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SNESA2: Ad Infinitum (No MOD's!)

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  • The Munich Reporter
    The German Paper of Politics and Such

    Wilhelm Wins Elections In Massive Landslide!!

    Adolphus Wilhelm will become the new President of the GDFR and will be sworn in next week in Berlin. Wilhelm got an amazing 85% of the votes, having a majority in every state except for Bavaria, where the majority went to the Isolationist Party.

    Wilhelm has already announces his views on several things in this world. He has made it very clear that he does not like tampering with the human genome without good cause. He dislikes it so much, he has reportedly said that "if the ULS no longer wishes to be allied with the Martians becuase of their gene tampering, they are welcome to join the Franco-German Alliance."


    • A woman living in Munich has just gone to the press claiming that she is the true MI, the true EMpress of Mars since the death ofthe Emporer. She has just arrived in New Washington and hopes to get to Mars via British colonies.

      MI, of course, denies this, and claims that it an attempt by the German governmnet to destabilize the Empire, and alerts the Brtish border guards to watch for her.

      Meanwhile, Martian ships go to Deimos, suspecting that this supposed EMpress is stopping there briefly before landing on the planet.

      Messsage from the EMpire to the new leader of Australia:
      Proposed deal: We get all the land, but your citizens as well as any other Earthlings that are not already wanted for crimes by the Empire have extraterritorial rights on Phobos.

      Britain: You can 100% operate Deimos, as long as *technically* it's Imperial Territory.


      • ULS - Changing Sides

        President Jupiter was narrowly defeated in the elections recently by a Mr. (Now Pres.) Pluto. His first act was to end the ETP and join the ULS into the Franco-German pact , what the pact should be named now he doesn't Know.

        OOC: Secret Talks can be accomplished through PM's in ANY SNESA.

        Outreach I: 1 year

        Iron Eagle: 1 year
        Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


        • The Munich Reporter
          The German Paper of Politics and Such

          GDFR Officals Deny Claims That 'Imposter MI' Was Attempt To Destabilize Martian Government

          A woman from Munich has claimed to be the 'true' MI, the 'true' Empress of Mars. She is attempting to get to Mars via Deimos.

          The real Martian Government claims that this was an attempt by the GDFR to destabilize the Martian government. GDFR officals deny this claim.

          In a press confrence yesterday, President Wilhelm called these claims "rushed" and "simply outrageous." He also thinks there may be an chance that the story is entirely made up in response for inviting the ULS to the Franco-German Alliance. In case the story isn't made up, he also announced that authorities are looking for her in the German Empire, and spaceships have been dispatched to Deimos to bring her back to Germany if she should arrive there.
          ULS Joins Franco-German Alliance

          The ULS has announced that they have left the ETP with Mars and are joining the Franco-German Alliance.

          It has been announced that a name change has been proposed, changing the name to the Franco-Luna-German alliance.


          • Italy (in secret): Your devious plan seems almost too good to pass up, Australian ships will shortly begin aiding you in colonization of Venus, after it clears a few things up with Free Mars. Australia cannot wait to hear the ridiculous outcries from Free Mars who will almost surely claim Venus for themselves.

            Free Mars: Unacceptable! You seem to be very stubborn about owning all of the Martian moons. Too bad, The Australian space navy will escort peacekeeping soldiers into New Sydney and surrounding areas to assure that once again 35% of Phobos is under Australian control. They are merely upholding borders and protecting colonists and are not interested in conflict.

            An Australian space navy battlecruiser will accompany The New and rightful Empress of Free Mars from the Moon to her desired destination. Where they will drop her off and leave. Australia knows that this is the true Empress and is eager to begin talks with her.

            To Japan: We will pay the 8 Million that we supposed to pay to Free Mars, to you for war reparations. (OOC: obviously no one is Japan so this is just FYI)

            To Willhelm of Germany and Pluto of ULS: Welcome, we are all new leaders who have received our power democratically, (nudge nudge MI) and Australia hopes to continue friendly relations with the both of you.


