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SNESA2: Ad Infinitum (No MOD's!)

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  • In light of recent events Russia asks for peace with the martians and rerequests the robo-warrior designs fom germany. I send italy the fighter design and ask the ULS for their comet designs.
    You and the Cap'n make it happen!


    • Skilord I can drop if you want


      • German War Command Room

        "What's the latest situation, Bismarck?"

        "President, our forces are trying to establish a beachhead on mainland South America, but there is heavy resistance there. The islands in our control are well defended, though."

        "Send in our ships to bombard their forces, so we can establish a beachhead."

        "Well, that could be a problem. The Incans are fireing missiles at our sihps, but many of their missiles have been intercepted by our missiles. Only light damage reported."

        "Try to take those out when the opprotunity arises."

        "The Incas are also landing some armor in France."

        "Well, send some of our armor and air force, then, to counter them."

        "President, the Incans are threatening to use nukes."

        "WHAT!?!? Well, I was expecting this. Here is a list of targets. Enter them into the tracking computer for the nukes. If they launch nukes, call me and I'll give you the launch codes so we can retaliate."

        Bismarck looked at the list. It included:

        Rio de Janerio
        La Paz
        Buenos Aires

        "That's quite a list!"

        "Well, I don't want you launching nukes at all of those cities, of course not! Do it this way: If they launch one nuke, launch one at one of those targets. If they launch two, we launch two. If they launch 3, we launch 3, and so on."

        "Certainly. Good day."


        • To Russia

          We will give you the plans for the robo-warrior under 2 conditions.

          1. A peace treaty with the Martians is accepted by both sides.
          2. You declare war on the Incan Empire.


          • sure Germany. It's a deal. where are the martians when you need 'em? the terms i feel should be as follows:

            1 Immediate Ceasefire
            2. Russia repays for loss of martian civillian life
            3. Trade is opened up between russia and mars and affairs are stabalized.
            You and the Cap'n make it happen!


            • skilord is it ok if I start this new "country"?


              • I'll let you get away with it IceEye... just this once

                Updated Antarctic Map:
                Attached Files
                Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


                • thx man!
                  tomorrov phase 2 of my plan will be set in motion


                  • A breakthrough has lead to the construction of a hundred SpiderBots to invade the Incans with!

                    Current ULS stats would be:

                    Medium Army
                    Small Navy
                    Air Force: Medium
                    Huge Space Navy
                    Few Nukes
                    Few IPBM's
                    Read Blessed be the Peacemakers | Read Political Freedom | Read Pax Germania: A Story of Redemption | Read Unrelated Matters | Read Stains of Blood and Ash | Read Ripper: A Glimpse into the Life of Gen. Jack Sterling | Read Deutschland Erwachte! | Read The Best Friend | Read A Mothers Day Poem | Read Deliver us From Evil | Read The Promised Land


                    • German War Room

                      "Some news, President, not related to the war this time."

                      "Something not related with the War? Thank goodness! What is it, Bismarck?"

                      "A corporation from Sweeden, MC&A, has established a new nation on Antarctica."

                      "Hmm... interesting."

                      "What should we do, President?"

                      "Establish diplomatic relations. See if MC&A will sign a non-agression pact with us."

                      "Yes, President."


                      • Russia:
                        Add granting unlimited access to mines in your colony for a discounted price and the tech to build the robots and we might have a deal...

                        We both know it is impossible to pay for the lives lost, but how about oil supplies and some luxuries, as well as a bit of raw money?


                        • OOC: I don't want to take trickey's place, so I'll take Canada as mine and just sideways direct the USA until he decides he wants control back. I'm putting them into a very solid alliance/federation until trickey wants his country back. then we'll split the federation and see what happens.

                          Headlines from the Cincinnati Daily & the Ottawa Citizen

                          Panama in imminent danger of being overrun.
                          The vast Panamerican fortress complex, popularly dubbed 'The Labrynth', has fended off repeated Incan assaults but is running low on munitions and has taken heavy damage.

                          "We're mowing them down like crazy but there's just too many to stop! The Incan army is humongous!" says General Carlos Goncalves of the Southern Theatre. 12,000 US Marines are holed up in the complex with General Carlos taking severe shelling.

                          Analysts say that the fortress will likely fall before midsummer as another huge Incan assault force is being prepared unless reinforcements arrive soon. However, Incan shelling and missile attacks have damaged the rail systems leading to the fortress and there is a huge bottleneck of American forces in Honduras.

