So it would seem I was correct about civs getting upset about your holding their people. I never care about them getting upset as I am a Warmonger and will probably stay at war with them the whole game anyway. I just don't want to manage the lazy bums that work at half speed. To sell they must be in your capitol city. You can buy workers as well at times. I should say you could, have not tried it since the first patch.
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Winning Early: What do YOU do?
Originally posted by Theseus
So, remembering this is for new players (yeah right, they just read through 5 pages of this stuff):
I have a bazillion questions, since I only started playing this week, but the big request I have for everyone giving tips to us newbies is to please go easy on the acronyms.
I'm a newbie, and yes, I read the acronym thread already, but it quickly degenerated into a general web/IRC acronym discussion, which I already know.
So, to pull myself back on topic....
I have a game I started as Persia, standard map, disabled Conquest, disabled Culture Linking.
I'm on a continent all by myself, which I didn't realize until halfway into the Ancient Age or more.
Once I got Mapmaking, I sent out a couple of boats with units to find other civs, so I could trade tech, find leftover huts, and hopefully initiate trade routes.
Unfortunately, I'm the only guy with harbors, I've got all the Ancient Wonders except Great Wall. When I found America, they were barely ahead of me in techs, but I finished the Great Library AND entered a Golden Age within a couple of turns, so I caught up really quickly on research.
China is isolated like me, and I think Japan might also be isolated. Aztec, America, Germany are all sharing a continent. I have exclusive Contact Info on China. I have embassies everywhere.
My own continent is not yet fully "built out" - I have a couple of blanks between a few cities and the entire southern 1/3 is completely unbuilt - currently, it's my Elite's training ground(barbs).
So, what do I do?
I like building, but I know America is strong and probably going to get stronger. China, if they ever catch up, will likely be tough to dislodge.
This is only my 3rd game, we just entered whatever the second age is called, I don't have enough military to confidently wage a war and my incomplete building worries me. I've traded for everyone else's World Map, but held mine back(I'm no fool). I've given each civ a couple of gifts of 1gp, which was 5-10% of their treasury for a few of them.
So, in this situation, as a builder, do I just keep trading and building, trying for trade routes, hopefully build out to those 4 Gems squares on the southern tip and try to build a tech lead?
Or do I attempt to instigate a war on the 3-civ continent? (This scares me, but mostly because I truly am a newb to Civ3.)
Thanks in advance, and let me know if I should just start a "help this lame newbie" thread for this question.
Thanks also to everyone taking time to help us newbs - this thread and many others are great, even if a few of the acronyms send me to the Manual/Civilopedia."Just once, do me a favor, don't play Gray, don't even play Dark... I want to see Center-of-a-Black-Hole Side!!! " - Theseus nee rpodos
Originally posted by ducki
Unfortunately, I'm the only guy with harbors, I've got all the Ancient Wonders except Great Wall. When I found America, they were barely ahead of me in techs, but I finished the Great Library AND entered a Golden Age within a couple of turns, so I caught up really quickly on research.
You may want that dead in tech in this case. It allows you to build the Magellan Great Wonder and that is usefull for island nations just like the Great Lighthouse can be the difference between making contact and being stuck till its too late.
China is isolated like me, and I think Japan might also be isolated. Aztec, America, Germany are all sharing a continent. I have exclusive Contact Info on China. I have embassies everywhere.
Same for maps in this case but I normaly am willing to trade maps. In this case you have an exclusive and if you sell your maps you may lose it. Just remember that when you have mapped islands others haven't and a lot of ocean they haven't they may be willing to pay a lot for that map. Just don't forget to trade it around to all that can pay if you trade to one. You don't want them getting the value from your mapping.
My own continent is not yet fully "built out" - I have a couple of blanks between a few cities and the entire southern 1/3 is completely unbuilt - currently, it's my Elite's training ground(barbs).
So, what do I do?
