Neither Padd, nor Makahlua will show up to this game, so Snoopy gets to play.
No announcement yet.
Succession game (AU Mod, Emperor level)
1555 (before EoT): Check tech sale possibilities (nothing). I'm going to research Atomic Theory next, as nobody has that (yet); not sure if the 14 + 2 turn rate will get it soon enough, but who knows. GT, that will be up to you; if you get it first please trade it for the world ... (wow, that promo i just saw for "blind justice" looks like the most horribly contrived TV show of all time ... officer blinded in the line of duty has everyone think he's useless and annoying but saves people's lives and solves crimes ... *sigh* ... anyway) Also kill off a couple of wounded cavalry/knight types, as trading 1 musketman (probably will die) for 2 dead horse units is worth it to me.
1560: America goes to war with Inca on our behalf; I am hoping to get the Inca to waste their resources to the south, and/or for the Americans to be at least a little bit of a pain on the south side. Rep Parts are STILL 2 turns away, not sure why but went with it and got +261gpt instead (for 2 turns away), we'll need the $ anyway. Kill off the small stack (1 infantry 1 guerilla and a bunch of longbowmen and some knights) without any losses; can use a trick of taking a rr to the square on the same side of the river as the stack, meaning i don't get the river penalty, but they take the penalty. Would like to get Sumeria in on it as well, but no go; they'll give us Communism if we want it, but ... dunno, would like some gpt if possible as well.
1565: One cheat I always forget about, and hate, is that the computer doesn't have the same rules that we do with regards to "blitz" ... HC takes two stacks of workers. Not a big deal, as they are still within our realm of roads, and easy to retake ... but annoying. Free HC though.
Moved some of the cannons out of Heliopolis - too dangerous that it might revert. Keeping a lot of military in there hoping it won't, but i'm not taking too many chances. In a few turns we'll invade memphis anyway.
Had to fudge with happiness a lot, b/c we hit a big war weariness speedbump ... sigh.
betwn: Hittites join the war against us w/inca ... sigh. Lose dyes as a result ... b$#%rds. Happiness will take a big hit. Probably will just up luxury % a bit and lower science to 0, until we are done upgrading.
1570: Rep Parts finished. Iroquois try to plant a spy!! and we catch them. No opportunity to declare war on them, as usual ... sigh. All unhappy, fixing now. Harbor had been bought last turn, but actually since we were at peace with the iroquois, it wasn't needed ... now it might soon be irrelevant Lots of cannons fired, all our riflemen upgraded, one musketman double-upgraded. Artillery are 120gp each, which means they'll be slow, but not as slow as the 150gp MI->guerillas ...
Okay, restarting my computer now so it will be a second post for the rest.
1570:<Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.
Hmm ... well, things intervened ... will be another day or two before this is done. Turns taking a bit long now anyway ...
Look for an attack on memphis soon, and a change to communism towards the end of my reign.<Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.
between 1570-5: Spain signs embargo against us (?) ... Hittites fail to kill any units in Fort Hope, oddly enough. Incas do ... little. America wants MPP (denied). France signs MPP with Spain ... ?? ...
1575 (Turn 4): Well, well. Some fun with the incans involve the death of 5 incan infantrymen with no Byzantinian losses, and 3 elite promotions (2 HC, 1 infantry). Artillery creation has begun, several musketmen were promoted. 1600 target date for the invasion of Memphis (turn 9 of my turns)...
Between: Hittites were busy ...
* signed MPP with France
* Attacked and destroyed Fort Hope, losing several units in the process
Spanish signed alliance with Incas, as well, against us.
(What exactly did we do to piss them off ??)
1580: Well, losing fort hope sucks, as that's another luxury, gone. Sigh. And with spain at war with us now, for no apparent reason, another luxury we can't easily get So, 10% higher luxes, less gpt, and still some people need to be entertainers in some smaller cities Communism will need to come soon I suspect...
Sumeria sends us Communism for Steel + Rep. Parts, as I decided it was worth it finally. We need communism, and nobody else will give it to us. America sends us 11gpt for Industrialization (um, wow, underwhelming but it helps). Sumeria and France both sign ROPs with us (hopefully protecting us from them declaring against us, which would suck since they're our two last non-homegrown luxes.)
I'm not far from considering peace with Babylon if I believed we could trade for a lux with them. I want luxury from somewhere ... and they're pretty much it, so far as I can tell.
Some more deaths of Incan infantry, one HC dies to a 1hp infantry!!!! ah well, some cannons upgraded (that's where my cash is now going, 1 a turn, cannons suck compared to artillery vs. infantry) ...
Between: Mini-invasion, about 15 infantry from the Incans come in and visit us. Several Spanish cavalry (10) also. Sigh, dang on spaniards
1585: Lots of fun... 10 spanish cavalry ... destroyed (without any arty!) ... only 1 HC is lost. Got a leader from it, created an Infantry Army, helped out. Also killed a single bab guerilla with another elite HC, also get a leader from that !!! ... infantry army again, helps out with cavalry. Left the infantry alone, unless you count the arty and cannon fire that hit them pretty nicely ... stack of 8 and stack of 6, the 8 was 1sq from the city there so it got the arty fire. About 20 HP taken off of the stack total, some at 3 some at 2 hp left (2 elites too).
Off to bed now, more Weds perhaps ...<Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.
Originally posted by Modo44
I am still here all the time. But I refuse to make it a 2-player game.
This has been a dissapointment to say the least for me
I love to play but when a game has no continuity, I cannot hang
Have fun and perhaps another time and place I will hve a go at it
It was real fun and educating
No offense meant to anyone
GrampsHi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah
Ok, here is the save from Snoopy, who is unfortunately too busy to finish it.
Looks like you can play it, Paddy. 10 turns.Attached FilesLast edited by Modo44; March 21, 2005, 07:46.Seriously. Kung freaking fu.