothing to do with Environment ! In fact, they are opposite. Biological farming may be good for the environment, but it certainly won't increase the food production. It will decrease it. No pesticides, so possible failed harvests. No genetically manipulated food, so less production...
SE switching
Please explain this sentence something better.
"The basic time is the square root of then number of cities, rounded up."
What do you mean with the square root?
But what I get is that the more cities, the more turns it takes.
16 cities 4 turns? How long will 60 cities then take, 12 turns?
Because you are perfectionist, you forget to take large civs into account.
About that fixed minus, sounds OK, but there is already a good way of SE switching problems.
The Model
Special bonuses
Stupid, cause some of them are represented by a SE factor. Sometimes you even give twice the same bonus cause the factor that is improved by your special bonuses, is also improved by your choices themself. eg :
Double votes in UN council : Diplomacy
Twice as hard for an enemy to bribe your cities : Nationalism
Twice more effective in reducing unrest : +3 Police
All units start as veteran : +3 Mor
One extra happy citizen per city : Happiness
One less proletarian in every city : Happiness
Three levels
You claim them to primitive, old to modern, fututistic.
First, what time frame do you mean with old to modern and with futuristic?
Police State futuristic?
Mercantilism futuristic?
Feudalism primitive?
Socialism primitive?
Before talking about each category individually, look at this. You see the maximum and minimum rate of each factor in the SMAC, my and your model.
Economy : +5, -0
Efficiency : +7, -4
Support : +4, -5
Morale : +5, -4
Police : +4, -8
Growth : +6, -2
Planet : +4, -3
Probe : +4, -2
Industry : +4, -2
Research : +4, -2
Police : +4, -10
Support : +17, -6
Centralization : +6, -5
Corruption : +7, -2
Urbanization : +4, -3
Culture : +4, -2
Nationalism : +6, -3
Morale : +4, -5
Research : +5, -3
Economy : +6, -2
Environment : +4, -3
Happiness : +8, -9
Diplomacy : +2, -3
Taxes : +4, -2
Police : +5, -4
Support : +7, -7
Centralization : +5, -4
Corruption : +2, -2
Urbanization : +4, -6
Culture : +4, -4
Nationalism : +4, -2
Morale : +8, -7
Research : +6, -4
Economy : +8, -4
Environment : +4, -2
Happiness : +11, -9
Diplomacy : +2, -5
Taxes : +7, -6
Military Industry : +7, -3
My model is very balanced and quite similar as the SMAC balance.
The important factors like Efficiency/Corruption and Economy have significantly more pluses than minuses. The police factor has more -'s than +'s. Most other factors have almost the same amount +'s as -'s, but in general a bit more + than -. All the same as the SMAC balance.
The only problems I see no with my model is Support and Diplomacy.
The high numbers are because the Support factor is totally different than the SMAC one. That's not the problem. But with a Support rate of ten most units are free of support.
This is because my original idea was to let your gov choice eliminate certain other SE choices, eg Totalitarianism and Feudalism don't match together (Feudalism decentralized, Totalitarianism centralized).
Then high Support rates could be avoided. But cause everyone was against that, the idea was not accepted. So that is not my fault.
Diplomacy has too little rates. Cause I had to change Religious Freedom +1 Dipl to +1 Res, there were to little +'s.
But now your 'balance'.
Police has too little negatives and too much positives.
Corruption has MUCH too little rates.
Urbanization has too much negatives. Pop growth would be too slow and pop limits too low.
Morale has too much rates.
Economy has too many +'s and -'s.
Happiness a little too much + and -.
Diplomacy too many -.
Taxes too many + and -.
Military Industry too many + compared to the small amount -.
So 9/14 sucks.
Conclusion : Your model sucks.
But I'm not done yet.
"Maniac, you did a mistake. Not monarchy should give the +0/-0 bonus. That bonus is only for the starting goverement, the basical one."
Obviously you don't understand my model at all.
As you should know, in the beginning of Civ2 you are stuck with Despotism, a very bad government. It is the intention that you get a better gov as fast as possible.
I tried to simulate that by letting the first SE choices not be 'no pos or neg' as in SMAC, but let them be very negative choices.
