Originally posted by Alinestra Covelia
Is it just me, or does anybody else find the 1.21 patch won't download properly from the site in the first place? I'm using a 56k modem, so I have the Download Acceleration Program help me in case I get cut off.
Well, the DAP downloads all 8.some ugly megabytes of the patch, and then claims there was some error in combining the different parts. Next thing I know, the .exe file is only 6.some MB large. Upon resuming the download, the patch size has shrunk to 2.some MB.
What's going on? I know this is a true newbie question but since that's precisely what I am to Civ3 I think it's rather apt.
Is it just me, or does anybody else find the 1.21 patch won't download properly from the site in the first place? I'm using a 56k modem, so I have the Download Acceleration Program help me in case I get cut off.
Well, the DAP downloads all 8.some ugly megabytes of the patch, and then claims there was some error in combining the different parts. Next thing I know, the .exe file is only 6.some MB large. Upon resuming the download, the patch size has shrunk to 2.some MB.
What's going on? I know this is a true newbie question but since that's precisely what I am to Civ3 I think it's rather apt.

the best is to download it from www.firaxis.com , turn off your antivirus or firewall to be sure , .....close other open windows from your browser that you done need , and it should go , if not , tell so , ......

have a nice day , and good luck on the download , ...
