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Civilization III v1.16f Additions/Changes/Fixes

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  • yin (why am I still reacting to your posts ?)

    I've played various games already with 200+ workers,
    I put them on automate (shift-a) and things work FINE.

    I think I can concider myself already to be one of the better civ players (I'm the leading civ in emperor huge world 16 civs game without any war so far) and if worker automation wouldn't work.......... I wouldn't have achived such a position.

    Of course in the early 'days' of my civ I manually move my workers....... but as soon as railroad arives..........

    I think it's up to you to love or dislike the game,
    but as a vet civer and vet apolytoner (Eyes.......... you're wrong about that) I can clearly state that this game is a good one. And if you dislike things, you can use the editor.

    And looking at this patch......... I think things will be even better.
    Of course I'll be still bored by the long waiting between turns (but I can read books ) and I understand that some people want to make scenarios (I don't care about them) but after this patch (still have to see it running) I guess the core game will work fine.

    Waiting for civ3 multiplayer
    Any word on that already, Dan ?
    Or at least something like "We're still busy on multiplaying, working on some cool concepts but we're not ready to talk about it"

    Formerly known as "CyberShy"
    Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


    • Originally posted by Risky

      The important thing is that patches appear early and often. In a game of this complexity there are going to be a few bugs to fix and features to tweak. Always.
      A few bugs is unavoidable, but the trend nowadays seem to be that when a deadline is met, the software gets released no matter how buggy it is.

      There have been an increasing number of games the past few years that has been almost unplayable without a patch or two (thoose who have tried Ultima IX know what I mean). I find this unacceptable.
      We are the apt, you will be packaged.


      • The worker automation is much better than Civ2 or SMAC where I hardly ever used it. If would be nice to have a 'worker manager' dialog so you could set workforce preferences in the same way as you can for cities.


        • Originally posted by Disk Killer

          Yin, you've disappointed me with your recent posts. They are of extremely low quality humourwise and obviously have not had any sort of testing or quality control.

          In fact, it appears you've rushed out your post without any care in the world for your millions of fans - I suppose I'll have to wait for your postings in 2003 before I see another quality post from you. In the meantime, feel free to continue to post patches every once in a while in a sad and feeble attempt to gain my approval.



          • Originally posted by Yog-Sothoth

            A few bugs is unavoidable, but the trend nowadays seem to be that when a deadline is met, the software gets released no matter how buggy it is.

            There have been an increasing number of games the past few years that has been almost unplayable without a patch or two (thoose who have tried Ultima IX know what I mean). I find this unacceptable.
            Well this wasn't unplayable. I suppose my point is that I value developers commitment to keeping the development going post-release. As longas they keep releaseing =the patches, I am happy.

            This is a game, not a piece of mission critical software. I am happy to play it in its evolving state rather than wait a few more months.


            • Just had to post another positive to the team at Firaxis (man, there are a lot of unhappy gamers out there).

              I love the game, sure I've got a few gripes, but I've not played anything other than Civ3 for the last few weeks so the game can't be all that bad.

              The main problem I have is the lack of specific start points for the Civs, it's good to see that I'm not the only one who misses this from Civ2. I always use a world map (Selanne's is very good) and I have a problem being the Egyptians in central America and finding out my northern neighbours are always someone like the Zulus or Germans!??!?

              I have seen a few people refer to a download that can solve this problem, does anyone know anything about this?

              Can it be implemented fairly easily?(unlike some of you guys I have about as much PC ability as my grandmother, and she can't even suck eggs!)
              I've seen things that you people wouldn't believe.


              • Originally posted by Dan Magaha FIRAXIS

                I don't get it... was this a joke referring to all the conspiracy theory stuff around here, or what?

                Out of curiosity: Will we ever see the day when you or any other Firaxian responds to more controversial topics or is Firaxis going to keep up with the "hide and evasion" tactics? Don't get me wrong I appreciate your feedback but I'm somehow missing answers to really substantial questions (MP, Combat etc.) which you are - you cant deny that - fully aware of and the lack of responsiveness concerns me because I still haven't given up on the game.

                P.S.: Ohh btw could you stop referring to the editor in each 2nd post? That's your job - not ours. Thank you.
                Last edited by eRAZOR; December 6, 2001, 08:24.


                • 800x600

                  Binni, I agree with you completely. My girlfriend got hooked on the game at my house, but then when I went to put it onto her computer I discovered that her laptop won't go above 800x600. She was really dissapointed. That is the biggest thing I would like to see in the next patch is just a little option to allow it to run on lower res screens. I know it won't be optimal, but it is better than nothing!! Please Firaxis?!?!
                  DO, OR DO NOT, THERE IS NO TRY - Yoda


                  • Originally posted by Risky

                    Well this wasn't unplayable. I suppose my point is that I value developers commitment to keeping the development going post-release. As longas they keep releaseing =the patches, I am happy.

                    This is a game, not a piece of mission critical software. I am happy to play it in its evolving state rather than wait a few more months.
                    Nontheless, when I pay for something I expect the product to be of a certain quality (not talking explicitly about civ3) even if it is "just" a game.
                    We are the apt, you will be packaged.


                    • Originally posted by Yog-Sothoth
                      Why does it cost double to fix them before release than after?
                      patches are usually done if sales justify it(remember ctp2?)

                      Are you implying that software companies newer tries to make their software bugfree, because that's to expensive?!
                      i'm saying that publishers are making an estimation on how much the game will sell, make a development plan and set a release date. if there are delays in the development, they may decide that it's too risky to pay the salaries of the dev team for 5 more months in order to have less bugs
                      Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
                      Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
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                      • Originally posted by Yog-Sothoth

                        Nontheless, when I pay for something I expect the product to be of a certain quality (not talking explicitly about civ3) even if it is "just" a game.
                        Fair enough, there are some things that the QA should have caught. I suppose my question is: "If firaxis announced that the relaease date as 31-Jan, but said you could buy the v0.9 now and download patches to 1.0, would you have bought early or not?


                        • Originally posted by MarkG
                          would you accept it if companies went out and said: "ok, we'll release 95-99% bug-free games but they will take 9-12 months more to release and their price will be double"???


                          • Originally posted by MarkG

                            patches are usually done if sales justify it(remember ctp2?)

                            i'm saying that publishers are making an estimation on how much the game will sell, make a development plan and set a release date. if there are delays in the development, they may decide that it's too risky to pay the salaries of the dev team for 5 more months in order to have less bugs
                            I think your points are valid, but my opinion is that a customer should be entitled to a quality product regardless of sales of said product.
                            We are the apt, you will be packaged.


                            • Originally posted by Risky

                              Fair enough, there are some things that the QA should have caught. I suppose my question is: "If firaxis announced that the relaease date as 31-Jan, but said you could buy the v0.9 now and download patches to 1.0, would you have bought early or not?
                              Perhaps a better question is: Would you pay $50 bucks to beta test the game and get a free copy of the final version?


                              • Originally posted by Risky

                                Fair enough, there are some things that the QA should have caught. I suppose my question is: "If firaxis announced that the relaease date as 31-Jan, but said you could buy the v0.9 now and download patches to 1.0, would you have bought early or not?
                                Actually I think I would have waited. I'm a patient guy
                                We are the apt, you will be packaged.

