Originally posted by ChrisiusMaximus
What happened ???
Are you playing regicide ? What!!
Or have youi decided to quit this story ? if so then thats a shame, and I hope it was'nt due to my criticism's.
Your story here was very well written and you have a flair for descriptive writing that few here could match if they tried, but the comments I raised were to my mind fair points, Im sorry if I have caused you to do this !!
My thoughts were offered in the spirit of honest feedback,something which most writers ask for. If you would prefer me not to comment then please tell me and Ill refrain, rather that than see you stop writing.
Again sorry if Ive caused you to quit this at all.
What happened ???
Are you playing regicide ? What!!
Or have youi decided to quit this story ? if so then thats a shame, and I hope it was'nt due to my criticism's.
Your story here was very well written and you have a flair for descriptive writing that few here could match if they tried, but the comments I raised were to my mind fair points, Im sorry if I have caused you to do this !!
My thoughts were offered in the spirit of honest feedback,something which most writers ask for. If you would prefer me not to comment then please tell me and Ill refrain, rather that than see you stop writing.
Again sorry if Ive caused you to quit this at all.

I love to express myself in writing and yes this in my meager mind is an excellent avenue.
However, I would rewrite the 900 days and try to put more detail into it

BUT..I believe in my heart I could contribute MORE and have MORE action that perhaps is desired here with a smaller maps..say the Huge map with maybe 8 ai's and have all the fun in creative writings....while still keeping it lively!
Like stated when I first started out, I do welcome and need input and yes I do welcome your advice

I just wanna do many more stories and not have say people see me starting a story and say.."Damn..one of HIS spinning wheels stories!!"
Actually, wasnt it you whom advised me to cut and paste from a saved story so i could make less grammatical errors? Yup..that was an excellent idea and still need some work but that helped me!!
I also, doing that, use the word count so as having a longer post rather than a shorter post..I believe I was around 400 words and then doubled by takling someones advice

I guess i could continue..but...having met just the two civs..the war will be drawn out and then many more chapters drwan out...
I kept the characters to a minimal..3, me, Queen Lindonia and Markus Maximus Trollius my son, to not confuse too many and was going to have my storyline branch off later..as I was just into, I believ 1/5 of the turns amount..
Drats..on the turns amount..I loved CTP (Call To Power) where i slowed down and would play like 5000+ turns in agame..all tech advances discovered and then 4000+ turns of battle mayhem and expansion!!
Ok..heres the deal..keep the advice/critiquing/criticisms/input headed my way..give me a day or so..I'll do a much better job on next story..who knows..my story..my line..maybe..

Ill ponder what next to do..just I know 326 X 326 is a bit too big for a story..
Thanks and please no offense taken..

Ill let you know...what is happening.....soon....
