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Iron Civer Tournament- Coliseum B

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  • So sorry,
    I meant 1600 bc

    920 AD is from another game
    veni vidi PWNED!


    • Sent to McMeadows
      Don't eat the yellow snow.


      • sent to F
        Illegitimi Non Carborundum


        • 1575 bc sent
          veni vidi PWNED!


          • 1550bc to McMeadows
            Don't eat the yellow snow.


            • sent to jshelr, including a note for all civs

              The Vikings, Carthegeans and Russians have agreed not to tech trade with the Mongolians untill further notice.

              [edit: for all the worried souls in this Middle World, tech has been added to prevent misinterpretation]

              PS bongo, with those horses heading my way, could you send a worker as wel, to build a road... We could trade,.. hmm if only for that war...]
              Last edited by McMeadows; July 27, 2004, 18:15.
              don't worry about things you have no influence on...


              • Interesting...hardly surprising though.
                Don't eat the yellow snow.


                • 1550 BC sent to F
                  Illegitimi Non Carborundum


                  • To McMeadows
                    Don't eat the yellow snow.


                    • So is it 920AD or 1550BC? It sounds like a bunch of tribes have Nationalism already...
                      Enjoy Slurm - it's highly addictive!


                      • I can actually see Bongo's modern armor just over the yonder hill.

                        Are we falling behind? Do we need an intensive session?
                        Illegitimi Non Carborundum


                        • sent to jshelr.

                          The Mongols have attacked the Vikings without any warning in am attempt to prevent the Vikings from claiming free land. This action follows directly after declaration of the non-trade agreement. And war it is.
                          don't worry about things you have no influence on...


                          • Originally posted by Rommel2D
                            So is it 920AD or 1550BC? It sounds like a bunch of tribes have Nationalism already...
                            Would this ancient age trade embargo happen to violate any rules btw?
                            Don't eat the yellow snow.


                            • Sent to F. I'll cut and paste the relevant section of the civ constitution into the next reply.
                              Illegitimi Non Carborundum


                              • The relevant item is in this general section as item (d)

                                1-2 Players shall not exchange in-game information until they are represented on each other's foreign advisor's screen. They shall not exchange graphic map information before both have knowledge of Navigation.
                                a) In diplomacy without an embassy between the Tribes, a player may only offer technology already known by their Tribe. They may not offer or ask for unknown techs.
                                b) Players shall not coordinate military action unless an alliance is formally declared in the foreign advisor's screen.
                                c) Players shall not make reference to specific distances or directions until both have knowledge of Map Making.
                                d) Players shall not make Mutual Protection Pacts or Trade Embargoes unless they are declared in the foreign advisor's screen.

                                It's always possible that some other section also applies. My son's the lawyer and he's at work right now.
                                Illegitimi Non Carborundum

