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two months have passed, and we have no idea when next patch will be released

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  • Originally posted by Argos65987
    It's not a gripe. NDA's exist. They are a fact, whether you think it's fair or not, like it or not. It just is. And by the statement that it doesn't matter whether you "buy it" does not refer to a monetary transaction, it refers to whether you accept a fact, that being that NDAs exist, and some people believe that when they sign a paper saying the will do something or refarin from doing something, they follow through with their promise.
    As I said before, and I hope this is the last time -- NDA's and justifiable silence within game development contracts has nothing to do with PR or customer satisfaction, the customer has a sh_t load of rights when it comes to a product they've already purchased, and I'm more than certain that we're acting within those rights. Btw, who are you and why do we care?

    The cop thing was a joke, lighten up Mr. Farley
    I'm affraid it's a true story, why don't you grow up.

    - What we do in life, echos in eternity.


    • Originally posted by CharlesUFarley

      ...Btw, who are you and why do we care?

      I'm affraid it's a true story, why don't you grow up.

      Very mature. My saying about telling the cop to get you coffee was a joke. If you don't get the joke, oh well. Whether your story about you and the cop are true or not, I don't care. Why don't you hire your high priced lawyers to force Firaxis to answer you?


      • Keep the objective in mind - what furthers it?

        Originally posted by CharlesUFarley

        Yeah I was ignored until I mentioned money and profits, Dan couldn't resist throwing in his two cents.

        Hmmm, my guess is that they were less worried about what YOU were thinking, and more worried that silence would be considered confirmation by some of the younger or more easily confused board participants.

        Your posts are well-crafted and thoughtful; therefore potentially influential. You come from a different set of starting assumptions than I do though - no news flash there.

        Companies never "owe" their customer anything but what is promised in sales materials or in contracts. If they choose not to please all their customers, that is their choice and their risk. If they choose to make a product at one level of "quality" versus another, that is their choice and their risk.

        We as customers can want more attention, or a better product, but we have no right to either. We only have a right to what they promised us to get our money, and that is based on what they actually SAID, not based on what we hoped they meant.

        I applaud all calls on Firaxis to release a new patch containing valuable updates. IMHO, unceasing complaining and attacks are not going to further that goal. I think that constructive suggestions, statements of relative priority, or attempts at developing a consensus of customer input on a particular topic would be much better. I fear that intense complaining will quite possibly induce a smaller rushed patch, reducing the chance that game-enhancing additions will be included. No company can afford an endless stream of free enhancements, so the more that are included in this next patch the better. I'd rather wait a little longer for great patch, then see a lesser patch more quickly. The next patch may be the last patch afterall. Just my two scents. ("Eeeeew", and "light a match" )


        • Actually, I just thought Charles' comment was really funny.

          Dan Magaha
          Firaxis Games, Inc.


          • Originally posted by player1
            SO I PROPOSE:
            Let's Firaxis make one nice bic file called balance_fix_beta1.bic, and distibute it here on Apolyton.
            Then some players will play with that "upgrade", even seperate tournament could be made that way.
            Then people should comment new balance issuses on appropriate thread.
            Then using plyers FEEDBACK, Firaxis could make balance_fix_beta2.bic and etc...
            Until, new patch become released with last balance_fix_betaX.bic as default rules.

            Isn't that much faster and more productive. (its like some sort of public beta testing)
            eeer there are already user-made and user-tested mods that change the rules(units stats, goverments, etc). everyone can download them and use them if he doesnt like the current settings.

            this system as fast and productive as it can get. involving firaxis into would probably make things slowers...
            Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
            Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
   my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


            • Originally posted by Archaetus
              Mark: Give us somewhere to find the answers.
              when there is something important, it's posted in the news

              Firaxis: Answer the questions you can and nothing else. Giving us the run around by providing hints to answers to questions that can't be answered causes nothing but grief.
              i thought that's what they were trying to do?
              Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
              Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
     my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


              • Originally posted by MarkG
                eeer there are already user-made and user-tested mods that change the rules(units stats, goverments, etc). everyone can download them and use them if he doesnt like the current settings.

                this system as fast and productive as it can get. involving firaxis into would probably make things slowers...
                But, I am talking about Firaxis-made MODs, wich should be some sort of beta-tesing rules. (final version in patch)

                Slow, but quicker then getting new patches. (and we could have something to talk about instead of trolling)
                In fact I think it can speed up patches (from game-balance point)

                And nobody would play tournament by using Civ3-files MODs.

                It's not how much someone like or not some setting, it's about STANDARDISATION.
                So you can discuss about Civ, and know that people are playeing same game (not some modif.)


                • Anyway it's Firaxis statement that game needs rebalancing.
                  Unit stats thread in Strategy forum.

                  So I think that such system I described would make time needed to balance things out quicker.

                  That way we won't be just passsive player, then active by making suggestion.

                  Anyway, there isn't anymore much to say in that thead in startegy forums, so we need some sort of update to discuss about.


                  • Originally posted by player1
                    That way we won't be just passsive player, then active by making suggestion.
                    What's even better, since all these thing would be doable in editor there won't be impossibile or strange suggestions.

                    Only pure balance issues.


                    • Originally posted by kimmygibler
                      Mouse - "If FIRAXIS said that something was to be included in the patch and the patch didn't have that change after all when it was released, you can bet your last kidney that the Apolyton forum would have a dozen threads complaining about the omissions inside a day."

                      This argument is idiotic. Why would they care about complaint threads?
                      I didn't say they would care about complaint threads, merely that they would proliferate quickly if something promised was omitted.

                      Human kidneys are worth thousands on the black market and you can make easy money if you can find someone gullible enough to take up your bet (j/k)
                      None, Sedentary, Roving, Restless, Raging ... damn, is that all? Where's the "massive waves of barbarians that can wipe out your civilisation" setting?


                      • Originally posted by child of Thor
                        Pssst....Yin and others, from an 'old' game called Kingdoms to Civ + CivII,I've always loved the tbs game best. I and a few Civ mad friends have just had our best 'civ' type game yet! its kinda off topic but as there seems to be alot of apathy around with Civ3 i just wanted to share this small crumb of 'civ' comfort. It was a LAN multiplayer game of CTP2
                        No really! I got the courage together to try one of the Mods(Med mod) and many hours later the verdict was complete-decent diplomacy and combat had been enjoyed - those Mod guys are hero's and even if i never buy another Activision game again, at least they left the modders with an option, and me and my mates with a game we can play untill Civ4 is released
                        Lucutis, myself, and others have been singing praises for the moded version of CTP2 but no one seems to be all that interested in listening. It is a pitty because they're missing out on a great game that has several features Civ3 should have included (like MP, unit stacking, and a well thought out combat system).
                        Try for discussion and debate.


                        • Agreed, CTP2 even in it's abandoned state is overall more enjoyable than Civ3...



                          • Even in its abandoned state? I don't know, I think the ai was too brutally idiotic. However with mods, I agree that it is better than civ3 is right now. (which is why I have re-installed it)


                            • Originally posted by FrantzX
                              Other game companies don't give notice of what's in a patch until the patch is released or just before. Why should Firaxis be any different?
                              Apparently, no one has an answer.


                              • Thor: Thanks for the heads up. Glad you enjoyed CTP2.
                                I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

                                "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.

