continent and medium water (70% ?) sounds good
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fast C3C PBEM
ok, as noone else has asked to join the game, i'll set it up tonight (so if anyone still sees this in time, post the relevant information (playing time in GMT, civlization to be played (or random)- Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
- Atheism is a nonprophet organization.
the things which were voted:
continents: unianimously approved
water percentage: 3 votes for 70%, 1 vote for each random and 60%...
so here are the settings:
PBEM, C3C newest patch (you all got my PM about that)
- standard world size (100x100)
- continents
- 70% water
- random barbarians
- random climate
- random temperature
- random geology
- all original victory conditions activated (diplomatic, space ship, domination, conquest, cultural)
- default epic rules (of newest patch)
so basicly everything random and default except continents, 70% water
1 sabrewolf (netherlands)
2 smellymummy (random civ)
3 paddy the scot (england)
4 ricketyclick (random civ)
5 chrisisus maximus (byzantines)
6 monarch AI (random civ)
7 monarch AI (random civ)
8 monarch AI (random civ)
you've got until 22:00 GMT to ask for changes, then i'll set up the game.
so, i really hope we have a great game with equal starting locations and gentlemanly fairplay (no ganging up, etc.)
i'm looking forward to the match and who knows... if it's fun and works out fine, we can start a new one parallel to this one to get through the slow first turns.
cheers!Last edited by sabrewolf; March 1, 2004, 18:30.- Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
- Atheism is a nonprophet organization.
ok, it worked... game set up.
admin password is 'ssprc' (first lettres of our names in succession of playing)
accelerated production is ON. i forgot to ask about it... but as the thread title is FAST c3c pbem, i guess is appropriate. (search in the other PBEM games i can to approx half-half with the settings)
so, now the game:
AI are babylonian, iroquois and zulu... that's just about all i can say right now.
my starting position is acceptable so far - no overwhelming, but good enough to continue. i'll send it to smellymummy next. hope to have the next turn ready in 24 hours
have fun!- Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
- Atheism is a nonprophet organization.
i don't know, if this is clever, but i've named my file as following:
PBEM - th109278 - sabrewolf - 4000 BC.sav
th109278 : thread number (here at apolyton)
sabrewolf : end of my round (duh!)
4000 BC : turn just played
edit: sent 4000BC to paddy the scotLast edited by sabrewolf; March 1, 2004, 19:10.- Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
- Atheism is a nonprophet organization.
Will I be able to play this with 1.12, as you are the originator?
I would prefer not to patch to the 1.18 for now and wait for the official patch. Ive read somewhere that it should not be a problem, but await your thoughts on thisA proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
oops, sorry, too late.
well, 1.12 is anyway old... 1.15 would be the current official one. and no... 1.18 has less bugs than the 2 previous ones.
the good thing about 1.18 is that files cannot be loaded in SP, so cheating (by playing dozens of turns as SP) is not possible. i'm not accusing anyone of cheating... but safe is safe
don't worry about the installation...
- just have 1.15 installed
- then backup all the files in the "...\conquests" and "...\conquests\text\" directories into a subfolder (eg. call it v1.15).
- unpack the patch into the conquests folder.
- backup the new files into a folder like 'v1.18'
for switching between game versions, just copy the wanted version into the conquests folder... backwards and forwards.
it works fine and i've successfully done so in the last week...- Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
- Atheism is a nonprophet organization.
I have the same problems as Paddy, so have to take the same stand sorry.
Further though I am not happy to patch my game with a rushed and unofficial patch, and I really cannot understand why a company like Firaxis and Atari are operating in such an unprofessional way.
I am not prepared to screw around my game set ups and risk making a serious error. I have enough of a time with understanding the mechanics of the game and the internet as it is without further complicating my life.
Give me a patch that all I have to do is apply to my C3C and load and play. Back up this and store that and oh my god its so confusing.
Finally Sabre, though as you pointed out it is possible to cheat and load these things ATM and play ahead in Singlke Player mode, if you set the random seed set it will stop that from being a serious concern, yes there may well be some who are SAD!!! enough to cheat like this but it certainly not my style.
Sorry, but If not patching means I can not participate then I will have to withdraw this time, though if in the future when an official patch is available and you would then be in the market for a game or two I would very much look forward to joining.
Chris.A proud member of the "Apolyton Story Writers Guild".There are many great stories at the Civ 3 stories forum, do yourself a favour and visit the forum. Lose yourself in one of many epic tales and be inspired to write yourself, as I was.
Paddy, you aren't using 1.12 for the tournament game?
Sabrewolf, are you still going to post the link you mentioned? I'm thrilled that the single player PBEM hack finally has been addressed. Unfortunately, between this and the other major changes, it looks to me like the stable (2.0?) patch won't be out for another month or so to allow for more beta testing, unless you've heard otherwise...?
CM, the issue with loading from SP isn't a matter of the random number seed, it's about being able to examine your opponent's position and forces inside and out at your leisure. I got a glimpse of the previous player's main screen unintentionally twice over in the tournament game before I figured out why.Last edited by Rommel2D; March 2, 2004, 03:31.Enjoy Slurm - it's highly addictive!
ok ok, i give up
first, please do NOT withdraw now!
from my point of view, there are 2 options:
1) wait until patch is official
2) play a new game with an older patch
with the first, we've got the problem: will other games too switch to the new patch when it comes out? [yes|no]
the second: do we take 1.12 or 1.15? i mean... we've still got the version issue. paddy, obviously you anyway have to switch between 2 version.
so, what option should we do (or is there another one?). and what's with the problems i mentionned?
i'm sorry it got this complicated. i asked on the first page about the new patch and some where thrilled (paddy, you were one of them, iirc). i guess i missunderstood it as an "OK, go ahead".- Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
- Atheism is a nonprophet organization.
the second last patch (something around 1.20) should be coming out very soon. it's finished and coded, but the translations havn't been done yet. i guess it could be a week or two at most...
and thanks for the support about the SP cheat possibility.
i've just had bad experiences in other games where people used cheats to see were you are. eg. when standing behind a corner, they knew you were there and through a granade.- Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
- Atheism is a nonprophet organization.