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Still no solution to spearman vs tank problem.

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  • #31
    Originally posted by notyoueither
    BTW. I agree wholeheartedly that auto upgrade of obsolete units from previous eras would be a good idea. It would be the end of this... interesting topic once and for all.
    just a new 'graphic' might do the trick IMHO
    Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
    Then why call him God? - Epicurus


    • #32
      Originally posted by alva848

      just a new 'graphic' might do the trick IMHO
      And the name 'Militia'
      (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


      • #33
        Well, maybe the spearman got hold of 'Panzerfausts' . (a great leveller btw tanks and infantry, as the Red Army found out to their cost in Berlin. One sixteen yr-old could take out a tank.)

        Or, the tanks ran out of fuel, broke down, got lost, got stuck down a narrow street or in tank traps. Hey, even a spearman could dig a tank trap...


        • #34
          Wouldn't that still be regardable as "Militia", Cort Haus.
          Grrr | Pieter Lootsma | Hamilton, NZ |
          Waikato University, Hamilton.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Grrr
            I switched the Autosave off because of the lag of compression,
            Does this speed up the game a lot?
            Golfing since 67


            • #36
              "Still no solution to spearman vs tank problem."

              The solution is simple: Never think that just because you have a better unit on paper that you will win the battle.


              • #37
                I'm relieved to see far more people in the "its not a problem" camp. The last time I was involved in a thread which suggested thinking of modern day spearmen as partisan militias with makeshift weapons the suggestion was attacked on all fronts. There is no doubt that changing the icons would certainly help with the visualisation. Now that the icon limits are starting to be lifted there is some hope of this being possible to program in the future.

                The global arms market being what it is, only lost jungle tribes would really have only spears to confront modern armies with and they are represented by the barbarian encampments. We don't need any of the player positions to be that easy to defeat. Provided players make use of artillery the risk of losing a tank to a spearman is minimal, even an elite one fortified in a large hilltop city. A well planned attack is already so low on casualties for the technologically superior side that any further changes in their favour would be foolish.
                To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by The Thinker
                  "Still no solution to spearman vs tank problem."

                  The solution is simple: Never think that just because you have a better unit on paper that you will win the battle.
                  That must be why you are called "The Thinker."


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Grrr
                    Wouldn't that still be regardable as "Militia", Cort Haus.
                    Yes, I think Grumbold (below) sums it up well. I expect that your example was a major case of 'bad strings' of pseudo-random numbers - something not unique to Civ3. I've been playing Axis & Allies (the PC version of the board game) recently where combat is resolved on dice rolls which you actually see on the screen. The distribution looks very uneven, eg - clusters of 1's, then none for ages (like the fabled London buses) - and you'd get shocking combat results regularly.

                    Having said that - I used to play a lot of dice games using real dice and often the results were even wierder. An 'on-form' player enjoying his or her game would be rolling superbly, whilst someone getting p*issed-off with 'bad' rolls would continue to roll badly. Made us wonder a lot about 'mind over matter', and even now I focus 'beams of will' at the screen while my cavalry is grawing away at a rifleman - even though I know the outcome is mathematically predetermined by the seed. Hmmm - I wonder if the religious determinists see God as a pre-seeded random number algorithm?


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Cort Haus
                      Yes, I think Grumbold (below) ...
                      Er, I mean 'above' that is ... above my post and below yours ...


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Cort Haus
                        I focus 'beams of will' at the screen while my cavalry is grawing away at a rifleman - even though I know the outcome is mathematically predetermined by the seed.

                        Don't we all?
                        (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                        • #42
                          No-one has yet managed to post a screenshot or a save. And yet more people have claimed to have this problem. As I said, I will not take it seriously until I see some evidence of some sort.

                          In any case, it shouldn't be happening. Unless you consider the spearmen to be militia, they should be instantly wiped out, no matter what happens to the tanks.

                          If this were a movie, there'd be a tunnel or something near here for us to escape through.....


                          • #43
                            Does this speed up the game a lot?

                            Yes. It does. Just remember to save now and then in case your computer crashes.
                            Grrr | Pieter Lootsma | Hamilton, NZ |
                            Waikato University, Hamilton.


                            • #44
                              I agree a new graphic for modern times would end all the complaining. It is realistic to think that a modern country would not make a 'spearman' unit. There are so many guns nowadays you would have to think that your citezens are putting down their guns, dressing up in animal skins, making spears out of simple tools and then going to fight against tanks. Can't we all agree that spearmen in modern times are the equivilant of a bunch of untrained guys with random modern weapons?

                              Also, to the first guy who posted "Still no solution to spearman vs tank problem."



                              Are you dumb? Even if you have never read any of the countless fixes for this "problem" you should still be able to figure out how to use the editor.


                              • #45
                                Still no OFFICIAL solution then. That better?
                                Grrr | Pieter Lootsma | Hamilton, NZ |
                                Waikato University, Hamilton.

