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What is up with all the cheating by the computer

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Coracle

    REX, Rapid Early Expansion, almost certainly includes freebie settlers; there is no way the AI civ could produce that much faster than I can.

    The AI sees the entire map AND all my unit military locations ALL THE TIME, and adjusts accordingly.

    AI civs work together against the human - why one civ will commit suicide and fight to the death just to weaken the human, resulting in a long tedious war.
    I do not understand why you would post these false statements. I posted the doc that refutes any such cheats. What ever the issues are at Regent the AI has no chance to win against anyone that has figured out the proper uses of tiles and citizens. It is true the AI can not produce faster than I can, I can't speak for you, but appearently it can as that is what you said. It does not get free settlers at Regent, look at the editor.
    The AI does not even know who is the human and who is for the purposes of strategy. Anyway at Regent it can not make any serious runs at you, it has no chance at all.


    • #62
      Originally posted by Coracle

      At Regent.

      AI civs work together against the human - why one civ will commit suicide and fight to the death just to weaken the human, resulting in a long tedious war.
      The book said no. The AI has not been program to know who the human player is. It know there are 2 or more player, nothing more.


      • #63
        Any civ will be pretty desperate when facing destruction, tou just cannot expect it to roll over and let you have it's remaining cities.

        Yes I find som details on CF rather annoying(where do my units go ) but I adjust my tactics according to that.
        Don't eat the yellow snow.


        • #64
          It would be good, if, when flipping would occur, the stationed troops could actually fight against it, taking casualties, and eventually crush the resistance, killing some population in the process, or be driven out seriously damaged, or even destroyed.
          I've allways wanted to play "Russ Meyer's Civilization"


          • #65
            Originally posted by Coracle

            At Regent.

            I have seen AI galleys sailing merrily through the oceans, No, they did not have navigation or the Lighthouse.
            The may have crossed the ocean. But an AI galley (w/o navigation/lighthouse) will never end a turn in sea/ocean. This has been stated by Firaxis, and I have tested it in maps created especially for this test.

            I have seen AI galleys teleported magically to oceans their own maps say they should not have been able to get to as there is nothing but black between their location and the sea near their homeland.
            That's how it works when a units is teleported by the "leave or declare war" option, and this works identically for AI and human players. With the exception that human players can exploit this of course.

            I have seen invading AI settlers ignore my demands they leave, and then magically teleport themselves to the other side of my civ to set up towns on open tiles they should not even know exist.
            This too works identically fro human and AI players, so its not a cheat. I don't like the way it works, but its easy to use it to my advantage.

            I have routinely been blamed for stuff I never did destroying my reputation.
            The reputation rules are muddy. But its always a logical explanation for the blame. Come with examples, and I will explain it for you.

            Civs I didn't meet for a thousand years still hated me for some minor thing I did (or even did not do) to another civ.
            Things you do will be remembered the entire game. Why is this a cheat?

            Civ cities, when a nearby city is razed, keep cranking out settler/soldier combos to try to settle there even during war - which is not only dumb it is a cheat; they never could produce that many settlers.
            Yes, it is dumb. No, it is not a cheat. The AI produces settlers during war and keep them in cities, waiting for a city to be raized. Try espionage and you will see it. Could you please explain why you think the AI couldn't produce the settlers.

            REX, Rapid Early Expansion, almost certainly includes freebie settlers; there is no way the AI civ could produce that much faster than I can.
            On regent, the AI get absolutely no growth or production advantages and no freeibie settlers (It gets one freebie settler on deity). If it expands faster than you, then you're simply not a very good player. I am not a top player, but I can easily expand faster than the AI on Monarch, where the AI get a 10% advantage.

            The AI sees the entire map AND all my unit military locations ALL THE TIME, and adjusts accordingly.
            Yes, that's the one cheat (if you include that they also see all (including future) resources).

