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SNESA2: Ad Infinitum (No MOD's!)

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  • Italy War Bulletin
    Thanks to the Russian the IAF (Italian Air Force) is now starting to build new F-Mig-100 using the Leonardicum, in order to make them some almost invincible Aircraft. Which will be called V-23.

    The Air Base in Galapagos Island was quickly built as few resistance from Incaland was found, Inca forces had spread out too much and have concentrated too muych on the offensive to held a good defense against The Italian Folgore and many Incan ships were sunked with the use of the famous Italian Maiale better known as Frog Man or Human Torpedo.
    Navy: The "ID-Zara", "ID-Pola" and "IB-Trieste" are currently protecting the Island, The "IC-Livorno" and The "IC-Latina" are currently transporting airplane fighters to the new base, and are escorted by the Battleships "IB-Pisa" and "IB-Genova" as well as by the submarines "IS-Taranto" and "IS-Ancona".
    Army:In the Island there is the: "20ma Mas" and the "JT-78" infantry and Marines troops, as well as the "7ma Folgore" as Paratroopers in there.
    Air Force:The "Lampi Tricolore" and the "Scheggie Volanti" Air Squadroon air currently being trasported by the two Carriers cited above to the island.

    Italy enters a state of War-Time mobilization, every factory had been set on building war products: Car Factory switched to Military Jeep and Aircraft, Clothes factory build now Uniforms and so on...

    This is the report of the EI (Esercito Italiano) on the current status of Italian Army and territories:

    Army: Large
    Navy: Small
    Air Force: Small (upgrading to Medium with the productions of V-23)
    Space Fleet: Large
    Nukes: Few
    Interplanetary Nukes: None

    New Italian Empire
    Italian Moon Colonies
    Italian Phobos
    Under Secret Development with Australia:
    Italian Venus Base will be complete there in 2 years left
    Invaded by Italy
    Galapagos Islands

    Italo-Australian Pact: Australia
    Non Aggression Pact: ULS
    Gaian Act: UK
    Wars: Inca

    "Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something else.
    The trick is the doing something else."
    — Leonardo da Vinci
    "If God forbade drinking, would He have made wine so good?" - Cardinal Richelieu
    "In vino veritas" - Plinio il vecchio


    • The ULs is dropping forces into Incan lands, the new WalkerBots are wreaking havok in their share of the Carribean. An Invasion of the S. American mainland should be considered now by the allied forces.

      ULS holdings:

      Achilles I base (Earth orbit)
      Outreach I Repair: 1 year
      Several small Asteroid colones.
      Hati and the Virgin Islands (hehe i was born there. feels good to liberate the from the Incans)
      Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


      • To America:
        I accept the NAP.
        Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


        • Canada: Sure. And what about getting an alliance with it...all i want from you in return is a promise to keep me up-to-date on new military tech spreading, so the Martian military does not fall behind.

          To Australia: Alliance?

          To all human-controlloed nations except those mentioned above, Russia, Inca, and Britain: NAP?

          The people have chosen to give most of the leaders of the rebellion to britain, but a few, including their leader Doug Henderson, have been allowed to stay. Sorry .

          Huge army
          Small airforce
          small space navy.

          Note that now that the russian invasion has ended the PMF and the ULM have separated from the Empire.


          • A proposal to ULS, France, Australia, and Italy

            How about we join our two alliances together to fight against our greater enemy, the Incan Empire?


            • A proposal to all human-controlled countries other than Inca Empire

              We propose a non-agression pact to all of you, other than the Incas. If we have already have a non-agression pact with you, just tell us.


              • I look forward to peace with you


                • OOC: You meant NAP with me, right? I'm guessing ya did since ya also gave some rebellion leaders up.

                  To Empress MI of the Martian Empire,

                  We accept your NAP and welcome peace with the Martian Empire, we never wanted war in the first place but the actions of your Empire gave us no choice. We thank you also for turning over those involved in the rebellion, even if it is not all. I must warn you though, should the ones who performed acts of rebellion and were not handed over to us ever come on UK land they will be arrested at once, and treated as a UK, not Martian citizen.

                  Since we are now at peace, we are releasing all Martian officials and soldiers we captured, they have all been treated according to the rules of war, i'm sure you will see for yourself. Similiarily we ask that any UK soldiers you might have captured to be surrendered. Also, we are allowing free immigration from our colonys to your Empire, so any that you think should want to leave, may do so of their own free will. The colony and moon Deimos will however stay in UK control as stated.

                  -Prime Minister- William the II, Former Naval Admrial

                  To the Incan Empire and peace loving nations of the Solar System,

                  Do not think to threaten us Incans, even if you do use what few nukes you have you are simply dooming your people to their own deaths, and the few that survive will live in a radioactive wasteland. We had hoped by now you would have pulled back your troops and seen reason, but it appears not. With peace with the Martian people we are sending a large portion of our army to help the Americans defend against invasion, British Infantry and Armor divisions are landing in Texas as we speak, on their way to the front lines. You cannot win this war, so the UK proposes this.

                  You sign a peace treaty with America, agree to pay for the damages done, and agree to reduce your military capacity to further prevent this from happening again. I give you one year to do this, after that action will be taken.

                  -Prime Minister- William the II, Former Naval Admiral

                  _______________LONDON TIMES_______________

                  Earth related news

                  Today the Prime Minister commied even more forces to help the Americans fight the Incan threat, specific numbers kept secret, but it is known quite a few Infantry and Armor divisions landed in Texas, then went towards the front line. The Prime Minister also rebuffed the Incans claim to use nukes, warning what would happen if they dared.