                          General Miguel Vincente of the US Southeast Theatre (which includes most of the Carribean Islands) is urging Supreme Commander Hogarth to allow him to reinforce Carlos by sea. Hogarth has so far not allowed this as he fears an Incan invasion of the vulnerable islands if Vincente were to reduce his garrison.

                          On the opposite side of the border, the Incan battle-complex is swarming with troops. Orbital surveillance indicates over 3 million troops are gathered along with nearly 2000 armored units. Closer arial inspection is not possible as Incan SAMS are in massive numbers. These SAMs are also why the American air force has been unable to deal as much damage to the Incan armored and mechanized units as they had hoped.

                          Canada declares war on the Incan empire!

                          Armed forces will arrive in southern USA to buffer security zone, including New Orleans. Canadian jet fighters and space navy have taken positions alongside American forces to "lay the smack down" on any Incan vessels suspected of transporting troops. Incans suffer huge losses to their navy as the world gangs up.

                          Canadian Parliament in talks with American Congress to discuss highest level of governmental integration yet.

                          *Note to reader:
                          Currently Canada and the USA already have a joint military command for the duration of the Incan war (or until the threat abates). The common economic system has been in place for decades and military security and technological sharing have been pooled by the two countries. Only the political systems remained separate. This latest negotiation will not remove Parliament or Congress, but will create a continental "umbrella" Government.

                          For the past two decades, Canada has served as the buffer, or middleman, to serve American needs without breaching the official American policy of isolationism.

                          Americans realized early on that complete isolation would be impossible and granted Canada a special exemption which served both countries. America was protected by a buffer yet kept current, markets satisfied, and entrepreneurs had a loophole. Canada gained economically. While the loss of the exclusive market share in America had some Canadian investors worried (including the Big Five), the recent spate of wars has more than made up the loss. The Big Five have made spectacular gains in the field of Arms trading and Weapons Delivery systems. The Big Five currently own large percentages of foreign stock, though none on Mars as it is considered too volatile.

                          Changes from original situation:

                          United States:
                          Medium Army ->upgr to LARGE (mobilized)
                          Large Navy -> maintain
                          Medium Airforce -> maintain
                          Medium Nukes ->maintain
                          Huge Space Navy ->deteriorated to medium over last 20a (too expensive)
                          Govt: Democracy
                          Ruler: trickey
                          MPP's: Pact of Freedom (Russia, UK, Canada)
                          War: Inca

                          Medium Army -> upgr to LARGE (mobilized)
                          Medium Navy -> maintain
                          Large Airforce ->maintain
                          Few Nukes -> maintain
                          Small Space Navy -> upgraded to medium (purchased from USA)
                          Govt: Republic
                          Ruler: Captain
                          MPP's: Pact of Freedom (Russia, UK, USA)
                          War: Inca

                          Territory changes:
                          Loss of everything below Panama Canal to Incans.
                          Canada and USA are essentially one (for now).

                          Incans must die!
                          All else, neutral or non-aggression pact if you like.
                          Willing to trade off any existing bases outside the continent for good offers in exchange.
                          Proud Citizen of the Civ 3 Demo Game
                          Retired Justice of the Court, Staff member of the War Academy, Staff member of the Machiavelli Institute
                          Join the Civ 3 Demo Game $Mini-Game! ~ Play the Civ 3 Demo Game $Mini-Game!
                          Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.


                          • To the leaders of Earth:

                            We urge restraint in the use of nuclear weapons!

                            You have only to look at the former cities of New York, Washington, and Atlanta to see the devastation! Remember the forty million lives lost in that holocaust and the ninety million that died shortly after! Even today the Eastern seaboard remains a no-mans' land as the fallout has yet to be nullified. While we have spent decades on treating radiation sickness and developing technologies for clean-up, the cost is enormous and the reconstruction painfully slow. We would not wish this on anyone, not even the bloodthirsty Incans who threaten our very lives.

                            Please, we urge you NOT to use high-yield nuclear weapons.

                            We cannot stop you. We can only remind you of what happened last time.

                            yours in sincerity,

                            Prime Minister Peter Young
                            President Juan Alvarez
                            The Continental Coalition of Canada & the United States of America
                            Proud Citizen of the Civ 3 Demo Game
                            Retired Justice of the Court, Staff member of the War Academy, Staff member of the Machiavelli Institute
                            Join the Civ 3 Demo Game $Mini-Game! ~ Play the Civ 3 Demo Game $Mini-Game!
                            Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.


