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SNESA2: Ad Infinitum (No MOD's!)

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  • To Russia

    Plans for the battle drones are not for sale while you are at war with the Martian Empire.

    Likewise, we will not sell the plans to the Martian Empire (if they wanted them) while they are at war with you.

    Why? We wish to stay ENTIRELY and COMPLETELY neutral in this conflict.


    • The ULS, seeing Germany make it's peace decides to likewise back down. The Troops are being relocated to the earth front against the Incan Agressors.

      Our travel agents are not offering plans there.

      Outreach I is available as a refuling station The price is moderate but not exortion.

      Mars does however deserve all assaults on it as their agressive actions against Earth Nations are atrocious (UK colony/Biowarfare) The Russians i beleive have stated that they wish for a democracy to begin in Mars i can see easily that you have only traded one dictatorship for another. Rather than the fall of the soviet union i would say it would be more like the Soviet Union changing leaders.
      Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


      • The Munich Reporter
        The German Paper of Politics and Such

        SPECIAL REPORT: The War on The Incas

        German Forces Occupy the Faulklands and Tierra del Fuego

        German forces have occupied the Faulklands, as well as the island of Tierra del Fuego on the southern tip of Antarctica. German forces met relatively light opposition.

        President Wilhelm says "They probably weren't expecting an attack from the Antarctic front, so those areas were lightly defended."

        German ships are bombarding cities on the coast, and the air force is bombing major manufacturing centers.
        ooc: My navy is medium, I upgraded it a while back, it just never got updated on the main page.


        • Grand Inca! The Italians are blockading the Moon, we only have 3 starfighters to oppose them!
          Attack them and use our Two remaining transport Subs to land an Army of fine incan armor In France. Threaten the world wth nucklear weapons if the invasion forces do not retreat. Continue our push against america and use a few marchant ships to drop our finest Infantry in missisippi!Begin launching Rockets against the Ships to near our coast.

          Begin also construction of our secret space station in orbit of an unknown planet. Comandeer a Merchant vessle load it with explosives and suicide bomb Outreach I.

          Wouldn't that bring the world firmly against us?

          Ask for a NAP with Australia


          • Attack the German landing forces!


            • We the Russian People only ask that a democratic republic be created in mars. We narrow our targets to Government structures and begin a propaganda assault to make the people veiw us as liberators rather than murderers.

              Russian Snipers are trying their hardest to nail MI but without success.

              "I wish only for peace in our solar system. I want the martian People to be free and i want The Martian Government to end it's terror campaign against earth.* and her colonies."

              "Earth and the other stellar powers deserve their colonies on any planet the Martians have no claim to the lands outside of Mars's territory. and yet they wish to keep us out of it for their future imperialistic use."

              To Australia:
              The Martians attacked an Ally of mine they have surpressed their people also I plan to give the Martian People the land i talke from the Tyrrant Queen!

              * Martian nationalists bombed a Russian building during a festival recently. this had no direct connection with the Martian government but the Martians have been known to harbor these terrorists (Martian Way sound fammiliar?)
              You and the Cap'n make it happen!


              • The ULS is VERY upset about the bombing of Outreach I and urges the world to attack the Incans.

                You have nukes pointed at you too Incaland!
                Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


                • ISA Report
                  The Italian Space Agency report that part of our Space fleet around the moon have been attacked by the Incans, with this attack Italy is now officially at war AGAINST the Incans.

                  Speech of Emperor Giovanni Del Vino to the Italian People
                  (Many reporters from all nation attended too)
                  "The Incans have declared war against has by attacking our space fleet that was protecting the moon from them, Italy will not sit and watch the Incans attacking all nation and will now join the war together with Germany, ULS, Russia and all the other nation against Incaland! This is a big war, and I request the need of all our military stregth against Inca.
                  We will, for now, forget any issue concerning Mars and MI, and we will not join in any war against them, but we will concentrate on defeating the Incan Dictatorship"

                  "General Garibaldi, what do you plan for an Invasion against Incaland"

                  "Emperor, we should 80% of our space fleet around the Moon, 10% to orbit around Earth and the 10% that was damaged by Incans sneak attack is already at the ISA Headquarter for reparations"


                  "Admiral Casanova took command of the spacefleet, while Admiral Vespucci is escorting our troops to land in Incaland"

                  "Who is in command of our troops?"