Despotism : +2 Pol, -2 Corr
To simulate increased 'martial law' and much corruption.
Barter/Animism : -2 Tax/-2 Res
To simulate that you can set your taxes and science only at 50%.
Tribal : +2 Sup, -2 Centr
To simulate free units up to city size and to simulate that any resource of 3 and more gets -1.
This how I simulated Civ2 Despotism.
So your goal in the beginning of the game is to get the 'no pos or neg''s as fast as possible, as it was your goal in Civ2 to get to Monarchy as fast as possible.
Want to say something first about your effects so I don't have to say it again later.
In most cases you seem to give a SE choice as much bonuses as penalties.
No! It is obvious that you haven't got SMAC. In SMAC most choices have 2 bonuses and 1 penalty. Cause if you would give it as much penalties as bonuses, what is the benefit of changing govs? Then you would better stick with 'no pos or neg'.
No! Every choice should always have bigger bonuses than penalties.
My suggestion is that you play SMAC for six months and then perhaps you could say something decent about SE.
Now you are a blind one in a country where everybody sees, you could express it.
Control Govs
Anarchy is never available as a SE choice.
The evolution of Despotism is Totalitarianism.
Free-will Govs
I have explained several times why Republic isn't the same as Democracy. Besides the difference (+2 Centr) between them is too big.
Monarch Govs
Absolute Power Govs
Please explain difference with Control Govs.
I begin to wonder if you know anything about (European) history.
Come on, linking Feudalism to Protectionism shows limited understanding of what Feudalism is. Ever heart of feudal lords and vazals?
BTW, with Feudalism I mean actually Manorialism, very decentralized.
Planned must be Communist.
"And Maniac, I agree the socialism is also a value, but a free-market is left without goverment control: in a social market I mean that the goverement uses big subsidies and large funding, to improve the the living conditions of the lower classes."
I lived (recently changed by elections) in a Socialist Free Market and yes the government uses big subsidies to improve the living conditions of the lower classes.
Please explain why Communism is not under Controlled.
"BTW, since the eco bonus is much lower then it was in SMAC, no need to balance it out with such a huge -support ratio,"
And why do you give it Centralization penalties?
You say yourself the power is centered. You even gave the penalty to Transnational and since you also read the book, you have to know that under Transnational the power is VERY centralized.
The readiness system is a very good idea and I stick to it.
If it wasn't for their stupid diplomacy, combat system, unconventional combat, future, victory conditions, government choices I would have bought the game.
All the other new ideas (Public Works, Military Readiness) in CTP are very good.
Just hypothetical, I would always choose small army. This is category is even more balanced than the previous one.
"However, a small army drains much less for the economy."
Indeed they do, that's why I wouldn't give it a economy penalty, but that doesn't mean it must have an economy bonus. The economy won't do better just cause you have a small army.
Same with happiness. It wouldn't get a hap penalty, but therefore it doesn't need a Hap bonus.
Isn't +4 Mor a bit overexaggerated?
Besides I don't see Cyborgs in the next 100 years, even not partial cyborgs.
I included the option cause I wanted Civ3 to go to 2200.
"However, since I have a hard time visioning a nation which ENFORCE atheism,"
On which planet did you live the last USSR decades?
Fundamentalism -3 Hap? I don't think that Muslims are unhappy cause they have a strong belief in the Islam. In theory it would get a Hap bonus.
"First off, I scrapped enviromentalism. You can simple used naturalistic on research."
Shows again your limited understanding of SE.
In SMAC each factor had at least two choices that gave you a bonus.
Knowledge and Cybernetic for Research.
Green and Cybernetic for Planet.
Police State and Thought Control for Police.
Fundamentalist and Thought Control for Probe.
Police State and Power for Support.
Power and Thought Control for Morale.
I tried to continue that tradition and it worked except with Diplomacy.
So that remark of you gives me the feeling that you find one bonus enough. Completely wrong.
"However, since you can pick philosphical in research ( res bonus ), you have no need to knowladge value."
Same remark as with Environmentalism.
BTW your Happiness Value is very alike as what I would give to a Socialism Value.
+2 Hap, +1 Urb, -2 Tax.
Why give Wealth a Centr penalty?
Under Wealth the power is in the hands of an elite = +Centr.
