Originally posted by Velociryx
Trouble is...many, if not most of those criticisms were spot on....Civ3 IS a game with some problems, some of them minor, and some of them fairly major.
Oddly, after enough time immersed in the guts of the game, I "switched sides." Could no longer continue avid support of a game with what I perceived and considered too many design flaws, stemming from bedrock level design decisions.
Trouble is...many, if not most of those criticisms were spot on....Civ3 IS a game with some problems, some of them minor, and some of them fairly major.
Oddly, after enough time immersed in the guts of the game, I "switched sides." Could no longer continue avid support of a game with what I perceived and considered too many design flaws, stemming from bedrock level design decisions.

Your impressions of the limited strategy options in civ3 is a point that should not be ignored. At the same time, there are probably a lot of players who do not approach the game in the same way you do, so for them, that concept is a moot point.
(Actually, I was tempted at one time to start a poll on who would be the next to flip, but that was a flame war in the making....)

Lib, Venger and Yin (yes, Yin because he actually had a lot of initial positives to say about civ3 after a couple of rounds with it) all have done a 180 on civ3 (...OK, you may have only done a 150), and with the possible exception of you, have also taken A LOT of heat from the loyalist camp.
For the most point, I have felt that the issues brought up by all of them have been very valid, but at the same time, sometimes the tone of the posts has been somewhat sarcastic in tone. (Note that the recent '95 thesis' thread actually had a lot of good observations but was very heavy on the sarcasm...) The sarcasm has been mainly directed at Firaxis, but once again, the line gets blurred in the mind as to who is the butt of the sarcasm.
I make no bones about the fact that I prefer the 'CTP2 Modded' model at this point in time. Before civ3 came out, there was a civ2/civ3 loyalist who would come into the CTP2 threads - all he would say that CTP2 Modded 'sucked' and that all of us who modded the game were wasting our time because the CTP2 community was so small.
It wasn't so much his viewpoint that was bothersome, but it was the tone and language that he used to present his viewpoint that was so irritating. Even when he was pressed about his viewpoint, it came out that he had not really played the Modded versions and had based his comments on gameplay in the default mode. Again, I understand that perceptions of a game are often based on incomplete info, and I can deal with that, but this person had no other effective argument rather than 'CTP2 sucks'.
I realize that my posting on how good/bad civ3 is similar to the poster mentioned above - all I try to do is to get players to have an open mind to some of the weaknesses that are noted by civ3 players and to continue to press Firaxis to hopefully fix these issues via patch, or 'shudder', XPack. (and IMO, many of the issues that may bother some players in civ3 have been addressed in the CTP2 Modded community - and 'Modded CTP2' has pleasantly surprised some of the civ3 loyalists as of late).
For me, one thing that came out of that incident was a greater understanding of the powerful pull of so-called 'preference issues', which to me ends up causing the majority of the flame wars that have occured recently here.
There is nothing inherently wrong with holding a preference for something - let's at least agree to respect those preference issues.