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Grand Overlord of Trolldom: Forging Forth a new Hope, a new Horizon
the feedback to the feedbacks, as good as the story
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
My Throne is growing at leaps and bounds. I am cast in the future fibre as a woven commoner, a mere thread from which a needle in time shall see me pass through. However, like a thief in the night that cometh, I have objected silently and inwardly at the mere mortal thoughts that I Grand Overlord of Trolldom, will merely pass through the eye of the needle in time. Oh, Pass through I did and yes will again pass but on my time, my accord as I have laid a stumbling block so that the eye will remain wide open for me and my kindred possession of inheritance!
Grumbling and moaning at what I am about to do, humbling, the likes of which I will do to gain what I must and will have. Yes a momentary bowing to lesser values than that which Trolls from Eternity past have been accustomed to. Odd as it may be, I will use as chaff, to fill the air when my Wrath spews forth! My ancestors have bid me a task too great to share one iota of the throne with anyone, not slave, nor bondman not even token handmaiden. I must have no remnant left of these mere mortal tribes. ALL MUST BE WIPED OUT!!
I arise from my temple and leave on my spittoon the bad taste of what I am doing, charades of humility. It tastes rotten and I discard it as an aftertaste I chose to not ingest but grease my pathway of destruction.
Entering the Valley of Trolldom I again summons my leaders for reports.
Questioning my son’s ventures, I am blessed by his reports that await me. He has undertaken 2 cities in the Northwest quadrant. Deep within trust of our cause, but in faith he steps boldly in the dark expanse and founds a foothold. In doing so we immediately are engage in political, Political discussions of pathways needed toward peace. I have my peace plans for sure, just allow me a few moments to summons up a smile and some underhanded dealings and you will be mine Theodora of the Byzantines.
“Grand Overlord” pleads my Saber Rattler Hansfeldt, “we have surely done a good deed with Smoke Jaguar of the Mayans.”
“Do Tell” I motion him onward.
“We received Literature for Code of Laws and a mere 400 gold”
I smile smugly, contemplating the future” I’ll collect 100 fold on the robbery of dealings with my people!
My faithful Saber Rattler Hansfeldt reports on our encounter with the Byzantines. “We received a cold shoulder but were able to pawn off Feudalism and again 400 gold for Engineering, Sire” I grind my teeth thinking of the light in the hearts of the Byzantines, which will be extinguished soon enough.
Two Horned-lipped Gleemandorsal’s find their way to the front of my processional meeting with a somber message. Chirpervaks and translating companions known as Mazamites with a stunning announcement follow them. My heart sinks as I am presented with devastating news from our community known as Trollvolcania. Subversive gods have utterly destroyed it with jealousy from spewing bellies of earthen molten fire.
Silence deafens as we remember those whom gave of themselves.
“Let it be known, take it seriously and somberly, we are now at war! Darkness arose and took one of our own settlements!”
I send forth the Gleemandorsal’s with a promise: Overtake foreign settlements and I will not forget their courage when I reign! No prisoners, only carnage, for that is what they live for!
I start growing my metal-based fur covering, for the long winter of war is fast approaching. My fur will take some time to grow shiny and strong, but when a season passes and new dawn cometh, I will take my motion forward, no treaties, and no parley!
I send forth a Birdsong in the wind chimes to all foes and freemen alike.
“Listen to Grand Overlord of Trolldom and sow your future seeds, death is not denial but release. Embrace it. Flee from my sight or depart this ray of light known as your life.”
I wrap my wrists with Spikenards of Titanium Gardrims, what Troll’s are given to fight and not sleep, not thirst and not feed!
I now start a small fire to brand my chest, for the burning of my fur and flesh with carry in the chilling winter war seasonal airstreams, alerting all Trolldoms citizens to lay down plowshares and take up arms, no friendlies only Trollians worldwide.
Queen Lindonia comes with her own mixture of roots, rum and ratzmattling, a concoction femalian Trollians brew to share with their mates. This makes the Love strong and Testosterone flow, a musky scent that is pungent but heady. This is obnoxious to all but us Trollian leaders! I will have her rub this all over my chest after branding and before my metal based fur overtakes my skin shell.
Now I will formulate my battle plan and set it in motion!
Shards of furmetalium form below my skin shell and grip my sinew, wrapping and grasping my soul, causing an unpleasant but tolerable tearing as my warrior spirit grows thick and strong. I swell and heave as thinking is replaced with instinct. Nostrils flare and rip open, as I now can smell not only decay and rot of my future victims but also fear from those I am about to encounter.
I bow my head as my neck thickens with a shield undetectable to all but I Grand Overlord of Trolldom. I smell the fire as I reach for the branding rod, which will mark me as leader of the damnation soon to be unleashed!
