Originally posted by Master Zen
We were at war Nathan, unable to engage because there were no troops to engage. Our declaration of war was posted. As for GoW lives at stake that's just another case of self-justification and you can go around and around the issue but ultimately leading to the inescapable fact that it was a hostile act, even by your definitions.
We were at war Nathan, unable to engage because there were no troops to engage. Our declaration of war was posted. As for GoW lives at stake that's just another case of self-justification and you can go around and around the issue but ultimately leading to the inescapable fact that it was a hostile act, even by your definitions.
Further, "hostile" is your word, not ours. I think the words that best describe the feelings of the team as a whole (although some individuals had harsher attitudes) were,
Nor are we saying that supplying Vox with iron would, in and of itself, destroy another team's hopes of having good diplomatic relations with us. But it would be quite capable of nudging our attitude a notch or two (e.g. from Polite to Cautious or Annoyed, to use game terms), and that could easily have an impact on close choices in future negotiations.
At a deeper level, GoW negotiated a NAP with us and thought they could use it as a "let us split Bob with ND while you get nothing" (or at least nothing for a very long time) pact. That disconnect between what we felt the legitimate purpose of the pact was and what GoW was trying to turn it into is what ultimately led to the pact's failure. It is one thing to expect Gathering Storm to behave honorably, but quite another to willfully abuse our honor and expect us to put up with it. Under the terms of the NAP, we had as much right to conquer and keep RP territory as GoW did. But GoW's attitude toward us seemed to completely disregard that fact, thereby ensuring that we would side with RP to the extent that we felt the NAP allowed rather than with GoW.
Not that I should be complaining too much about that aspect of the situation, because I've enjoyed working with RP and that probably wouldn't have happened if GoW and ND hadn't pushed GS and RP together. Still, I get extremely irritated when members of GoW try to portray our honor as worthless. There is a long way between "not quite 100% perfect" and worthless.