In your Research category with BTW as usual totally unbalanced choices you are assuming that there will be 3 kinds of technologies.
1) Biology
2) Mathematics and Social
3) Military
I played on safe and gave my 4 tech kinds the names of Civ2.
Military, Academic, Economic and Social. So my adaption of your Research category is much better.
Conclusion :
Your model is totally useless and unbalanced.
"I find your current model ( mainly market and goverment, and I still have the CtP readiness idea ) very chaostic, un-balanced and with no real attitude of stratigical depth."
So before you try to write this again, remember the numbers I gave you in this post that show my model is very balanced. Next time you or anyonewrite my model is unbalanced, I will laugh at you.
I could begin discussing every effect you gave to your SE choices, but this crap simply isn't worth wasting my time.
The only things I learned from this post :
1) I gave City State 'no pos or neg' and made it the evolution of Tribal.
2) I deleted Space Exploitation.
3) Thinking about making a Socialism Value, but of course you would be against that cause you want only 4 choices.
Model Annihilator/Destroyer/Crusher.
First, Harel. It isn't 7 categories; it's 8.
Of that eight one is State Religion. It has no SE effects.
Of that eight one is Army, using the very good CTP system of military readiness. It only affects Support and perhaps Morale.
That makes 6. If you still find that too much, the first one to fall off should be your Research category. Admitted, it is a good idea, but it is added after the rest of my model was made. So if it would disappear, it wouldn't cause harm to the rest of my model.
That makes 5/6.
Now, you say 8 to ten types of government.
???????? Learn counting, Harel.
At any time in the game there can only be :
5 government choices
5 economy choices
5 value choices
4 structure choices
5 research choices
6 religion choices
(5 state religion choices)
(3 army choices)
And before you say, still more then four, keep this in mind. There are 4 more SE factors. In SMAC there were 10 factors, now 14 or even 15 with your Military Industry.
So there are 40% more factors. Likewise I may have 40% more categories and choices.
4x4 = 16, so 5.6x5.6 = 31.36.
I may have 31 SE choices.
So if you don't take the categories Army and State Religion into account, I have 30 SE choices.
I am within the limit.
Small Civ
I have given the City State Structure choice 'no pos or neg'.
Military Industry
First let me quote Snowfire :
As for the Mil stat, perhaps there should be an asterisk next to power saying that centralization penalties don't apply to military units while using the Power SE? But see, that would probably make Power too good. What's more likely the reason China, etc. have huge armies is because that's what they're building, not structures for their people (the equivalent of buildings in CivII/SMAC). So I'm in favor of no asterisk and no Mil stat. I'm sure Bell can stick your ideas in the summary, though.
Stupid comparison, I hope you realize that yourself. Winning all the wars takes a lot longer than one turn as with the Industry cheat.
Besides creating a good morale army in three years (the time necessary for a SE switch) is much more realistic than building a good industry.
"They still need to BUILD them. China has a poor industry but still huge armies. Why?"
Because their army consists mostly out of simple riflemen. That's why.
Hopefully there will be a disease model that makes Environment more powerful.
"Since it's not important now, I suggest that you transfer the food bonus from center to enviroment."
Food bonuses have nothing to do with Environment ! In fact, they are opposite. Biological farming may be good for the environment, but it certainly won't increase the food production. It will decrease it. No pesticides, so possible failed harvests. No genetically manipulated food, so less production...
SE switching
Please explain this sentence something better.
"The basic time is the square root of then number of cities, rounded up."
What do you mean with the square root?
But what I get is that the more cities, the more turns it takes.
16 cities 4 turns? How long will 60 cities then take, 12 turns?
Because you are perfectionist, you forget to take large civs into account.
About that fixed minus, sounds OK, but there is already a good way of SE switching problems.
The Model
Special bonuses
Stupid, cause some of them are represented by a SE factor. Sometimes you even give twice the same bonus cause the factor that is improved by your special bonuses, is also improved by your choices themself. eg :
Double votes in UN council : Diplomacy
Twice as hard for an enemy to bribe your cities : Nationalism
Twice more effective in reducing unrest : +3 Police
All units start as veteran : +3 Mor
One extra happy citizen per city : Happiness
One less proletarian in every city : Happiness
Three levels
You claim them to primitive, old to modern, fututistic.