                            • NEWS Headline

                              The Parliament of Canada has ratified the Continental Act by a landslide vote of 451 to 73. Only 22 abstained from the vote. Proponents of the Act celebrated and declared a victory for the principles of peace, order, good government, and free trade. Dissidents proclaimed the death of the sovereignty of Canada and prophesied the country would become a lapdog to the USA.

                              Congress has yet to ratify the treaty but it is expected the Act will pass. American dissidents are aligned with those favouring a return to Isolationism. They fear the loss of American sovereignty and of being dragged into conflicts not of their making. Proponents of the Act accuse the Dissidents of ingratitude for the assistance Canada has rendered over the past 3 centuries of good neighbouring, especially in the last 20 years. Proponents also remind the Dissidents that Canada had taken in nearly sixty million American refugees after the disaster and that Canada is currently composed of 36% former Americans. Indeed, it is almost impossible to tell American from Canadian citizens apart except by passport.

                              While the Continental Act officially creates the "North American Coalitions of Independent States" and will move towards the creation of the "North American Federation" within 2 years, the public has already taken to calling the new union "Canamerico" or "Canamerxico".

                              Readers should note that most of Canada's population remains centred in Ontario, and the West Coast. Most of America's population is in the "Midwest", that is, Ohio, Michigan, etc.. along the West Coast, Texas, Mexico, and the newest states of Central America and the Caribbean. The major industrial areas have been relocated to the Midwest, Ontario, and Mexico. Major agricultural regions remain the same as the past century. Military is divided into Arctic Theatre, NW Theatre, NE Theatre, Eastern (Radioactive), Central, Western, Basin, Mexican, Yucatan, Panama, Caribbean, and Space.


                              We extend diplomatic recognition to MC&A.

                              We extend diplomatic recognition to Mars and the ULS. We are sending ambassadors to your distant planets/moons as they had been recalled twenty-one years ago.

                              We request a non-aggression pact. The history of bad blood between our nations must stop (see page 1 of this thread). We are willing to reconsider our claim on the remaining American bases on the moon in exchange for guarantees of non-aggression.

                              We request Martian scientists come to Earth to help us unlock more genetic secrets. While our treatments for radiation sickness are the best in the world, we feel the Martian geneticist could help us make the breakthrough we need to save the lives of 20 million Americans still diseased, as well as detoxify the land.

                              We would be willing to send large sums of money your way or whatever else you want.

                              Cease your aggression NOW!

                              We have refrained from orbital bombardment of your cities, but if you do not immediately call for a CEASEFIRE, we will join the other nations in reducing your cities to so much ash.

                              Who wants to trade?
                              The American public is hungry for what the world has to offer. After 21 yrs of living in a closet, we'd like to see what's out there.

                              We offer in exchange, access to plentiful ENERGY (uranium in Canada, Oil in alaska and Texas), and METALS (high quality for spaceship construction but we do not have Leonardicum). We offer radiation sickness medical technologies and Land DETOX technologies (except for our security secrets).

                              We also offer FOOD at low rates (those on the moon must be paying $$$ to import now, we'll cut those rates in half!)

                              We also offer Salsa music and dance lessons! Catch the latest Pan-American craze!

                              Surplus Heavy-industrial construction equipment also for sale (due to our terraforming and detox work).

                              Do I have any bases on Mars left? Or did MI take them all over?
                              Proud Citizen of the Civ 3 Demo Game
                              Retired Justice of the Court, Staff member of the War Academy, Staff member of the Machiavelli Institute
                              Join the Civ 3 Demo Game $Mini-Game! ~ Play the Civ 3 Demo Game $Mini-Game!
                              Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: on ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.


                              • The German Review - An Offical GDFR Report
                                Our Armed Forces, Our Allies, Our Enemies, Our Territory

                                Leader: President Wilhelm (Jonny)
                                Large Army
                                Medium Navy
                                Medium Airforce
                                Medium Nukes
                                Medium Space Navy
                                Government: Democratic Republic
                                Alliances: Franco-Luna-German Alliance (France, ULS, Germany)
                                Wars: Incan War

                                Our Territories:
                                Greater Germany (in Europe)
                                German Antarctica
                                Franco-German Moon Bases
                                Franco-German Mars Bases
                                German Phobos

                                Temporairly Held Regions:
                                Tierra del Fuego

                                Space Stations (all currently under construction):
                                President Jonny in Earth Orbit (3 yrs until opening)
                                President Wilhelm in Moon Orbit (3 yrs until opening)