            • Originally posted by Cinna
              An Australian space navy battlecruiser will accompany The New and rightful Empress of Free Mars from the Moon to her desired destination.
              The GDFR can not allow you to do this. She is not the Empress of Mars. She is a German citizen and has not filled out the correct papers to go to Mars. If Australian ships pick her up, this will be considered an act of kidnapping and/or hostage-taking. The German government will take her back to Germany.

              - President Wilhelm


              • Originally posted by Jonny

                The GDFR can not allow you to do this. She is not the Empress of Mars. She is a German citizen and has not filled out the correct papers to go to Mars. If Australian ships pick her up, this will be considered an act of kidnapping and/or hostage-taking. The German government will take her back to Germany.

                - President Wilhelm
                Fine, take her. She is not worth an international incident.


                • OOC: I knew it would come up eventually that the Empire is a dictatorship, albeit a very benign one.

                  The Australian space navy will escort peacekeeping soldiers into New Sydney and surrounding areas to assure that once again 35% of Phobos is under Australian control.
                  Impossible. The areas have been given almost complete autonomy, and the soldiers originally there have been allowed to remain undisturbed. You are allowed to freely bring people in and out of Phobos, but an attempt to impose your sovereignty on the area could be considered an act of war. I will forgive you for now and not treat it a such, but be warned.

                  Secret negotiations with Australia:
                  I'm gonna keep my side of the deal and support you internationally, with the one exception (of course) of the Phobos issue. I offer to join your alliance, making the alliance with Italy complete and becoming friendly with you. Also, my help may allow you to rival the new FLG Alliance. In exchange for me continuing my side of our agreement, I hope you will not take advantage of me and also keep yours. I know that your predecessor (iirc, or was it you?) ended it after the short war, but I believe the idea has potential.

                  "Do you have any proof?" asked DOug Henderson, leader of the Martian Way party in British Mars.

                  "Here are the papers. I just want to get revenge on that usurping little twit!"

                  "WHy didn't you say anything earlier?" he asked, looking at the papers.

                  "Amnesia. The usurper's agents thought I was done for, but I survived. Unfortunately, my memory only just recently returned."

                  "OK, I'll have to check with a few other party officials, but that sounds fine. And hopefully you will boost membership."


                  The Martian Way has published papers which, they claim, proves the legitimacy of the "other" MI (heretoafter referred to as TOMI). They were already just berely short of being the largest party in the colony, and this news coupled with the party's support of TOMI has made them now have 47% of the colony under them officially, and 29% more in other parties which are friendly towards the Martian Way. THe main reason is that many British Martians were infuenced much by Martian Way advertisement but were worried about the Empire's hostility towards the UK. However, TOMI has shown no such hostilities and is thus much more popular with the colonists.

                  A few days later...
                  The Martian Way has successfully rebelled against the local British government! The new nation, which also calls itself the Martian Empire, has attacked MI's empire. While the former colony is strongly united behind TOMI, MI's Empire is split between MI and TOMI. ALthough about 70% is still loyal to MI, the military is more friendly with TOMI and thus the Martian military forces are split almost exactly 50-50.

                  OOC: , what do the other countries say now (I love wreaking havoc on international cooperation with relatively remote events).
                  Last edited by civman2000; June 4, 2002, 17:52.


                  • Internal

                    Admiral Willaim the II was sitting in a chair in his summer estate, reading a novel entitled 'Britains Waning Power', when the phone suddenly rang.

                    "Prime Minister, its the General here, sorry to interupt your short vacation, but we have a situation..."

                    The Admiral sat up quickly, trying to get his thoughts together and off the fact that this was to be his short break before turning full speed to his re-election campagain. Trying to think what could have happened, he asked the General.

                    "Is it Deimos?"

                    "No, i'm afraid its worse then that. You remember the Martian Way groups we found in out Martian colonies?"

                    "Hmm, yes, didn't we get rid of most of them?"

                    "Not enough, i'm afraid. The leader of this group helped TOMI overthrow the colonial goverment and seize control. Using our colony as a springboard for support among the Martian people, about half of which joined up with her, declaring war on the Martian people lead my MI."

                    The Admiral blinked a few times, rubbing his face tiredly and said.

                    "TOMI? And what about our troops in the colony, did they assist in the rebellion or fight it?"