First, what time frame do you mean with old to modern and with futuristic?
Police State futuristic?
Mercantilism futuristic?
Feudalism primitive?
Socialism primitive?
Before talking about each category individually, look at this. You see the maximum and minimum rate of each factor in the SMAC, my and your model.
Economy : +5, -0
Efficiency : +7, -4
Support : +4, -5
Morale : +5, -4
Police : +4, -8
Growth : +6, -2
Planet : +4, -3
Probe : +4, -2
Industry : +4, -2
Research : +4, -2
Police : +4, -10
Support : +17, -6
Centralization : +6, -5
Corruption : +7, -2
Urbanization : +4, -3
Culture : +4, -2
Nationalism : +6, -3
Morale : +4, -5
Research : +5, -3
Economy : +6, -2
Environment : +4, -3
Happiness : +8, -9
Diplomacy : +2, -3
Taxes : +4, -2
Police : +5, -4
Support : +7, -7
Centralization : +5, -4
Corruption : +2, -2
Urbanization : +4, -6
Culture : +4, -4
Nationalism : +4, -2
Morale : +8, -7
Research : +6, -4
Economy : +8, -4
Environment : +4, -2
Happiness : +11, -9
Diplomacy : +2, -5
Taxes : +7, -6
Military Industry : +7, -3
My model is very balanced and quite similar as the SMAC balance.
The important factors like Efficiency/Corruption and Economy have significantly more pluses than minuses. The police factor has more -'s than +'s. Most other factors have almost the same amount +'s as -'s, but in general a bit more + than -. All the same as the SMAC balance.
The only problems I see no with my model is Support and Diplomacy.
The high numbers are because the Support factor is totally different than the SMAC one. That's not the problem. But with a Support rate of ten most units are free of support.
This is because my original idea was to let your gov choice eliminate certain other SE choices, eg Totalitarianism and Feudalism don't match together (Feudalism decentralized, Totalitarianism centralized).
Then high Support rates could be avoided. But cause everyone was against that, the idea was not accepted. So that is not my fault.
Diplomacy has too little rates. Cause I had to change Religious Freedom +1 Dipl to +1 Res, there were to little +'s.
But now your 'balance'.
Police has too little negatives and too much positives.
Corruption has MUCH too little rates.
Urbanization has too much negatives. Pop growth would be too slow and pop limits too low.
Morale has too much rates.
Economy has too many +'s and -'s.
Happiness a little too much + and -.
Diplomacy too many -.
Taxes too many + and -.
Military Industry too many + compared to the small amount -.
So 9/14 sucks.
Conclusion : Your model sucks.
But I'm not done yet.
"Maniac, you did a mistake. Not monarchy should give the +0/-0 bonus. That bonus is only for the starting goverement, the basical one."
Obviously you don't understand my model at all.
As you should know, in the beginning of Civ2 you are stuck with Despotism, a very bad government. It is the intention that you get a better gov as fast as possible.
I tried to simulate that by letting the first SE choices not be 'no pos or neg' as in SMAC, but let them be very negative choices.
Despotism : +2 Pol, -2 Corr
To simulate increased 'martial law' and much corruption.
Barter/Animism : -2 Tax/-2 Res
To simulate that you can set your taxes and science only at 50%.
Tribal : +2 Sup, -2 Centr
To simulate free units up to city size and to simulate that any resource of 3 and more gets -1.
This how I simulated Civ2 Despotism.
So your goal in the beginning of the game is to get the 'no pos or neg''s as fast as possible, as it was your goal in Civ2 to get to Monarchy as fast as possible.
Want to say something first about your effects so I don't have to say it again later.
In most cases you seem to give a SE choice as much bonuses as penalties.
No! It is obvious that you haven't got SMAC. In SMAC most choices have 2 bonuses and 1 penalty. Cause if you would give it as much penalties as bonuses, what is the benefit of changing govs? Then you would better stick with 'no pos or neg'.
No! Every choice should always have bigger bonuses than penalties.
My suggestion is that you play SMAC for six months and then perhaps you could say something decent about SE.
Now you are a blind one in a country where everybody sees, you could express it.