You might not want to build the Forbiden Palace unless the is plenty of land for you to reach the optimum number of cities. If you intend to invade you may want to build the FP on the mainland but that is hard to do without a Great Leader. Those can be hard to get sometimes.
This is only my 3rd game, we just entered whatever the second age is called, I don't have enough military to confidently wage a war and my incomplete building worries me. I've traded for everyone else's World Map, but held mine back(I'm no fool). I've given each civ a couple of gifts of 1gp, which was 5-10% of their treasury for a few of them.
Of course if you can build 16 to 20 cities or even as little as 12 on a lower level you can just hold the island and shoot for the Space Race victory.
So, in this situation, as a builder, do I just keep trading and building, trying for trade routes, hopefully build out to those 4 Gems squares on the southern tip and try to build a tech lead?
Or do I attempt to instigate a war on the 3-civ continent? (This scares me, but mostly because I truly am a newb to Civ3.)
Good advice, Ethelred.
ducki, you sound like you're doing pretty well. Keep building for the moment, and try to get ahead in tech a couple of times (you get rich, AI civs get poor).
I also would wait for Cavs, and caravels or galleons. Think hard about who you want to attack and where... I suggest going after strategic or luxury resources, and trying to take towns / cities in adjacent pairs.
What acronyms need explaining?The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.
Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.
Thanks Ethelred, I feel much better now.
I keep reading strategy guides that talk about early battles and since I'm past Ancient now, I wondered if being isolated was going to really hurt, since I haven't had any wars yet.
I'll just keep on building I reckon.
Here's another truly newbie question...
How do I generate a Great Leader?
I mean step-by-step, the whole nine-yards, as though I was your grandmother wanting an explanation of how to get a Great Leader.
I know I need at least 1 elite unit, but do I have to actually attack with it, or can he just be nearby?
Can I attack barbarians to generate leaders, or only AI units?
Does it have to be an attack on a city, or just killing someone else's unit?
I realise that much of creating a GLeader is dependent on the RNG, but I don't even know the specifics that I can control.
Originally posted by Theseus
ducki, you sound like you're doing pretty well. Keep building for the moment, and try to get ahead in tech a couple of times (you get rich, AI civs get poor).
I also would wait for Cavs, and caravels or galleons. Think hard about who you want to attack and where... I suggest going after strategic or luxury resources, and trying to take towns / cities in adjacent pairs.
What acronyms need explaining?
Especially acronyms like GL.
It might be obvious to veterans giving advice that, based on context, that particular GL can only mean one thing, but to a newbie that doesn't have big chunks of the Tech Tree memorized, GL - in particular - is problematic.
There's others too. Like SC. I haven't been able to build it yet, so if someone was talking post-Ancient strategy and said "be sure to get SC", it might take me a few minutes to figure it out or load up Civ and wind my way through the CivPedia to find it.
For all I know, SC means more than Sistine Chapel.
Anyway, I ramble.
The gist of that was, sometimes a really good tip or strategy - particularly when aimed at a newb like me - can easily get lost in a sea of jargon and acronyms that might as well be written in Ancient Sumerian.
I'm really, really glad you guys are here to pass on your wisdom, though, and if all these great tips mean I have to put a bit of extra effort into understanding them, then that's what it takes.
So again, thanks to everyone for the help and maybe Civ4 won't have a single acronym that means so many things. Personally, I think Great Leader would be better off named *culture* Hero, like Greek Hero, Persian Hero, etc. Especially since it works like a "hero" and leads to the Epic - nah, that's too logical.
Thanks again guys!"Just once, do me a favor, don't play Gray, don't even play Dark... I want to see Center-of-a-Black-Hole Side!!! " - Theseus nee rpodos
Generating GLs is only from combat involving an elite unit.
1/16 chance on attack and 1/32 on defense, increasing respectively to 1/12 and 1/24 if you have built the Heroic Epic (which can only be built after an Army wins one battle).