                    "Its 'the other' MI, apparently the true Martian ruler or some other rubbish. Our military is perhaps the only good thing out of this mess, since Deimos they've been on alert, so very few of our ships got captured, as for the army themselves they wern't sure what to do, firing on fellow brits and the like, we've recieved word from several commanders that they're ready to help us take it back. Those we haven't heard from yet we must assumed helped in it."

                    "*&%!, well at leas theres some good news. Have the Martians engaged in any fighting yet?"

                    "A few minor skirmishes, no major clashes yet though."

                    "Well, tell me as soon as they do, and send half our fleet from the Earth and the Moon to Mars, along with supplies to manage it to be on Deimos. Have our troops on Deimos arrest all Martians, try not to kill any but don't take any chances either. I am considering this an act of war by the Martian people, I don't care whos leading them."

                    The General paused a moment before replying, writing the things down and dispatching an aide with the orders.

                    "Anything else, Admiral?"

                    "Hmm, also ready all are troop carrying ships, we might need them soon."

                    "Alright Admiral, i'm assuming you're leaving to back to London soon?"

                    "The helicopters just landed, have the press waiting for me when I get there."

                    To the peace loving nations of this solar system,

                    Recently, we witnessed evidence of Martian bio-warfare, attempting to brainwash UK civilians. The Empress only politely apoligized for what could have happened, it seems she now needs to apoligize for what DID happen. We believe that with help of the Martian Way virus, TOMI of the Martian Empire was able to brainwash UK officials and overthrow our colonial goverment. These Martians are barbaric, and are using the added power gained from seizing our peaceful colony to war amongst themselves, as you have heard.

                    I consider this an act of war by the Martian Empire apon the UK, no matter which MI did the act, they both claim ruleship, they shall both face the consequences. As we speak the UK fleet is heading to Mars to assemble in force. The Martian space force as you know is pitiful, and even more so when divided by war, we doubt we will meet much opposition.

                    We will give TOMI and MI two months to give back the UK colony, accept our ownership of Deimos and to make public apologys for the trouble they have caused the UK. If this is not done we will do three things.

                    1. We will begin attacking at will, any and all Martian troop movements via space bombardment, this is not limited to either side.
                    2. If our attacks do not convince you, we will use a CAM to level Marsiopolis totally, we will warn in advance, as we want no civilians to pay for their goverments mistakes.
                    3. If this still does not convince either side, we will begin destroying all stations used to support life in the Martian empire, offering ships to evacuate civilians only afterwards. Anyone suspected to be a Martian soldier will be shot on sight.

                    If even after these drastic measures nothing is done, we will seriously consider the use of nuclear weapons among major martian industrial and military areas.

                    We have already begun some of this, as the troops on Deimos are being arrested as I speak. I expect some to resist, but this is now war and no mercy will be shown to those who do.

                    -Prime Minister, William the II -Press Conference in London, England.

                    To Prime Minister Sarah Hetkins,

                    I know the relations between our two nations have been strained recently, due to the minor Japanese conflict. But I come here out of friendship, and with an offer. In the event the Martians do not surrender the UK colony, we will be bombarding them from space, reconizing Australias need for more colonys, we would be happy to assist in any land operations you might perform in the area. You will of course be helping bring an end to barbarism and conflict in the land you capture, and the UK will reconize it fully as rightfully belonging to Australia.

                    -Prime Minister- William the II, Former Naval Admiral

                    ___________________LONDON TIMES___________________

                    Earth related news

                    Elections for the new Prime Minister are post-poned till further notice, as a result of the Martian act of war apon the UK. It was believed to be a close race so far, with the other partys candidate almost even with William the II, now with war his ratings are intended to go up dramtically, even more so because of what many feel was his rightful stance in past Martian negotiations.

                    The Parliment announced there full support of the Prime Minister today, saying that this was indeed an act of war, and no tolerence should be given. They of course said they wanted to seek a peaceful solution, and thought the Prime Ministers demands rather fair given the circumstances.

                    Colonial related news

                    There was a few minutes of panic in the lunar colonys, when the first reports of rebellion came in. Everything seems to have calmed down now however, but security has been noticeaply tightened. Also, all members of the Martian Way on Earth and the Moon were taken in for questioning, reguarding what role they might have played on Mars.