            AI civs work together against the human - why one civ will commit suicide and fight to the death just to weaken the human, resulting in a long tedious war.
            This is completely false. The AI will often start war against other AI, much to the benefit of the human player. In my latest (emperor) game, I started on one island together with Russia and Persia. The two AI civs soon started a war and kept on weakening each other until I could easily take out both.

            Cultural Flipping will destroy the human's entire strategy when a key city suddenly flips to what has become a tiny, defeated civ across a sea. It has happened (search for the "It Finally Happened" thread by Alexman in the Strategy forum).
            Yes, it may happen, but the CF rules apply identically to human and AI players, so even if you don't like CF, there's wrong to list it as a cheat.

            All these - and others - are in effect cheats at Regent level.
            With this post you have proven that you are (at best) a mediocre civ player that knows very little about how the rules work. One of all your points (map knowledge) is a cheat. One other (reputation hit) is muddy, while the rest is completely cheat-less.

            Of course, fans of Firaxis will just call them "quirks" or "concepts". Whatever they are, they stink.
            I can understand that it stinks for you to be outbuilt by the AI on regent, and I do understand if you don't like the border-teleportation or culture flipping. But the fact remains that those rules apply identically to the AI and the human and is therefore not a cheat.
            If you cut off my head, what do I say?
            Me and my body, or me and my head?


            • #66
              Originally posted by Coracle
              REX, Rapid Early Expansion, almost certainly includes freebie settlers; there is no way the AI civ could produce that much faster than I can.
              REX may indeed include freebie settlers, from goodie huts, for both human and AI. There is also a massive difference in how quickly one can produce settlers at the beginning of the game depending upon whether or not one puts city labour on food rich squares (try putting your labour on a wheat or cow square and watch the population zoom and the settlers pop out).


              • #67
                Originally posted by Zachriel

                Certainly the computer knows the map. According to your guide book (you are not interpreting it wrong), it states that the AI knows the entire map. Hey, I've certainly been wrong before, but I am not convinced by the evidence. It's pretty suspicious when a landrush starts as soon as you reveal your map. Perhaps it is selective memory. . .
                Let me briefly go over what was covered in detail earlier this year regarding the map.

                The AI sees the entire map and all your units - at Regent.

                Example: I once in the Industrial period while at war near a coastal city, conquered it and decided to raze it. Now, I consider "razing" absurdly non-historical and unrealistic, but that one time I did it owing to fear of that Culture Flipping nonsense.

                So, there were some empty tiles near the coast. Lo and behiold, with three turns a third civ's transport shows up and deposits settlers and military right there!!

                There is no way they could have gotten a transport and units there that quickly. I believe they were all created by the AI after the city was razed. There was also no way they could have known of both the open tiles and my lack of military units on those tiles.

                The proof? I reload and this time placed military units on those tiles - the civ's transport never even showed up!

                Of course, AI settlers transport themselves like magic all over the board to open tiles they should not know exist.
                Last edited by Coracle; December 3, 2002, 00:50.


                • #68
                  Post a SAV.
                  The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                  Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by punkbass2000
                    You get out produced by the AI on Regent?!

                    It's funny how you try to attribute your poor playing skill to AI cheating.
                    It is probably bad manners on my part to point your lack of manners but anyway... Your post seems extraordinarily rude. The use of the laughter icon, in this context, seems sheer ignorance on your part.

                    Those of us who outproduce the AI at regent may possibly play a little too often?

                    Anyway there seems a fine line between "AI cheating" and legitimate "AI advantages", perhaps merely a matter of definition.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by vmxa1

                      I do not understand why you would post these false statements. I posted the doc that refutes any such cheats. What ever the issues are at Regent the AI has no chance to win against anyone that has figured out the proper uses of tiles and citizens. It is true the AI can not produce faster than I can, I can't speak for you, but appearently it can as that is what you said. It does not get free settlers at Regent, look at the editor.
                      The AI does not even know who is the human and who is for the purposes of strategy. Anyway at Regent it can not make any serious runs at you, it has no chance at all.
                      Yea, yea, If you say it's true it must be. You and your doc.

