Italy War Bulletin
Thanks to the Russian the IAF (Italian Air Force) is now starting to build new F-Mig-100 using the Leonardicum, in order to make them some almost invincible Aircraft. Which will be called V-23.
The Air Base in Galapagos Island was quickly built as few resistance from Incaland was found, Inca forces had spread out too much and have concentrated too muych on the offensive to held a good defense against The Italian Folgore and many Incan ships were sunked with the use of the famous Italian Maiale better known as Frog Man or Human Torpedo.
Navy: The "ID-Zara", "ID-Pola" and "IB-Trieste" are currently protecting the Island, The "IC-Livorno" and The "IC-Latina" are currently transporting airplane fighters to the new base, and are escorted by the Battleships "IB-Pisa" and "IB-Genova" as well as by the submarines "IS-Taranto" and "IS-Ancona".
Army:In the Island there is the: "20ma Mas" and the "JT-78" infantry and Marines troops, as well as the "7ma Folgore" as Paratroopers in there.
Air Force:The "Lampi Tricolore" and the "Scheggie Volanti" Air Squadroon air currently being trasported by the two Carriers cited above to the island.
Italy enters a state of War-Time mobilization, every factory had been set on building war products: Car Factory switched to Military Jeep and Aircraft, Clothes factory build now Uniforms and so on...
This is the report of the EI (Esercito Italiano) on the current status of Italian Army and territories:
Army: Large
Navy: Small
Air Force: Small (upgrading to Medium with the productions of V-23)
Space Fleet: Large
Nukes: Few
Interplanetary Nukes: None
New Italian Empire
Italian Moon Colonies
Italian Phobos
Under Secret Development with Australia:
Italian Venus Base will be complete there in 2 years left
Invaded by Italy
Galapagos Islands
Italo-Australian Pact: Australia
Non Aggression Pact: ULS
Gaian Act: UK
Wars: Inca
Thanks to the Russian the IAF (Italian Air Force) is now starting to build new F-Mig-100 using the Leonardicum, in order to make them some almost invincible Aircraft. Which will be called V-23.
The Air Base in Galapagos Island was quickly built as few resistance from Incaland was found, Inca forces had spread out too much and have concentrated too muych on the offensive to held a good defense against The Italian Folgore and many Incan ships were sunked with the use of the famous Italian Maiale better known as Frog Man or Human Torpedo.
Navy: The "ID-Zara", "ID-Pola" and "IB-Trieste" are currently protecting the Island, The "IC-Livorno" and The "IC-Latina" are currently transporting airplane fighters to the new base, and are escorted by the Battleships "IB-Pisa" and "IB-Genova" as well as by the submarines "IS-Taranto" and "IS-Ancona".
Army:In the Island there is the: "20ma Mas" and the "JT-78" infantry and Marines troops, as well as the "7ma Folgore" as Paratroopers in there.
Air Force:The "Lampi Tricolore" and the "Scheggie Volanti" Air Squadroon air currently being trasported by the two Carriers cited above to the island.
Italy enters a state of War-Time mobilization, every factory had been set on building war products: Car Factory switched to Military Jeep and Aircraft, Clothes factory build now Uniforms and so on...
This is the report of the EI (Esercito Italiano) on the current status of Italian Army and territories:
Army: Large
Navy: Small
Air Force: Small (upgrading to Medium with the productions of V-23)
Space Fleet: Large
Nukes: Few
Interplanetary Nukes: None
New Italian Empire
Italian Moon Colonies
Italian Phobos
Under Secret Development with Australia:
Italian Venus Base will be complete there in 2 years left
Invaded by Italy
Galapagos Islands
Italo-Australian Pact: Australia
Non Aggression Pact: ULS
Gaian Act: UK
Wars: Inca