Too much to respond to... it all goes in this one.
And if it mattered to you to change minds rather than to shoot your... fingers off, well, you'd tell him. It's easy enough to save your response once and paste it every time someone asks. People aren't persuaded by impatience.
Well. Since you said it, that must be true.
If it's so obvious... why did it have to be pointed out?
Obvious: adj., easily discovered, seen, or understood
Perhaps you thought it meant something else?
Well, it can't hurt, can it? Be pragmatic. But if your pride's too big for that...
That's probably more efficient. I mean, this way, you get two fully developed squares every couple of turns. If you had just one worker per square, you would have the same squares fully developed, but you'd have to wait 6 turns for it to happen, and it would happen all at once. Stacking the units means you get usable squares faster.
And that's exactly the attitude that makes them really want your respect, too. Not.
Ozymandous: do you mean Ozymandias? As in "My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings, Look on my Works, ye Mighty and despair!"
Dude, have you ever worked those hours? Put in many 16 hour days? Devoted your life to your work and been met by crap like this? They don't get paid enough for giving up their lives for a few months for you. Given their maturity and your apparent lack, it's apparent they'd be giving up a bit more of a life than you.
Originally posted by yin26
O.K. Don't do the 'research': Find it out yourself. I'm tired of reminding people of what was said by Firaxis when. Most people here have sudden memory loss the moment a shiny box or a post from Firaxis arrives.
O.K. Don't do the 'research': Find it out yourself. I'm tired of reminding people of what was said by Firaxis when. Most people here have sudden memory loss the moment a shiny box or a post from Firaxis arrives.
Originally posted by yin26
You are all Luke Skywalkers and I'm your Yoda.
Learn if you will.
You are all Luke Skywalkers and I'm your Yoda.
Learn if you will.
Originally posted by yin26
Yoda says, taking a deep sigh having had to state the obvious to too many these past 600 years:
"Automate sucks, it does. Programmed by swamp rats, it was."
Yoda says, taking a deep sigh having had to state the obvious to too many these past 600 years:
"Automate sucks, it does. Programmed by swamp rats, it was."
Obvious: adj., easily discovered, seen, or understood
Perhaps you thought it meant something else?
Originally posted by Venger
First - stop thanking Firaxis for the patch. A patch is THE LEAST they can do for you, the person who paid THEM money. Thanking them is saying "thank you sir, may I have another"...
First - stop thanking Firaxis for the patch. A patch is THE LEAST they can do for you, the person who paid THEM money. Thanking them is saying "thank you sir, may I have another"...
Originally posted by Venger
Let the AI do it, and you'll end up with 4 workers dogpiled on a square on turn 1, the other 6 will dogpile on turn 2, before the road is built by the 4 workers who dogpiled the square on turn 1. So you have 6 wasted turns, coupled with the inefficiency of the two wasted turns by not splitting the roading up on different tiles. Or, you'll get workers working one at a time on the map, which returns benefits much more slowly than stacking them. The AI doesn't work or stack efficicently.
Let the AI do it, and you'll end up with 4 workers dogpiled on a square on turn 1, the other 6 will dogpile on turn 2, before the road is built by the 4 workers who dogpiled the square on turn 1. So you have 6 wasted turns, coupled with the inefficiency of the two wasted turns by not splitting the roading up on different tiles. Or, you'll get workers working one at a time on the map, which returns benefits much more slowly than stacking them. The AI doesn't work or stack efficicently.
That's probably more efficient. I mean, this way, you get two fully developed squares every couple of turns. If you had just one worker per square, you would have the same squares fully developed, but you'd have to wait 6 turns for it to happen, and it would happen all at once. Stacking the units means you get usable squares faster.
Originally posted by yin26
Libertarian: You're right. I'm not grateful in the least for people having to work hard to make up for releasing shoddy work. When they earn my respect, I'll give it to them.
Libertarian: You're right. I'm not grateful in the least for people having to work hard to make up for releasing shoddy work. When they earn my respect, I'll give it to them.
Ozymandous: do you mean Ozymandias? As in "My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings, Look on my Works, ye Mighty and despair!"
Originally posted by Venger
Oh the humanity!! They have made the ultimate sacrifice! They threw themselves on a proverbial grenade for us! They are doing this for all of us for free, after all, we downloaded the game for free right, and we should be groveling like a starving dog for whatever chum they toss down from the table.
Oh the humanity!! They have made the ultimate sacrifice! They threw themselves on a proverbial grenade for us! They are doing this for all of us for free, after all, we downloaded the game for free right, and we should be groveling like a starving dog for whatever chum they toss down from the table.