                    Diplomatic message sent to all nations.
                    Martian troops on Deimos arrested, a few casualties on either side, being detained in makeshift prison. All Martian ships on or around Deimos have been driven off or destroyed.
                    Large portion of Earth and Lunar space fleets sent to Mars, as a result on 20% remains on Earth, and 10% on the Moon. 70% is either on the way to or is orbitting Mars/on Deimos.

                    OOC: Bah, don't do anything for one day and i've got Martian sympathists popping up everywhere. :P
                    "Every good communist should know political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." - Mao tse-Tung


                    • MI to William: It is completely unfair to blame all of Mars for the actions of a few lunatics claiming to be acting in the spirit of all Martians. And if Marsopolis is nuked or other indiscriminate attacks on civilians are carried out, you really will have the Martian people all against you as you seem to claim is the case currently. However, I will do everything I can to defeat these rebels and return the colonies to you if we can have 100% unlimited use of Deimos. These rebels are terr

                      News brodcasts everywhere:
                      Apparently, Rebel Martian forces have stormed the palace. They say that "the Usurper is alive but that will be corrected as soon as the Empress arrives. Unfortunately, we were unable to stop her from sending a letter to the British at the last second before being captured."

                      Doug Henderson to William and the world:
                      As has been mentioned in countless reports about our Glorious Revolution, nearly 80% of the population supported it. It was a revolution of the people, of the true Martian Way. We will gladly accept your ownership of Deimos and even pay reparations for the problems the Usurper has given you over the moon. Although the Usurper is our mortal enemy, we back her up in that there was no brainwashing done. The idea itself is absurd: the technology for such specific behavioral genetic engineering is still decades away! As one more bonus, the Empress is seriously considering making the Empire a democracy. Finally, we promise that all 24 provinces of the Empire will be allowed self-determination. If the people of British Mars want to become slaves again as you think they do, they will be allowed to. Italy, AUstralia, this includes the two provinces that make up Phobos. If AUstralia is kind enough to remove their troops and allow the people living in the ares you claim to decide who they want to be with and choose you, there will be no more argument.
                      Last edited by civman2000; June 4, 2002, 20:46.


                      • Originally posted by civman2000
                        MI to Wilhelm: It is completely unfair to blame all of Mars for the actions of a few lunatics claiming to be acting in the spirit of all Martians. And if Marsopolis is nuked or other indiscriminate attacks on civilians are carried out, you really will have the Martian people all against you as you seem to claim is the case currently. However, I will do everything I can to defeat these rebels and return the colonies to you if we can have 100% unlimited use of Deimos. These rebels are terr
                        Why are you sending this to me????

                        Did you mean to send this to the UK???

                        I don't control Demios, the UK does.

                        My colonies aren't in the rebellion, the UK's are.

                        - Wilhelm, President of GDFR


                        • oops...meant to say "william", when looking for the name in CV's post i didnt read very carefully


                          • i thought it didnt seem right that they had the same names


                            • I guess I can accept your apology for this mistake, maybe... but I am getting angry at you very fast!

                              First, there was the incident involving the human genome editing.

                              Then, you blamed the appearance of the political fanatic who claimed to be the 'real MI' on the GDFR!

                              Next, you offer to join with the Australians and the Italians to counter MY Franco-Luna-German Alliance! Has it not occured to you that I was once allied with Italy and Australia, and that we still have friendly relations?

                              Finally, you sent this letter to me accidentaly. Even though an accident, it could have ruined our reputation if released to the public!

                              We are considering removing our economic interests from Phobos, as well as transporting the 'imposter' MI, now known as TOMI, to the rebel Martian headquarters!



                              • OOC: 1. Offering to join Australia nad Italy was secret negotiations.
                                2. That was just a typo I put in and in the game she really sent it to WIlliam, I've already edited the post. ANd ven if she did put in the wrong name, she would have been top-security-emailing to "" or something like that, which does not exist .
                                3. Secretly, TOMI is already on Mars in the Rebel HQ. Didn't you figure that out from the dialogue with Henderson?

                                Anyways, the loyalists are almost completely defeated...the loss of the Empress has caused many defections and desertions.