                  Colonial related news

                  PEACE ON MARS! Announced today, there is finally peace on Mars. Though the fighting was not as intense as it is right now with the Incan people, the Mars colony is very valueable economically to the Empire, supplying many of the raw minerals needed.

                  Also, the beginning of the trial for some of the UK citizens who led the rebellion begains today, charged with treason for their crimes they are expected to be given life sentences if convicted.

                  General Annoucments

                  CAM developed having been rushed in the short conflict for use on Mars is now ready for standard depolyment, several missiles have already been constructed, though not as powerful as nukes they are estimated to be able to take out a decent sized city or troop movement.

                  SECRET Research Project begun, codenamed Ambrosia UK scientists are now working on a cheap-to-produce, easy-to-manufacture EMP grenade, designed to specifically take out robotic units. Estimated development time: 2 years

                  Stonehenge proceeding on schedule finaly, construction of the initial docks is underway, with 4-6 years left for completion.

                  UK Space Navy recalled to original positions, drafting resuming in colonies.

                  Diplomatic messages sent to MI, Crazy Bill, All Nations
                  CAM completed, Ambrosia begun.
                  Stonehenge estimated time: 4-6 years
                  Navy back to original positions, military increasing to nearly half the way between medium and large.
                  "Every good communist should know political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." - Mao tse-Tung


                  • Mr X, the man in control of MC&A, was sitting in his office looking out over his new "country". A man entered. The man was the leader of the new armed forces of MC&A.

                    "Sir, we are ready for phase 2."

                    "Good. Start it immediately."


                    All over MC&As new territory, launch sites started working. Space ships started their engines and soon a small space navy was created. All the new Neo-Spitfire mark 2 and bigger space ships could dock with a secretely built space station. The new Neo-Spitfire could fly both in space and in athmospheres.

                    From todays Russia allmost all swedes immigrated to MC&A new installation. Soon over 5 million people was there. 2 weeks after the small space fleet was launched into orbit it was upgraded to medium as another big launch circle started. 1 million people were sent with big passenger shuttles out into space, destination classified. MC&A was also renamed to Sweden and became a country instead of a company.
                    Last edited by IceEye; July 15, 2011, 02:50.


                    • William: I was talking to Wilhelm, though we do have peace, but no NAP. Free immigration and stuff will be allowed.

                      Two bills are pending in the Imperial Grand Assembly: On that would create a 6-year colonization program to take all unclaimed lands on Mars, and a 5-year project to build an armed space station to guard the planet from any future Earthling invasions.


                      • To: Germany
                        From: Sweden
                        We will soon make new contact with you to discuss diplomacy.


                        • The ULS accepts any NAP's offered to it except those offered by the Incans
                          Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


                          • "Sir the Martian's peace all but removes us from the planet."
                            "I know, we, a superpower, have to bow to the insolent little aliens. Tell them we accept nonetheless our reputation has been scarred enough already and we cannot afford to maintain the riots against the war."
                            You and the Cap'n make it happen!


                            • The Dictatorship of the Incan mpire has been toppled when the Leader of the old regime was stampeded to death by a protesting crowd. The new Republic that tries futilely to maintain order asks for peace.

                              Prime Minister Tenochatin

                              The new republic is willing to concede many things for peace, this war is the futile grasping of a dictatorship to power. We never stood a chance against the world and our population has been demolished by the war.

                              Have mercy.


                              • Reuters Newsreel

                                War in Panama rages on as Incan Empire topples!

                                Despite the death of the Incan dictator and the rise of a new, republican-style government, the war in Panama shows no signs of abating.

                                New Incan Prime Minister Tenochitan has asked for peace but the Generals fighting in Panama have not acknowledged his repeated demands for a ceasefire. General Aztaplan calls Tenochitan "a wuss" and states the army will continue with their invasion plans.

                                The North American Coalition of Independent States (Canamerxico) has ordered its space fleet to avoid bombarding Incan cities so that the New Incan Republic can restore order. However, until the Incan Generals submit to the New Incan Republic, there will be no peace in Panama. Coalition forces actively engaged will remain so and further reinforcements are proceeding as previously planned.

                                General Carlos of the Southern Theatre states "There are three million Incans still warring against our nation. This threat will be neutralized, if not by the new Incan government, then by our armed forces."



                                We accept an overall state of CEASEFIRE but in the local PANAMA area, we are still actively engaged in battle. We hope your government will acknowledge these 3 million troops as REBEL forces and act to prevent any further aggression.

                                We also realize your government may be in danger of losing even more control by way of military coup. We have seen how the Incans near Panama have refused to acknowledge your government.

                                We wish to assemble an INTERNATIONAL PEACEKEEPING FORCE to paradrop (or orbitally insert) into the Incan capital and secure the government against rebels - with your government's permission. This is NOT an invasion force.

                                The Coalition offers Elite Canadian and American Light Troops, skilled at insertion behind enemy lines. How we will get armoured units into your Capital we are unsure of yet. We cannot paradrop such heavy armour units without losing many of them to SAMS.

                                If the INCAN government agrees, we will send this force ASAP along with troops from any other nation that the Incans agree to.

                                We formally invite our staunch ally the UK to participate in this peacekeeping force.

                                Your bases in the Galapagos would serve well to get armoured units into the capital quickly (by sea transport) as that area seems lightly defended by Incan military and you have already cleared naval from that zone. We invite you to join the peacekeeping force.

                                All others, with the exception of Persia and China, are also welcome to participate in the peacekeeping force.
                                Proud Citizen of the Civ 3 Demo Game
                                Retired Justice of the Court, Staff member of the War Academy, Staff member of the Machiavelli Institute
                                Join the Civ 3 Demo Game $Mini-Game! ~ Play the Civ 3 Demo Game $Mini-Game!
                                Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.