Control Govs
Anarchy is never available as a SE choice.
The evolution of Despotism is Totalitarianism.
Free-will Govs
I have explained several times why Republic isn't the same as Democracy. Besides the difference (+2 Centr) between them is too big.
Monarch Govs
Absolute Power Govs
Please explain difference with Control Govs.
I begin to wonder if you know anything about (European) history.
Come on, linking Feudalism to Protectionism shows limited understanding of what Feudalism is. Ever heart of feudal lords and vazals?
BTW, with Feudalism I mean actually Manorialism, very decentralized.
Planned must be Communist.
"And Maniac, I agree the socialism is also a value, but a free-market is left without goverment control: in a social market I mean that the goverement uses big subsidies and large funding, to improve the the living conditions of the lower classes."
I lived (recently changed by elections) in a Socialist Free Market and yes the government uses big subsidies to improve the living conditions of the lower classes.
Please explain why Communism is not under Controlled.
"BTW, since the eco bonus is much lower then it was in SMAC, no need to balance it out with such a huge -support ratio,"
And why do you give it Centralization penalties?
You say yourself the power is centered. You even gave the penalty to Transnational and since you also read the book, you have to know that under Transnational the power is VERY centralized.
The readiness system is a very good idea and I stick to it.
If it wasn't for their stupid diplomacy, combat system, unconventional combat, future, victory conditions, government choices I would have bought the game.
All the other new ideas (Public Works, Military Readiness) in CTP are very good.
Just hypothetical, I would always choose small army. This is category is even more balanced than the previous one.
"However, a small army drains much less for the economy."
Indeed they do, that's why I wouldn't give it a economy penalty, but that doesn't mean it must have an economy bonus. The economy won't do better just cause you have a small army.
Same with happiness. It wouldn't get a hap penalty, but therefore it doesn't need a Hap bonus.
Isn't +4 Mor a bit overexaggerated?
Besides I don't see Cyborgs in the next 100 years, even not partial cyborgs.
I included the option cause I wanted Civ3 to go to 2200.
"However, since I have a hard time visioning a nation which ENFORCE atheism,"
On which planet did you live the last USSR decades?
Fundamentalism -3 Hap? I don't think that Muslims are unhappy cause they have a strong belief in the Islam. In theory it would get a Hap bonus.
"First off, I scrapped enviromentalism. You can simple used naturalistic on research."
Shows again your limited understanding of SE.
In SMAC each factor had at least two choices that gave you a bonus.
Knowledge and Cybernetic for Research.
Green and Cybernetic for Planet.
Police State and Thought Control for Police.
Fundamentalist and Thought Control for Probe.
Police State and Power for Support.
Power and Thought Control for Morale.
I tried to continue that tradition and it worked except with Diplomacy.
So that remark of you gives me the feeling that you find one bonus enough. Completely wrong.
"However, since you can pick philosphical in research ( res bonus ), you have no need to knowladge value."
Same remark as with Environmentalism.
BTW your Happiness Value is very alike as what I would give to a Socialism Value.
+2 Hap, +1 Urb, -2 Tax.
Why give Wealth a Centr penalty?
Under Wealth the power is in the hands of an elite = +Centr.
In your Research category with BTW as usual totally unbalanced choices you are assuming that there will be 3 kinds of technologies.
1) Biology
2) Mathematics and Social
3) Military
I played on safe and gave my 4 tech kinds the names of Civ2.
Military, Academic, Economic and Social. So my adaption of your Research category is much better.
Conclusion :
Your model is totally useless and unbalanced.
"I find your current model ( mainly market and goverment, and I still have the CtP readiness idea ) very chaostic, un-balanced and with no real attitude of stratigical depth."
So before you try to write this again, remember the numbers I gave you in this post that show my model is very balanced. Next time you or anyonewrite my model is unbalanced, I will laugh at you.
I could begin discussing every effect you gave to your SE choices, but this crap simply isn't worth wasting my time.
The only things I learned from this post :
1) I gave City State 'no pos or neg' and made it the evolution of Tribal.
2) I deleted Space Exploitation.
3) Thinking about making a Socialism Value, but of course you would be against that cause you want only 4 choices.
Model Annihilator/Destroyer/Crusher.