                      REX, Rapid Early Expansion, almost certainly includes freebie settlers; there is no way the AI civ could produce that much faster than I can.
                      I do not believe for a second the AI can crank out that many settler/soldier combos, send them marching through my territory to set up crappy little towns even on tundra that should never be productive or defendied in time of war owing to their distance from the home capital. If I as the human ever did that I'd end up with a very weak military, little infrastructure, and not enough productive core cities.

                      The AI sees the entire map AND all my unit military locations ALL THE TIME, and adjusts accordingly.
                      Damn right they do, as everyone on these boards conceded many months ago. See also my example above.

                      AI civs work together against the human - why one civ will commit suicide and fight to the death just to weaken the human, resulting in a long tedious war.
                      Oh, so the AI civ is so stupid it just decides to commit suicide and fight to the death for the hell of it, for no purpose other than to make the game more tedious?? I don't think so. Owing to that Culture Flipping stupidity we almost have to exterminate civs, but even if we needed to make peace they sometimes don't want to. I've seen it happend many times.
                      Last edited by Coracle; December 3, 2002, 00:52.


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Theseus
                        Post a SAV.
                        I first posted this account maybe half a year ago. Go look for it. I've barely played the game at all in the past three months.

                        It is getting really tiresome going over points even people who liked Civ 3 conceded were true last Spring.


                        • #72
                          And you would know something about tiresome, wouldn't you?

                          Quite a few of these things aren't cheats at all. Such as reputation, CF, unit expulsion... Apparently, for you things you don't like = cheating.

                          That's a very 3rd grade attitude...
                          Lime roots and treachery!
                          "Eventually you're left with a bunch of unmemorable posters like Cyclotron, pretending that they actually know anything about who they're debating pointless crap with." - Drake Tungsten


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by peterfharris

                            It is probably bad manners on my part to point your lack of manners but anyway... Your post seems extraordinarily rude. The use of the laughter icon, in this context, seems sheer ignorance on your part.

                            Those of us who outproduce the AI at regent may possibly play a little too often?

                            Anyway there seems a fine line between "AI cheating" and legitimate "AI advantages", perhaps merely a matter of definition.
                            If you only knew Coracle.
                            "I used to be a Scotialist, and spent a brief period as a Royalist, but now I'm PC"
                            -me, discussing my banking history.


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Coracle
                              Oh, so the AI civ is so stupid it just decides to commit suicide and fight to the death for the hell of it, for no purpose other than to make the game more tedious?? I don't think so. Owing to that Culture Flipping stupidity we almost have to exterminate civs, but even if we needed to make peace they sometimes don't want to. I've seen it happend many times.
                              I have had a relatively tiny civ declare war on me a couple of times in an apparently suicidal way. In one case I killed a couple of units and it was suddenly realised the error of its ways and offered peace. In the other case, I took a town and it offered peace and all its money (alas only 10 gold) and I gave the useless town back to it. They are not so suicidal, a bit rash at times but not suicidal. Although I have never tried multiplayer I suggest human opoonents are could also be quite rash at times.

                              The culture flipping works both ways, if you put in culture buildings your cities are most unlikely to flip but the AI cities might flip over to you.

                              The mere fact that you "need" to make peace is in itself a reason for the AI not to make peace. If you "need" peace the AI may think it has you on the ropes so why would it not continue the war to obtain further advantages. If I think the AI needs to make peace with me I tend to belt it a bit more to get more territory and a more generous settlement.

                              BTW If you demand cities in the peace negotiations it seems the AI is likely to refuse your terms, if you smash them they will give probably you everything they have except for cities. Are you demanding cities?
                              Last edited by Egbert; December 3, 2002, 01:16.


                              • #75
                                When it comes to ROP violations, the AI cheats big time.
                                "In Italy for 30 years under the Borgias, they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed. But they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance. In Switzerland, they had brotherly love. They had 500 years of democracy and peace. And what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."
                                —Orson Welles as Harry Lime

