I typically play Monarch/Emporer level games and I've noticed that typically I've owned about 50% of the land by the Industrial Ages and the other 7 civs have the other 50%... but it never fails, some little country the size of Isreal
with 3 cities is 7 techs ahead of me in the game. I thought maybe it was the level I was playing so I decided to play chieftain and see if I can get a 7 or 8 tech lead on everyone... No, can't do it. I am convinced that there is something going on (dare I call it cheating)... I miss the old civ2 days where I crushed the opposition with my armor while they were chuckin' spears (only because I earned it).
For those who are going to ask, yes I research, yes I have all the improvements, no I don't start on an island, etc... no responses are really necessary, I just wanted to vent. Now back to civilization... what's that, I feel another anurism coming on...
(BTW we need a face that shows someones head expolding, because that is how I feel)
