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30% Iron Civer Tournament

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  • bring it on
    Gurka 17, People of the Valley
    I am of the Horde.


    • that would be nice..
      The Best Multiplayer Game Ever


      • Originally posted by Rommel2D Everyone has improved slightly, except the Col A guys who have been congratulating themselves and resting on their
        It's true: we have been resting on our toilet seats

        Another civgroup? Why the hell not I say.


        • Originally posted by ricketyclik

          It's true: we have been resting on our toilet seats

          Another civgroup? Why the hell not I say.
          ouch, hope you wash the save before passing it on

          Mr Rommel2D,
          what sort of gif will you have for the civ group?
          Gurka 17, People of the Valley
          I am of the Horde.


          • Well, I tried to take the sword from Iron Working in the Civilopedia and reduce it to a 15x19 gif, but it doesn't show up very well. I'll try to enhance or redraw it on my own next weekend. If someone can come up with a better looking one by then, I'll award them a laurel wreath (provided rick hasn't contaminated them all ;-)
            Enjoy Slurm - it's highly addictive!


            • hmmm, maybe we need to place an advert in the community threads for some grand artist to help us
              Gurka 17, People of the Valley
              I am of the Horde.


              • i had a try but couldn't make anything useful.

                i'll have another go later, maybe working from one of these:

                ghengis farb may be able to do something
                - Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity
                - Atheism is a nonprophet organization.


                • Hmmm, an Iron Maiden?
                  Enjoy Slurm - it's highly addictive!


                  • I will be away from Friday through Sunday chasing plastic instead of forging iron. In the interim, Sir Ralph has the passwords in the unlikely event something comes up. He will not be monitoring the threads, but if you contact him directly, he has told me he will play delinquent turns and pass them on. I will edit in instructions for contact once I receive them...
                    Enjoy Slurm - it's highly addictive!


                    • When the games reach 750BC, could someone from each game capture a screenshot of the score graph, or at least send a copy of the turn to me? The audience needs an idea of the gore and carnage going on, however abstract...
                      Enjoy Slurm - it's highly addictive!


                      • Originally posted by Rommel2D
                        Hmmm, an Iron Maiden?
                        Good idea!


                        • let the good times roll
                          Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                          I am of the Horde.


                          • If one of the games needs a nudge this weekend, send the save to:
                            sirralph at gmx dot com

                            Enjoy Slurm - it's highly addictive!


                            • I'm back and almost recovered. I'll see if I can get something going with the icon by next weekend. Sabre's third one looked pretty good. Unfortuantely, he has found himself as the first casualty of the tournament...
                              Enjoy Slurm - it's highly addictive!


                              • Sabrewolf lost 2 swordsmen to my archers and single horse, and then started destroying his own cities and disbanding his units. He could still be alive and very much ticking if he'd wanted to be
                                The Best Multiplayer Game Ever

