Ok, so you've got some issues with the USA. Fine - at least 1/2 the world agrees with you. But the thread is supposedly about which Civ, if Civ III rules applied to the real world, would have the highest score (a silly topic, but it IS the topic). The political decisions of the US government (boneheaded as they may be) are not relevant to the USA's current "score." Ralph was just throwing out an idea - that Voyager or Pioneer 10 (which is a loooooonnnnnggg way out there now, I believe farther than any other craft) could count as a SS victory. I disagree, given that the CivIII victory condition requires a SS capable of colonizing A.C. We're not even close.
Oh, and as to "I'm not a U.S. hater - really." LOLOLOLOLOL - ad infinitum.
Wow, that must've taken a while to work out. Good effort.
The reality is that CivIII's scoring system is totally dominated by population. A large population is the best way to get a high score. Therefore, China wins. The creative arguments on behalf of other civs have been fun to read, but seriously, it's gotta be China.
Ok, so you've got some issues with the USA. Fine - at least 1/2 the world agrees with you. But the thread is supposedly about which Civ, if Civ III rules applied to the real world, would have the highest score (a silly topic, but it IS the topic). The political decisions of the US government (boneheaded as they may be) are not relevant to the USA's current "score." Ralph was just throwing out an idea - that Voyager or Pioneer 10 (which is a loooooonnnnnggg way out there now, I believe farther than any other craft) could count as a SS victory. I disagree, given that the CivIII victory condition requires a SS capable of colonizing A.C. We're not even close.
Oh, and as to "I'm not a U.S. hater - really." LOLOLOLOLOL - ad infinitum.
Wow, that must've taken a while to work out. Good effort.
The reality is that CivIII's scoring system is totally dominated by population. A large population is the best way to get a high score. Therefore, China wins. The creative arguments on behalf of other civs have been fun to read, but seriously, it's gotta be China.