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Conquests: Mesopotamia PBEM Turnthread 2

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  • Lets see if Witt gets up early or sleeps in today.

    he is such a rack monster

    (Dam college puke)
    *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


    • Bah!! Well, congrats on your win Rhoth.

      For what it's worth, the save has been sent to Con so that he can see Rhoth's victory screen.

      ie, 1890BC Turn sent to Con.
      "One day if I do go to heaven, I'm going to do what every San Franciscan does who goes to heaven - I'll look around and say, 'It ain't bad, but it ain't San Francisco.'" - Herb Caen, 1996
      "If God, as they say, is homophobic, I wouldn't worship that God." - Archbishop Desmond Tutu


      • Might as well give it to akkula
        Attached Files
        *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


        • Originally posted by Wittlich
          Bah!! Well, congrats on your win Rhoth.

          For what it's worth, the save has been sent to Con so that he can see Rhoth's victory screen.

          ie, 1890BC Turn sent to Con.
          Did Snoopy attack me and lose some units???? I was still 85 points away at the end of my turn.


          • He must have, since the game was singing your praises Rhoth when it came time for me to perform my moves. Any how, congrats to you just the same.
            "One day if I do go to heaven, I'm going to do what every San Franciscan does who goes to heaven - I'll look around and say, 'It ain't bad, but it ain't San Francisco.'" - Herb Caen, 1996
            "If God, as they say, is homophobic, I wouldn't worship that God." - Archbishop Desmond Tutu


            • bah! humbug!

              Just like GP. A little too late waking up and smelling the roses.

              Congrats Jared! Well played!
              Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


              • Thanks guys.

                Remember snoopy, everything I did in this game isn't available for you to use in the one starting up. Do the exact opposite and you should be fine.


                • Umm, got it. (If I ever get that save?


                  I didn't lose enough to give you the win, but i got you to 5485. Although I did kill off your stack on the iron, which made me feel better.
                  <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
                  I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


                  • Originally posted by snoopy369
                    Umm, got it. (If I ever get that save?


                    I didn't lose enough to give you the win, but i got you to 5485. Although I did kill off your stack on the iron, which made me feel better.
                    Ah, Paddy must have attacked me with a spearman or the like on his turn then. Thanks Paddy.

                    And now I must apologize to Paddy for using Egypt so brutally. As snoop has noted, I had a plan for winning the game and it involved the conquest of Egypt, solely because Egypt was my closest neighbor. My stacks of companion infantry were able to invade Egypt quickly and didn't have to face defenders on mountains and hills. Plus the three large cities on the flood plains of the Nile gave me a good deal of my victory points.

                    Even so, I probably wouldn't have lasted against the alliance I knew was coming. I half suspected that the defensive alliance I had signed with Babylon and Sumeria wouldn't last when con started probing my borders, and I knew it was gone last turn when I saw a few stacks of Beta's units heading west.

                    That's why I made such a strong push through Egypt as quickly as possible. I wanted to end the game before the full brunt of being attacked from all of you could happen. Obviously if you all started attacking me I could have let up on Egypt (and destroyed the cities I had taken) and sent much of my troops home for defense, but it still likely wouldn't have been enough. My land is highly defensible on it's outer ring with many mountains and hills, but I never once built a fast-moving unit (never had horse resources) for quick strikes, etc.

                    Snoop's maneuver to potentially cut my iron resource caught me off guard as I forgot to protect it against that (and should have positioned my city better in the first place). Not having my second iron resource hooked up, and not even having a city or road within 4 tiles of it, gave me a bit of pause, but I decided to try to wipe Snoopy's units from the area before he could actually cut my iron, rather than waiting for him to do it at an inopportune moment. I actually should have done it the turn before when there was only a spearman and a settler, but I tried to do it diplomatically and request he move away. When the next turn came around and Snoop not only hadn't moved away but had reinforced his stack with several horsemen and other units was when I declared war. Unfortunately I didn't have enough units to destroy all his (after having a little bit of bad luck with the RNG) and he was able to cut my iron.

                    By the way Snoop, if the game hadn't ended I would have had iron hooked back up in about 4 turns. I had a plan in the works to use a few workers to create colonies on the stone and the iron in the south, then engulf it with a city to protect it from conquest. I would have been out of my golden age by then, but I could still produce 2-turn companion infantry in several of my cities. During the golden age I was producing 1-turn companion infantry in a couple of my cities which is why I had close to 40 of them toward the end.

                    In any case, thanks for the game guys. It was fun. Now if only I hadn't been named benwa73 the whole time.


                    • lol... Actually, the settler was a complete accident. I had no idea it was your only iron, and given the fact that I had like 7 in my territory, I assumed you had plenty. I was going to settle a bit east. But, I had been gearing up for the attack, once it was realized you were the danger. Unfortunately, i was the only one prepared, mostly because switching gears from attacking Medea to attacking Phoenicia was simple, as my launching-point was the same for both.

                      I was at that point starting to produce CI, and was going to be starting my GA as soon as we fought a battle (assuming my wheelie guys could win a fight, anywho). But, mostly i was counting on Beta and Con to come through before I got in trouble too much, and threaten your actual cities. My attack was never really more than a large diversion that hopefully would pay off eventually, but at the beginning I was hoping to force you to redirect some egyptian forces my way. Too bad you were able to win before I was close enough to force it ...
                      <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
                      I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


                      • Originally posted by snoopy369
                        lol... Actually, the settler was a complete accident. I had no idea it was your only iron, and given the fact that I had like 7 in my territory, I assumed you had plenty. I was going to settle a bit east. But, I had been gearing up for the attack, once it was realized you were the danger. Unfortunately, i was the only one prepared, mostly because switching gears from attacking Medea to attacking Phoenicia was simple, as my launching-point was the same for both.
                        Heh, an accident. If I hadn't already been so close that would have put a crimp into my plans for sure.

                        I was at that point starting to produce CI, and was going to be starting my GA as soon as we fought a battle (assuming my wheelie guys could win a fight, anywho). But, mostly i was counting on Beta and Con to come through before I got in trouble too much, and threaten your actual cities. My attack was never really more than a large diversion that hopefully would pay off eventually, but at the beginning I was hoping to force you to redirect some egyptian forces my way. Too bad you were able to win before I was close enough to force it ...
                        After the iron gambit failed I was planning to hole up in my territory and make you come to me, hence needing less units up there and could defend my eastern front too. I was already building up more forces on my eastern front just in case. Even though I signed a treaty with Beta and con, I didn't want to completely leave myself open in case one or the other decided to use it against me.

                        And believe it or not...I really was trying to live up to my end of the alliance. Even though I sent much of my force into Egypt I had several units on the way to Medea before Snoop put units in a position to threaten me.


                        • /me and his cabinet come out of the far western desert, wearing the skins of camels and carrying clubs and spears


                          we will never allow you to take all of us

                          /me looks around at all the people sitting around enjoying the peace and prosperity of the new age


                          what is going on here???

                          /me reaches for his jug of jungle juice and takes a long swig

                          oh bugger

                          ok where is the pub then?

                          Attached Files
                          Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                          I am of the Horde.


                          • Welcome to the new world.


                            • IS THIS GAME OVER.
                              The stupid shall be punished.
                              "Never interupt your enemy while he is making a mistake." -- Napoleon Bonaparte


                              • Originally posted by akulla
                                IS THIS GAME OVER.
                                Yes. I gained enough victory points to win.