Armies cannot generate GLs, but the defeat of an Army by an elite unit can.
Only non-bombard land units can generate GLs.
No GLs from defeating barbs.
Militaristic has no impact on generating GLs, just increased chances for promotions.The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.
Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.
Step by step? Well all you need is an elite unit (warrior and up) to win a battle. You do not have to attack, you can be attacked and make one. If you are not a Militaristic civ you have a 1/16 change to create a GL unit from a battle. If you have the Epic you get a 1/12 chance. Same if you are a Miltary civ. You can not get a leader from fighting a barb. Once you have one, you can not make another until that one is use. IOW only one can exist for a given Civ at any time. Ok GL in this context is great leader.
Edit to replace elite with the corect term GL. Sorry for being too laszy to prove read.Last edited by vmxa1; September 15, 2002, 02:23.
Originally posted by vmxa1
Step by step? Well all you need is an elite unit (warrior and up) to win a battle. You do not have to attack, you can be attacked and make one. If you are not a Militaristic civ you have a 1/16 change to create an elite unit from a battle. If you have the Epic you get a 1/12 chance. Same if you are a Miltary civ. You can not get a leader from fighting a barb. Once you have one, you ca not make another until that one is use. IOW only one can exist for a given Civ at any time. Ok GL in this context is great leader.Rhett Monroe Chassereau
"I use to be with it, then they changed what it is. And what I'm with isn't it, and what is it seems strange and scary to me." -Abe Simpson
Good point I forgot to make... only one GL at a time. Managed properly, you can generate multiple GLs in a single turn, which I've done a number of times.
The key lesson? Battle early, battle often, and take care of your elites (e.g., bombardment to make it easy, GL-creation teams, etc.).
If you want to see a GL created on defense, check the 1625AD save in the thread "OK guys I need your input here...".The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.
Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.
Yes you can make a number on one turn if you use the leader as soon as it it is created. The only bad thing about defensive omes is that you may lose them. The game seem to thing it is funny to let me get a leader with the one unit left standing by itself and them have it killed.
Anyway I just wanted to toss in my two cents for getting off the island and going to war. You just really need those early leaders.
Thanks for clarifying GL generation, y'all.
I've now got 3 games going with different Civs, each of which is fun and challenging.
Even though I haven't completed a game yet, I'm considering jumping from Chieftan up to whatever's next in difficulty.
And on a side note, I love France. I am kicking some serious butt as France on a continent with Germany, Russia, and England, two other Civs unknown as yet, but England just brought a dozen or more horsemen to bear on a border city and declared war...I guess I'll see about GLeader generation, assuming the RNG is nice to me.
Thanks again for a great Tips thread!"Just once, do me a favor, don't play Gray, don't even play Dark... I want to see Center-of-a-Black-Hole Side!!! " - Theseus nee rpodos
Here's my very own tip for newbies!
Keep track of how long your agreements last and do not break them without good reason.
In my France game, apparently I didn't fully understand how Alliance vs. Russia was supposed to work and really Pissed Off England by granting Russia peace too soon, and not only did that upset England, but everyone on my continent hates me - well, hateD me.
Actually, Russia is still limping along, but....
How do I know for sure if an agreement has expired?
Thx again.
p.s. Got my first G.Leader! Made an Army, Built H.Epic! Woohoo!"Just once, do me a favor, don't play Gray, don't even play Dark... I want to see Center-of-a-Black-Hole Side!!! " - Theseus nee rpodos
When you are in the trading screen with a specific civ, at the bottom of the trading box there are the words "New" and "Active." Click on Active... all of your existing deals with the number of turns remaining will be shown.The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.
Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.
Good question, ducki, I've been wondering the same kind of thing for awhile but not gotten around to inquiring.
Thanks for the answer, Theseus.
I don't know what most of us would do without this forum (and the bright people who contribute). This game is so complex I think I'd have given up on it ages ago.
Thanks to everyone who contributes.Jack