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1.29F Download - Feeback - Bugs reporting

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  • #16
    Helllllllp !!!!

    I can't download the patch!!! I go to the site, click on "download now" bar, I hit "i agree" bar on popup window, and all that downloads is a copy of the html popup license window. How do I get the patch!!!!!


    • #17
      Originally posted by Lawrence of Arabia
      ARRRRRGHHH. Us maccers dont even have 1.21 yet.

      I was watching the TV the other day (WOW) and I seen a mac comercial bagging the PC. " I get no more blue screens of death" I was thinking, you also don't get customability, good games, and apparrantly 1.29 patch I feel bad for you BUY A PC!

      Ohh yeah, YAY THE PATCH IS HERE THE PATCH IS HERE!. Enough of this I am wasting good playing time.


      • #18
        GI Josh: Go to , and download it from one of the mirrors there.

        Quote:"He who has not learned to obey cannot be a great leader."


        • #19
          just make sure you back up your modded bic before installing...
          Up the Irons!
          Rogue CivIII FAQ!
          Odysseus and the March of Time
          I think holding hands can be more erotic than 'slamming it in the ass' - Pekka, thinking that he's messed up


          • #20
            WOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOO! I was really worried there for a second because Netscape didn't recognize the file type. A million thanks to cbraund for posting the mirrors at civfanatics.
            Overworked and underpaid C/LTJG in the NJROTC
            If you try to fail and succeed which have you done?
            If fail to plan, then you plan to fail


            • #21
              Wow, it's even earlier here on the west coast of the states. Can't say I'm complaining, tho


              • #22
                Modern age, here I come!
                "Show me a man or a woman alone and I'll show you a saint. Give me two and they'll fall in love. Give me three and they'll invent the charming thing we call 'society'. Give me four and they'll build a pyramid. Give me five and they'll make one an outcast. Give me six and they'll reinvent prejudice. Give me seven and in seven years they'll reinvent warfare. Man may have been made in the image of God, but human society was made in the image of His opposite number, and is always trying to get back home." - Glen Bateman, The Stand (Stephen King)


                • #23
                  A quick question: how big is the patch?
                  I watched you fall. I think I pushed.


                  • #24
                    Darn it. I didn't see this thread and I started my own v1.29 is now availible thread. I thought I broke the news.
                    Try for discussion and debate.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Alexnm
                      A quick question: how big is the patch?
                      9.4 megs, give or take. Took me less than a minute on DSL


                      • #26
                        The size is 9.92 MB. Not that big really...
                        Try for discussion and debate.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Alexnm
                          A quick question: how big is the patch?
                          about 9 mb
                          Let us be lazy in everything, except in loving and drinking, except in being lazy – Lessing


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Oerdin
                            The size is 9.92 MB. Not that big really...
                            Yes, if I had a DSL or cable connection.
                            I watched you fall. I think I pushed.


                            • #29

                              I hope my boss doesn't expect me at work tomorrow... or any of you either...
                              They're coming to take me away, ha ha...


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by phunny_pharmer

                                I hope my boss doesn't expect me at work tomorrow... or any of you either...
                                I guess that your boss would not expect me at work, anyway...
                                I watched you fall. I think I pushed.

