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No room for civility any more?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by jimmytrick
    Thanks, but for the record, should these future attacks be posted here or on the Community forum?
    In the community forum... that's were everybody else posts them, and that is the officail place for moderator complaints.

    But feel free to do it by PM, ICQ, or Email too... many people do that as well
    Keep on Civin'
    RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


    • #32
      Thank ya, Ming, for letting the thread stand pat here. I DID think for a good while where I ought to post it, but in light of the numerous flame-oriented posts I've seen on this forum of late, I finally decided to at least start it here, with the notion that it might be moved later on.

      And know me too well then, bud! Next round's on me, btw....

      The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


      • #33
        Cheers to you Brother Vel,

        Couldn't agree more. Point of the matter is this little site had enuff hospitality to get a chronic lurker like me to post. I lurked at various forums but found this one to be the most CIVil.

        You are dead spot on in recalling the golden age of SMAC foruming. It seemed a mecca for civil informative behavior (partially due to the leadership of the posters and most time exemplified by you). I'ld say if we were discussing CIV3 it's yet another thing that CIV3 failed to incorporate from SMAC. (Jus kidding you die hard CIV3'ers ).

        Peace out,

        "Just puttin on the foil" - Jeff Hanson

        “In a democracy, I realize you don’t need to talk to the top leader to know how the country feels. When I go to a dictatorship, I only have to talk to one person and that’s the dictator, because he speaks for all the people.” - Jimmy Carter


        • #34
          Brother Og! Where you been hiding man?! 'tis good to see your name appear on this (and in truth, any!) thread!

          And by the way, thank you for the kind words! I'd like to think that the majority of my posts are of a civil nature (tho I have been known to get ummm...shall we say, rattled a time or two over in OffTopic, and very occassionally here), but it's something I really strive to do, you know? Cos I like helping newcomers, and I like having a positive influence on the boards.

          Having a poster of your calibre take note of that make it all worthwhile bud....again, thank you....

          The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


          • #35
            The lack of quality posts in the strat section may be a result of something else

            1) Due to the lack of sufficently different units and unbalanced units, all the strats that work have been discovered.

            2) I doubt everyone is playing with the default rules set, I sure am not. I myself have all infrastructure reducing corruption, Higher naval movement, doubled hitpoints,etc so strats that work with my particular rules set wont work for anyone else.


            • #36

              so booooooooooring.... man..... brother sister, who CARES! can't you take this ... ahem... say... interesting conversation somewhere else... 'cuz it's kinda a Civ III forum, not a ga.. heh.... I mean....
              I don't conquer -
              I obliterate


              • #37
                Whoa: Exactly my point! Because of the lack of replayability and linear construction of the core game, modders and even casual gamers have taken to creating their own rules sets in an attempt to add longevity to the game. This, however, makes any sort of formalized discussion of strategy impossible, cos you've got a fragmented rules base.

                DarkCav: While I appreciate your opinion on the matter (and by my own admission, I was somewhat torn about where to put the thread initially), I'm kinna doubting anybody put a gun to your head and forced you to read the (in your words "boring") thread, true?

                It HAS relevence in this forum, because this is the place where the problem resides (or at least, where it resides most freqently). Surely you've noticed the rather large number of flamefest threads? And do these threads, in your opinion, do anything to further meaningful discussion of the game? If so, then you're thread is misplaced.

                The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


                • #38

                  You can't really say that someone put a gun to my head, but hey, I read every thread in this forum and not MANY flamethreads, but just like 2 people, Zylka and Iron---something. And if a newbie doesn't read the manual (everyone should read the manual before playing a complicated game such as Civ III) why can't someone point out that the question is stupid, and guess what, most of the stupid questions get answered anyways, just with a remark about it... so... your thread IS misplaced.
                  I don't conquer -
                  I obliterate


                  • #39
                    DarkCav: Can we agree to disagree then? I'd say, in looking over the other responses posted here, that you are in the minority opinon. Not that it makes you wrong, just pointing it out. You are, of course, entitled to keep whatever opinions you like....

                    The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


                    • #40

                      wow.. what a minority... just because all of your ....uh..... friends are posting on this forum, doesn't necessarily mean that no one agrees with me... right?
                      I don't conquer -
                      I obliterate


                      • #41
                        DC: Not gonna argue with you on it. Yes. I specifically said that based on the responses here, in this thread, you appear to be in the minority. If there are others who disagree, they have not posted here. See how the logic goes?

                        So as not to take the thread off the current topic, mail me if you'd like to's that?



                        The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


                        • #42
                          Well, TDC, let me tell you something you don't know...

                          No hardcore gamer reads the manual. First of all, part of the major joy in playing a new game is the joy of discovery and why do I want to spoil that by reading the manual.

                          Secondly, most games these days are shoved out of the door before they are finished, they change constantly and the manual can't keep up. Therefore, the manual will always contain bad information. Avoid it like the plague son.

                          Finally, I don't disagree with you because I am Vel's friend, I disagree with you because you are wrong.



                          • #43
                            Umm, uh, oops, that wasn't civil of me, darn it.



                            • #44
                              I dunno JT, that was pretty civil....There was no name calling, no flaming....civil....

                              The list of published books grows. If you're curious to see what sort of stories I weave out, head to and do an author search for "Christopher Hartpence." Help support Candle'Bre, a game created by gamers FOR gamers. All proceeds from my published works go directly to the project.


                              • #45
                                The posters are also more polarized. There are many people who were very, very disappointed with Civ3 (Some for good reasons, some for not so good reasons.) Disappointment doesn't not make for healthy, productive discussion.

                                I'm not trying to pick on Vel, but, for example:

                                Originally posted by Velociryx
                                Whoa: Exactly my point! Because of the lack of replayability and linear construction of the core game
                                That statement - esp. without any "I think" or "It seems to be" or "In my experience - doesn't leave a lot of room for civil _and_ interesting discussion. There IS some room, yes... but that's the sort of statement that you produce at the end of a discussion, or the beginning of a soon-to-be-uncivil argument. Differing opinions are the heart of debate, but "Civ3 is terrible" and "Civ3 is great.", to pick an example completely at random, might be _too_ different. I've seen lots of statements from many people who are rock-steady in their conviction that Civ3 is a _seriously_ flawed game, or worse. And not just the sorts of people who "trash" any game (Istavan, anyone?), but people who loved earlier Civ games, were ready to love Civ3, but were disappointed. And, again - but I think this is an important point - disappointement does _not_ lend itself to good conversation. Those disappointed people, who'd otherwise bring a lot of enthusiasm to the board, aren't. A few of them, possibly, could even be said to be sucking the enthusiasm from the board..... that makes lots of conceptual-space for all sorts of bad things, such as newbie bashing.

                                OTOH, as has been pointed out, there's the number of posters. After a point more posters rarely, if ever, improve a forum. It's pretty easy for the cranks to dominate discussion. I've been newsgrouping/webforuming for just about as long as it's been possible, and I just want to say: I wish most of you would go away.

