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Mike B. Firaxis: Transferring Mods?

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  • Mike B. Firaxis: Transferring Mods?

    I'm a bit impatient to test this tomorrow personally with my copy of PtW, but I was wondering if it was possible to tranfer a .BIC file into a .BIX file? I've spent quite a few (at least 20 or 25) hours customizing my mod, and I was hoping there might be some way to transfer it over to PtW.

  • #2
    Re: Mike B. Firaxis: Transferring Mods?

    Originally posted by Trip
    I'm a bit impatient to test this tomorrow personally with my copy of PtW, but I was wondering if it was possible to tranfer a .BIC file into a .BIX file? I've spent quite a few (at least 20 or 25) hours customizing my mod, and I was hoping there might be some way to transfer it over to PtW.
    Simple. Load your .BIC in Civ3XEdit.exe and then save it. By default, it will use the same name, including the .bic extension, but it will be a .BIX file. If you want the extension changed, do Save As and replace BIC with BIX in the filename.

    BIX files are an extension of BIC files so they are backwards-compatible with BIC files.
    Mike Breitkreutz
    FIRAXIS Games


    • #3
      Awesome, thanks.
      Now all I'll have to do is add all the new things that are in PTW, but I'd rather do that than edit my mod from scratch.


      • #4
        So what does the "king unit" mean on the Civ screen, anyway? When I loaded a mod into the PTW editor, it all the civs had a unit I had added previously to the game defaulted as the king unit. What's this?
        Tutto nel mondo è burla


        • #5
          Originally posted by Boris Godunov
          So what does the "king unit" mean on the Civ screen, anyway? When I loaded a mod into the PTW editor, it all the civs had a unit I had added previously to the game defaulted as the king unit. What's this?
          It's the unit used as the king for that civilization. For example, the king unit for England is Elizabeth. These units are all new to PTW.
          Mike Breitkreutz
          FIRAXIS Games


          • #6
            Wow Mike, you've really been here all day. Get the release day off?
            "I used to be a Scotialist, and spent a brief period as a Royalist, but now I'm PC"
            -me, discussing my banking history.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Trip
              Awesome, thanks.
              Now all I'll have to do is add all the new things that are in PTW, but I'd rather do that than edit my mod from scratch.
              ColdFever did a good job of noting the rules differences in this thread:
              Mike Breitkreutz
              FIRAXIS Games


              • #8
                Mike, how do I access the WWII units included? Do I need to add them via the editor somehow, or is there a particular scenario that uses them?
                Tutto nel mondo è burla


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Boris Godunov
                  Mike, how do I access the WWII units included? Do I need to add them via the editor somehow, or is there a particular scenario that uses them?
                  I was wondering the same thing. I guess we can add them using the editor or just wait for someone to put a scenario out.

                  I want a dino scenario


                  • #10
                    kittenOFchaos is just about ready with a bix that incorporates all of the new units. Or so he has told me.
                    (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Trip
                      Now all I'll have to do is add all the new things that are in PTW, but I'd rather do that than edit my mod from scratch.
                      Correct, only one suggestion: there changed a lot in the UNITS section and it is easy to overlook something. So for my existing mod I
                      - loaded my existing bic-file
                      - converted it into bix-format
                      - imported the entire UNITS section from civ3X.bix (the original)
                      - and then made all changes
                      Kai · Team


                      • #12
                        Re: Re: Mike B. Firaxis: Transferring Mods?

                        Originally posted by Mike Breitkreutz FIRAXIS

                        Simple. Load your .BIC in Civ3XEdit.exe and then save it. By default, it will use the same name, including the .bic extension, but it will be a .BIX file. If you want the extension changed, do Save As and replace BIC with BIX in the filename.

                        BIX files are an extension of BIC files so they are backwards-compatible with BIC files.
                        What about using the Import function in the editor to bring the values from a .bic file into a .bix file?

                        Also, if you switch the Manhatten Project to a Small Wonder, will you have to make some sort of change in the civilopedia text file to keep the game from crashing?
                        |"Anything I can do to help?" "Um. Short of dying? No, can't think of a |
                        | thing." -Morden, Vir. 'Interludes and Examinations' -Babylon 5 |


                        • #13
                          Re: Re: Re: Mike B. Firaxis: Transferring Mods?

                          Originally posted by Sinapus

                          What about using the Import function in the editor to bring the values from a .bic file into a .bix file?
                          The import function will work to import values from .BIC files. As I said, .BIX files are an extension of .BIC files.

                          Also, if you switch the Manhatten Project to a Small Wonder, will you have to make some sort of change in the civilopedia text file to keep the game from crashing?
                          You shouldn't have to make any additional changes. If you make it a Small Wonder, only the civ that builds it will have access to nukes.
                          Mike Breitkreutz
                          FIRAXIS Games


                          • #14
                            But how does it work then?
                            If it's a Great Wonder, then everyone can still build nukes after Manhattan is built.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Trip
                              But how does it work then?
                              If it's a Great Wonder, then everyone can still build nukes after Manhattan is built.
                              I'm not sure I understand your problem...
                              If it's a Great Wonder, building it will give all civs access to nukes. If it's a Small Wonder, each civ has to build it to gain access to nukes.
                              Mike Breitkreutz
                              FIRAXIS Games

