I've made a little discovery concerning the pirate sightings that I would like to share with my fellow explorers:
Since I go last, after I finish my turn I get see the AI moves (mainly barbarians). Well, I too ran into a Pirate ship off the S. American coast. I was able to attack it with one of my ships while another of my ships watched. Needless-to-say, the Pirate ship sunk my ship....but imagine my surprise when I ended my turn and the AI moved...but the Prirate ships (there are 2 pirate ships now because I lost the sea battle to it) did not!
There can be only one reason for this. The AI is NOT controlling them. One of us is.
So, my question is: Which one of us is pirating the sea ways?
The plot thickends....
Since I go last, after I finish my turn I get see the AI moves (mainly barbarians). Well, I too ran into a Pirate ship off the S. American coast. I was able to attack it with one of my ships while another of my ships watched. Needless-to-say, the Pirate ship sunk my ship....but imagine my surprise when I ended my turn and the AI moved...but the Prirate ships (there are 2 pirate ships now because I lost the sea battle to it) did not!
There can be only one reason for this. The AI is NOT controlling them. One of us is.
So, my question is: Which one of us is pirating the sea ways?

The plot thickends....