My soul bleeds but my flesh does not. I bear the pain in my mind as thoughts race of what direction I put my forces in. No, not my troops; but my spiritual forces that surge and well within my now darkened heart. Cold clammy sweat pours out of my deep well of a heartless pit. The sweat is not of fear; for I am the leader of the carnage that has been brought to the forefront. This sweat is because of the dramatic change between a mortalesque shell that cannot contain a pure beast of a machine, for Trollians are not of this universe, not of this world and not to be kept with mere confines of some inferior skin shell.
Queen Lindonia comes forth with my concoction of hormonal transformation. I slurp and sip, ingesting then allowing it to consume my senses. Queen Lindonia is so sweet and strong, only liken to a being fit for a Trollian Leader. Beauty is not to be seen for worthiness can be only grasped from experiencing her passionate fire which even now my freshly ripped open nostril flares still are able to take in. Having the senses of a thousand wolverines, I smell my Queens calling and bidding, consummating my transformation will mark an end and yes a beginning of the new dawn and fall of the former world as many have known it. I will lay claim to all things old and start a new, a continuation of what is Trollian, the future of this planet.
“Grand Overlord, biddest I to visit me soon, I have what though needs to become strong and indomitable!” sayeth coyly and seductively my Queen to her King. A low guttural response from deep within me answers before I can understand where it comes from.
Consummations completed, my Queen helps in applying balm to my newly arriving shell. I accept my branding and taught shell releases my newly formed figure, not of the weaker former look of fur and skin shell, but of a metallic sheen, with squared features and shards extending from under my shell, preventing anything from grasping a hold of the leader known as Grand Overlord.
I peer though my portals in time to see what is happening in the new battleground being laid out. Northwest Quadrant as it is now referred to as, is already being prepared for a blood bath strewn landscape. These Byzantines are an ignorant lot, choosing to attempt extorting and perverting my people by allowing itself the pleasures of overrunning my staked out boundaries. In thee year these common dogs call 930 AD I am accused of being a barbarian in a crooked twisting of words by Theodora. I shall show her that she would have fared much better with encountering a thousand barbarian hordes than the likes of me on the business end of my completed metamorphosis.
I close my portal and with a low hum, send forth a message to cities near and cities far, send forth your finest troops to the Northwest Quadrant.
Pikemen and Medieval Infantry now trodden the roadways that Trollian workers have laid out. I hear whispers in the wind of a battle not yet started but looming like a vulcher over a carcass. I count what is enroute to the field; yes even a massing of troops and soon we will have horseback riders. I will count time and then whence the appointed times arrives, these Byzantine Bastard children of Theodora will pay the price of her foolishness.
“Hear me now Theodora, I am coming for your seedlings that have perverted the land I will soon possess” send forth my message I give to my Saber Rattler Hansfeldt order I.
I now mount up on my perch.
Overlooking my future battleground, coldness, the blood temperature a Trollian leader experiences just before undertaking battle, fills my veins. Steely-eyed portals barely glint as a clear picture unfolds. I see my Victory and now, must experience the actual battle that will soon unfold. The Valley of Death will be a future Bloodbath from which all Trollian warriors must pass though and do so swimming chest deep in the blood of foolish mortal infidel leaders!
Now, pleasure from the pain of the battle, but first comes the taunting, the mounting of steeds and the desecration and carnage brought forth by Trollian siege!
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
Queen Lindonia sent me a Steinruenga, a flask with potion enabling me to see what my family members are doing in preparation for world domination. Thick somewhat salty and just a touch of sweetness, much like that of what earth inhabitants would call a mango citrus concoction.
Appearing in my daydreams is my son Markus Maximus Trollius. I gaze upon him as he smiles, not seeking approval but glowing with pride as he does what he knows I would have him do. He has supply routes well in hand, seeking treasures forging alternate pathways and infrastructure that will grow our settlements strong in these most harrowing of times. For you must understand, although us Trollian leaders have charge and are destined and will soon rule this new world, our subjects and citizens are not of the ruling leader class we are, no, thousands of years it takes to even consider a leader worthy to undertake this monumental task. My son in whom I am well pleased in a few hundred years will lead his own battle, but now, we rely on and train up our loyal subjects, our future!
The armories are this very moment outfitting new shoes for our horses, shoes with talons of titanium, and shin guards of steel, Kevlar knee guards and a breastplate of numrector, material known only to our peoples heritage, which bears a stench of toxin that kills the mere will to resist our domination conquests!
I watch my son set pitfalls and snare traps for those idiots which will seek to infiltrate our lines, a trap set and then we will showcase any carcass that dares trod on our sacred land!
I touch my sons spirit, stir it to pay close attention to the seafaring communities, watch I pray tell, and soon ships will be available and use them and encircle those whom would seek to deny our forefathers rights!