                  "General Armani is the head general in the mission"

                  "Armani?.. He is a good guy"

                  "Our troops will land on the Galapagos Island in a few minutes in order to build there a outpost for our Air force"


                  "Oh.. BTW, the Russians would like to know the secret of Leonardicum"

                  "Tell them the secret in exchange of the plan of the Super F-Mig-100"

                  "I will sire"

                  In short
                  After the attack of Inca against Italian Spoaceships, Italy join the war agaonst Incaland
                  Italian troops landed on the coist of the Galapagos in order to install a main air force base there

                  I would like to remember everyone that the Italian Military was upgraded during these years to:
                  Army: Large
                  Navy: Small
                  Air Force: Small
                  Spacefleet: Large
                  Nukes: Few
                  Intergalactic Nukes: None
                  "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
                  The trick is the doing something else."
                  — Leonardo da Vinci
                  "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
                  "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


                  • Mother Russia: DO what you want. Australia will not go to war with Free Mars, we see that they are trying. Even the Beloved UK has a monarch. Therefore Australia places an embargo on Russia and hopes other civilized nations will do the same, until the war is ended.

                    Italy: See below...

                    Incaland: We have no choice but to declare WAR on your aggressive nation. Your unprovoked aggression on Italy our best friends, has lead to our war. The people of Santiago "Chile" are not safe. Best to issue a warning.

                    Free Mars: We respect and honour the fact that you are trying to change. We hereby declare our relations peaceful and we shall begin trading with you shortly.

                    ULS: We will pay it, whatever it is. We would like a part of outreach I, so consider it paid already.


                    • AUstralia: Thank you for being civilized.

                      There is something I forgot to mention earlier: the Emperor/Empress can be impeached; in fact this procedure is easierthan it is in most nations.

                      Though we may not be the kind of democracy we like, we are our own flavor of it. THe leader keeps power for longer, but on the other hand is easier to remove. Other than that we are exactly like Earthling democracies.

                      THe supposed bombing of the festival was earned if it really was done by Martian nationalists. You murder our civillians, so you should expect the same treatment back. I do not endorse these attacks, but I do say that the were justified.

                      THe issue of giving the rebellion leaders to the British is currently being decided by referendum.

                      Russia, your propoganda will not work. It is being destroyed as soon as it is seen and replaced with an image of Russian ships frying innocent civillians, in fact an actual photograph from one of the attacks.

                      THe Martian military has almost doubled due to the draft and a huge growth of volunteers.

                      THe few cities the Russian military has control of are all in revolt, though none has succeeded yet in overthrowing the Russians. However, we find it hard to believe that all of the Russian soldiers would be willng to fire on civillian protests of their rule, and hope that these soldiers will realize the atrocity being committed and stop their government from carrying out this genocide.


                      • NEWS FLASH:

                        The company responsible for creating the Neo-Spitfire and selling it to Lunar, Max Communication and Arms, has claimed the area in yellow seen in the map further down.
                        Max Communication and Arms has well over 2 million employees, all from Sweden. Max Communication and Arms are moving all employees and material to the area they claimed - a distance from the South Pole. Sattelite pictures show the construction of launching rams, factory buildings, barracks, weapons training facilitys etc. What is Max Communication and Arms up to?

                        (ooc: how do I attach an image?)


                        • ok lets see if this works
                          Attached Files


                          • man sorry for this but how do I make this map show in the post?


                            • It has to be a jpg or a gif
                              Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


                              • I would also perfer if you had grabbed a nation instead of making ur own but oh well
                                Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land

