Continuing from the first thread here
Turn order, civs, emails
1. Paddy the Scot (ex-SirOsis) - Egyptians - pirate TA vtown TOD com TOD au
2. Wittlich - Mycenaeans - wittlich TA sbcglobal TOD net
3. conmcb25 (ex-Feephi/bfg9000) - Babylonians - conmcb25 TA bluemarble TOD net
4. akulla - Medeans - kilianrog TA aol TOD com
5. Rhothaerill (ex-benwa73) - Phoenicians - rhothaerill TA comcast TOD net
6. Beta - Sumerians - brucehynes57 TA rogers TOD com
7. snoopy369 (ex-SAMUEL2904 (ex-redstar1)) - Hittites -snoopy369 TA yahoo TOD com
Turn order, civs, emails
1. Paddy the Scot (ex-SirOsis) - Egyptians - pirate TA vtown TOD com TOD au
2. Wittlich - Mycenaeans - wittlich TA sbcglobal TOD net
3. conmcb25 (ex-Feephi/bfg9000) - Babylonians - conmcb25 TA bluemarble TOD net
4. akulla - Medeans - kilianrog TA aol TOD com
5. Rhothaerill (ex-benwa73) - Phoenicians - rhothaerill TA comcast TOD net
6. Beta - Sumerians - brucehynes57 TA rogers TOD com
7. snoopy369 (ex-SAMUEL2904 (ex-redstar1)) - Hittites -snoopy369 TA yahoo TOD com