Rise up now my son, Rise up Son of Grand Overlord Troll, take forth your mighty steed and ride like the wind, ride to find me a pathway for while we take on the Byzantine Empire in the Northwest Quadrant, we must also prepare for the Mayan leader Smoke Jaguar will surely seek to test our mettle as well! We will prepare a battlefield for both fronts!
Go now!
Adhering to the rule we have had set forth, only us leaders shall possess powers and mighty as they are, can not be used to mass murder but we must assemble our troops and let them through our training deliver the death Nell. Yes, a slow methodical usage of stomping of spirit and pride asunder let news spread forth like a wicked dark plague. All will ponder many will ask but few shall foretell of the might of the Trollians. Many have deemed us unworthy and meek and that will be our cloak in the darkness of ignorance!
I motion for the cauldrons to burn hotter even glowing from a distance yet unseen in days past, groups of many will wonder what it is that glows and spews fire. Many will think it is a volcanoe erupting, but it is not the death spewing of earth, but it it a sign of the siege to come, to brilliant to look upon, to harsh to comprehend. I will send forth my troops and destroy all.
First my plans require a defensive force on the front lines to protect which I take, my assault troops are coming forth soon, swift horsemen that rush from the hills and clouds to over take. These Byzantines are proud, but all too soon will have to find the sum total to pay that ultimate price for ignorance shrouded in pride.
I order my roadways to go here and there like a rooted system that goes unnoticed from near but carries necessary replenishment to that which is strong. My roads, which carry troops and goods, are yet in place. Rumbling of my hordes of death mongers are now near the northwest quadrant. Almost time, almost time I caution my people. Be patient, lest we fail in our conquests of these ignorant sorts. We must hit with force and a multitude to sweep down swiftly and methodically. Numbering in the thousands we will be victorious!
“Queen Lindonia” I beckon my sweet bride, “come hither and join me in my chariot on high.”
My Queen and my son do serve their Grand Overlord well. But it is I that must guide. It is I that must seek a continual path of victory. I can feel forces from within and without pulling at my senses, trying to divert my destiny; that will give greatness to my people. For it is I that have been given this task and it is I that shall lead my people to the head table.
Celebrate one and all of Trolldom!
Celebrate in your hearts and souls of the victory to come!
But, let us do what we must first before resting, look not past the task at hand. Give asll to the communal efforts and that we may all celebrate!
Leave no stone unturned!
Leave no thatch not burned with a consuming quenching fire!
Release the hounds of Hell!
They called down the thunder when they failed to bow before our very presences!
War it is that they seek and meekness shown was but a snare to catch them off guard!
Take the pain to them and leave no memory of these Byzantines!
Theodora the whore is damned! Turn her out!
In the meantime my people shout for a celebration of Birthday greetings and presents!
I ask for but one present, the smell of the stench of these Byzantine mortals burning in the fire!
You are undoubtedly a skilled writer in that your use of descriptive language is, well excellent !
However I feel you are slow getting to the point, the last few chapters could have been condensed easily into one.
Another slight point is the inclusion of things such as Kevlar etc, how could your story set in the ancient beginnings of history have very modern technologically advanced body armour ?
You are obviously a good writer and I dont wish to put you off in any way, but I reccomend you bring in more characters and dialogue and try to move the story along a little faster.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
Originally posted by ChrisiusMaximus
You are undoubtedly a skilled writer in that your use of descriptive language is, well excellent !
However I feel you are slow getting to the point, the last few chapters could have been condensed easily into one.
Another slight point is the inclusion of things such as Kevlar etc, how could your story set in the ancient beginnings of history have very modern technologically advanced body armour ?
You are obviously a good writer and I dont wish to put you off in any way, but I reccomend you bring in more characters and dialogue and try to move the story along a little faster.
ok...I see
Well Kevlar belongs to me..the leader as in I am advanced but my people are not as noted
I see that i should bring along the story but I was poosting longer as it was pointed out that I should....
I have my game set on 1000 turns on a 326 X 326 (IIRC??..the biggest map possible) with I believe 6 ai
lots of expansion little interactivity to this point as I am traveling like 30 turns to simply get a unit to fighting position)
BUT..will know better the next go around what is and is not acceptable
ok..Ill speed up and only post when I get the game closer to an epic event
326 X 326 with 6 AI wow thats massive, no wonder the distances are massive too
Looking forward to more from you
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
Or have youi decided to quit this story ? if so then thats a shame, and I hope it was'nt due to my criticism's.
Your story here was very well written and you have a flair for descriptive writing that few here could match if they tried, but the comments I raised were to my mind fair points, Im sorry if I have caused you to do this !!
My thoughts were offered in the spirit of honest feedback,something which most writers ask for. If you would prefer me not to comment then please tell me and Ill refrain, rather that than see you stop writing.
Again sorry if Ive caused you to quit this at all.
A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.