The Grand Passage is a five player PBEM set in the scenario Age of Discovery. Only the European nations will be available. All three native american tribes will be played by the AI.
Because of the close nature of the European nations, there will be a "no war in starting locations" agreement. No European power may attack any other European Power in their starting lands. This includes the Portuguese city in Northern Africa, as well as the Spanish/Portuguese starting islands. I just want to see this game progress more as a colonization and piracy game rather than a 'beat up the homeland and your opponent is out' game of war.
Any other colonies settled are fair game as are any ships if a war is desired. This agreement precludes the seemingly common tactic in some of the earlier Age of Discovery PBEMs of eliminating a player early on and increases the fun of the game for all of us in my opinion.
The game will hopefully progress much like it was intended to with players setting up colonies in the New World, battling the natives and each other in the New World (but not at home), pirating your opponents shipping lanes, and finally with someone winning via the victory point condition....or an AI civ winning the one city culture victory.
Further, I'd also like to institute some sort of role playing element to the game. As we all start out knowing each other the game is rife with roleplaying possibilities right from the start. As we are all European nations I'm sure we can think of something to say. You don't have to roleplay anything in your posts if you don't want to, but it's just a nice addition. Posting screenshots of particularly fun things (such as the Portuguese fleet sinking the English fleet) is also welcome if anyone so desires.
Civs, in play order:
Spain - SirOsis: sirosis TA hotmail TOD com
Portugal - Rhothaerill: rhothaerill TA comcast TOD net
France - Paddy the Scot: paddythescot TA hotmail TOD com
England - Beta: brucehynes57 TA rogers TOD com
Dutch - Wittlich: wittlich TA sbcglobal TOD net
Maya - AI
Inca - AI
Aztecs - AI
This setup actually works out quite well since Paddy is in Australia and sending to Beta who is on the east coast of North America, while Wittlich, SirOsis and I are all in a row and on the west coast of North America.
And thanks to Paddy the Scot for suggesting the name of the thread and giving me the picture.
Because of the close nature of the European nations, there will be a "no war in starting locations" agreement. No European power may attack any other European Power in their starting lands. This includes the Portuguese city in Northern Africa, as well as the Spanish/Portuguese starting islands. I just want to see this game progress more as a colonization and piracy game rather than a 'beat up the homeland and your opponent is out' game of war.
Any other colonies settled are fair game as are any ships if a war is desired. This agreement precludes the seemingly common tactic in some of the earlier Age of Discovery PBEMs of eliminating a player early on and increases the fun of the game for all of us in my opinion.
The game will hopefully progress much like it was intended to with players setting up colonies in the New World, battling the natives and each other in the New World (but not at home), pirating your opponents shipping lanes, and finally with someone winning via the victory point condition....or an AI civ winning the one city culture victory.

Further, I'd also like to institute some sort of role playing element to the game. As we all start out knowing each other the game is rife with roleplaying possibilities right from the start. As we are all European nations I'm sure we can think of something to say. You don't have to roleplay anything in your posts if you don't want to, but it's just a nice addition. Posting screenshots of particularly fun things (such as the Portuguese fleet sinking the English fleet) is also welcome if anyone so desires.
Civs, in play order:
Spain - SirOsis: sirosis TA hotmail TOD com
Portugal - Rhothaerill: rhothaerill TA comcast TOD net
France - Paddy the Scot: paddythescot TA hotmail TOD com
England - Beta: brucehynes57 TA rogers TOD com
Dutch - Wittlich: wittlich TA sbcglobal TOD net
Maya - AI
Inca - AI
Aztecs - AI
This setup actually works out quite well since Paddy is in Australia and sending to Beta who is on the east coast of North America, while Wittlich, SirOsis and I are all in a row and on the west coast of North America.
And thanks to Paddy the Scot for suggesting the name of the thread and giving me the picture.
