Ill try to keep this 1st post updated fot current information about the 1.18f patch....ill try at least
As of MARCH 19, 2002: nothing new...been looking around for a while on different sites..nothin new
Check this out, this is big news for the use of artillery, planes, and ships for the use of bombing!! Dan from fixaris told people in CivFanatics that the new patch will incorperate the feature to toggle the ability for bombard units to kill a unit!!!!!
I want this patch!!
As of MARCH 19, 2002: nothing new...been looking around for a while on different sites..nothin new

Check this out, this is big news for the use of artillery, planes, and ships for the use of bombing!! Dan from fixaris told people in CivFanatics that the new patch will incorperate the feature to toggle the ability for bombard units to kill a unit!!!!!
