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World War II in Europe - tracker thread

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  • Mmm, the English arn't as week as I first thought. I'm not sure why they weren't causing you a little more trouble. Ohh and they have real infantry.....


    • Originally posted by adamsaka
      Mmm, the English arn't as week as I first thought. I'm not sure why they weren't causing you a little more trouble.
      Different approach of different leaders (you might see strengths where others do not and vice versa), I think. Also, before the territory got consolidated by joshciv, there was surely a lot of distracting things to take care of...
      Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


      • The English have more potential than I thought, which is nice. As you can see, I'm quite a fan of stratigic bombing. I guess other players arn't.

        The next few turns on the eastern front could make a big difference to the overall game. Especially now the German army is moving again.

        I hope we can get a few quick turns in soon. I'm on holiday after Christmas.


        • WW II in Europe, to Soltz, Oct 1941
          Gurka 17, People of the Valley
          I am of the Horde.


          • I'm losing track of who gets what so I'm posting the turn here.
            Last edited by Soltz; December 10, 2005, 15:49.
            Even a fool is thought wise if he remains silent.


            • It's me. but I can grab it form the site. no probs.


              • London - November 1941

                Naval - SE Rome - Fail
                Naval - SW Milan - Road Cut
                Naval - NW Amsterdam - Road Cut
                Naval - SE Brussels - Fail
                Naval - E Road Cut
                Naval - S CHerbourg - Road Cut
                Naval - SW Cherbourg - fail
                Naval - NE Paris - Fail
                Naval - NE Paris - Fail
                Naval - NE Paris - Fail
                Naval - NE Paris - Road Cut
                Naval - NE Paris - Fail
                Bomb - NW Hanover - Fail
                Bomb - NW Hanover - Road Cut
                Bomb - NW Hanover - Road Cut
                Bomb - NW Hanover - Road Cut
                Bomb - N Hanover - Road Cut
                Bomb - SW Breman - Road Cut
                Naval - Paris Coast - Road Cut
                Naval - E paris - Rail Cut
                Bomb - S Hanover - Fail
                Bomb - S Hanver - Road Cut


                • Frenh Occupied Northern Africa - November 1941

                  Naval - N Marceill - Fail
                  Naval - S Milan - Fail
                  Bomb - N Milan - Road Cut
                  Naval - SW Florence - Road Cut


                  • Moscow - November 1941

                    Naval - Kherson - Inj
                    Assorted Bombing of units arounf Dneprpetesk. Unit inj. 1 plane lost.
                    Gorilla attacks panza - panza retreats
                    Gorilla Pillages Road
                    Naval - failed.

                    Some unhappy people in Moscow as another city is lost.


                    • German battle report, November 1941

                      Fights this turn:

                      • Paris 887. Artillery barrage: HMS Queen Elizabeth (BB) down to 1 HP.
                      • Brussels 774. Artillery barrage: HMS Southampton (CA) and Transport down to 1 HP.
                      • Asterdam 441. Artillery barrage: HMS Dunedin (CA) and HMS York (CA) damaged. German U-Boot lost while attacking HMS York (CA).

                      • Sevastopol. 2 SS Panzer attacks: 2 Riflemen destroyed. 1 Panzer attack: 1 Flak destroyed, Sevastopol captured.
                      • Dnepropetrovsk 77. III Armee Korps attacks: 1 Guerilla destroyed.
                      • Dnepropetrovsk 96. Artillery barrage: units damaged. 3 SS Panzer attacks: 3 Tanks destroyed. 3 Panzer attacks: 2 Tanks destroyed, 1 Guerilla destroyed.
                      • Kherson 633. Artillery barrage: missed.
                      • Sevastopol 3. Aerial bombardment: Russian Transport sunk.

                      November 1941 sent to Paddy.
                      Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


                      • WW II in Europe, to Soltz, Nov 1941.
                        Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                        I am of the Horde.


                        • Turn emailed to Adamsaka (here's hoping the email address is up to date)

                          Still shelling the same French cruiser, but a bit more damage this time
                          Even a fool is thought wise if he remains silent.


                          • London - December 1941

                            Naval - W Paris - Road Cut
                            Naval - S Brest - Road Cut
                            Naval - Inf S Amsterdam - Injured
                            Naval - Inf S Amsterdam - Fail
                            Naval - Inf S Amsterdam - Injured
                            naval - Inf S Amsterdam - Injured
                            Marine attacks Inf S Amsterdam - Inf Killed - 7 Atil units captured.
                            (some of those soviet, cheeky bastards)
                            Bomb - NE Breman - Road Cut
                            Bomb - NE Breman - Road Cut
                            Bomb - NE Breman - Road Cut
                            Bomb - E Hanover - Road Cut
                            Bomb - N Breman - Road Cut
                            Bomb - N Breman - Road Cut
                            Bomb - NE Breman - Failed
                            Bomb - NE Breman - Failed
                            Bomb - W Bonn - Failed
                            Naval - E Brest - Failed
                            Naval - E Prest - Road Cut
                            Naval - N Marseille - Failed
                            Naval - Palermo - Unit Injured.


                            • Frech Occupied Northern Africa - December 1941

                              Nav- Palero - Injured
                              Bomb N Venice - Fail
                              Bomb N Venice - Fail
                              Naval - Rome - Fail
                              Naval - N Florence - Fail
                              Naal - N Marceilles - Fail


                              • Moscow - December 1941

                                Pillage Railway
                                Naval - Tan.. - Fail
                                Naval - Near Kherson - Fail
                                Naval -Near Kerson Road Cut
                                Bomb - 3 roads cut.
                                Bomb E Dne... - Rail Cut
                                Bomb E Dne.. - Fail

                                --turn sent to modo--

