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death camps

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Assur
    Slain soldiers? Pfff, I'd rather throw bodies of people who died of the plague over the city walls
    They did that during the Black Death period.
    To be one with the Universe is to be very lonely - John Doe - Datalinks


    • #62
      You know, if Uber had entitled the thread "Raising a city's production at the cost of population points", nobody would be complaining. The strategy is valid within the context of Civ3; Uber's choice of wording to describe the strategy was... unfortunate.
      "Stuie has the right idea" - Japher
      "I trust Stuie and all involved." - SlowwHand
      "Stuie is right...." - Guynemer


      • #63
        wow, i got to school and 50 posts pop up

        anyway, i don't care if you like the strategy, i dont care if you use it, i just wanted to show you one I PERSONALLY LIKE.

        and i'll direct vague answers to questions.
        [list=1][*]i was banned for showing people how to get around the swear filter[*]i'm not a neo-nazi or anything, i just like the idea of profiting at the expense of another civ's hard work. by killing their millions i make a larger army and tons of money.[*]i am half irish, a quarter german, and a quarter pole, but all american.[*]i have no mental illnesses (to date)[/list=1]

        oh and as for the sid head, sn00py re-did an idea for me.

        thanks sn00p!
        "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
        - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


        • #64
          Originally posted by Stuie
          You know, if Uber had entitled the thread "Raising a city's production at the cost of population points", nobody would be complaining. The strategy is valid within the context of Civ3; Uber's choice of wording to describe the strategy was... unfortunate.
          If Uber would have called the thread "Raising a city's production at the cost of population points", it would have taken three lines in the forum, pissed Mark off and resulted in an immediate closure. No 50 posts, eh!

          Hallo Uber. Quite a monster you got here...
          To be one with the Universe is to be very lonely - John Doe - Datalinks


          • #65
            You mean, like instead of supply convoys/colonies you could have Gulags?

            Seriously, you could "remove" disgruntled citzenry, and send them to a Gulag near Uranium, gold, oil, timber, whatever....
            Today, you are the waves of the Pacific, pushing ever eastward. You are the sequoias rising from the Sierra Nevada, defiant and enduring.


            • #66
              I don't think ubercrux is related to Hitler.. hes got a relevant point

              Stalins russia, the german and japanese fascists had, and the chinese still arguably have, slave labor camps.
              Not to mention all the colonial plantations in places like america where slaves worked the cotton fields.

              In my civ2:TOT mod i made one of the commodities Slaves , as that is a realistic ancient (going on to the 19th century in general) resource and trade item.

              It would be interesting to have good and evil in a game like this.. I hope to include these values in my own mass strategy game.
              You could have all the good democracies combating an evil alliance of Fascist governments.. just like world war 2 !

              Games have already used Slave labor, not just in the way they are made. (just my little joke)
              In Birth Of the Federation - a decent god strategy space game, I was playing the Cardassians and could build Slave labor camps , but I mostly didn't as they reduced morale and efficiency (which reduced overall production). When I catch a Federation planet, i'll be glad to get those lazy Starfleet p-oofs to do some decent work for a while though


              • #67
                Stalins russia, the german and japanese fascists had, and the chinese still arguably have, slave labor camps.
                Arguably nothing, the Chinese have more Gulags than the Sovs did in the late '80's....
                Today, you are the waves of the Pacific, pushing ever eastward. You are the sequoias rising from the Sierra Nevada, defiant and enduring.


                • #68
                  I think it isn't Uber who needs to grow up. This is only a game. Personally, I wouldn't do forced labour (almost) ever. But some of you think that he is sick. Why? Because he said death camps. Death camps were a terrible thing, I'm sure Uber would agree (if he doesn't, consider him insulted by me ). Death camps were a fact, disabling such options from civ won't change ANY human lives for the better.

                  It might surprise you, but war has killed far more people, yes-even far more Jewish people than death camps over the course of history. All in favour of removing war from Civilization three raise their hand!

                  High Lord of Good

                  You are unique, just like everybody else.


                  • #69
                    thanks master, and all others that understand this thread / strategy.

                    read my posts again if you have to, im not saying "sieg heil! kill the jews! arbiet macht frei!" infact, i never mentioned the word jew ONCE in my ramblings, nor the word NAZI.

                    thanks again master.
                    "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
                    - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by ElitePersian

                      What kinda terrorism options were there gonna be, before the recent events?
                      Suitcase Nuke
                      Poison Water Supply


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by SuiteSisterMary
                        I'll point out that Master Of Orion 2 had the option, when taking an enemy planet, to start exterinating the local populace. About a population point per turn, as I recall. Much easier than building the diplomatic buildings and trying to assimilate them into your culture.
                        In MOO2, you could only do that if your govenrment was a dictatorship or confederation. As for extermination, that was at the rate of 1 pop per turn. The alien relations center (or whatever) made aliens friendly at a rate of 1 per turn. There was usually no point in extermination.
                        - "A picture may be worth a thousand words, but it still ain't a part number." - Ron Reynolds
                        - I went to Zanarkand, and all I got was this lousy aeon!
                        - "... over 10 members raised complaints about you... and jerk was one of the nicer things they called you" - Ming


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Mannamagnus
                          I never poisoned one water supply and I have nukes disabled in Rules.txt.
                          If you say that a military campaign is equal to having deathcamps you basicaly also say that what Bush is doing now is similar to what Hitler and Stalin were doing (only on a smaller scale, but hey ... he's new to the job )
                          Yes, what President Bush is doing is extremely similar to what Hitler and Stalin are doing depending upon your world perspective. It can be argued, with a great deal of success, that President Bush is attempting to further perpetuate a pattern of American Imperialism and Assimliation to other nations. Indeed, I think that Bush and Bin Ladin become very similar when you think in terms of motive. To both parties, the end rationalization of the conflict is the belief that they are going to war to fight "evil".

                          The concept of "Death Camps" and "Forced Labor" is indiciative of these imperalisitic policies which were exercised by both Stalin and Hitler. While military conquests is not exactly the same per se, it is quite related in its basic nature, and indeed America has at times of war created adapataions of this form. Remember, that in WW2 Women were used to replace Male Labor. This is an analogous solution to the production problem which was solved in other countries through the use of forced labor.

                          Furthermore, if it is the very nature of Imperalism that it creates forced labor. Excluding these exceptional wartime circumstances which you have provided, if we can consider the "day to day" functions of societies which are depednant upon mercantalist econmic policy the concept of a "mother country" to its child is more valid when percieved as the connection between a master and a slave. It is questionable, but yet there is a glimmer of truth in the accusation, that America has "enslaved" the Middle Eastern nations with its political and economic intervention. So it is reasoned that if America were not constantly exerting its pressure and force upon the nation's they would be able to enjoy a higher standard of living due to the reduced demands that the nation puts upon them.

                          So, yes. Considering the nature of Imperalism which America in a way practictions I think it is somewhat contreversial but may in truth reflect "Forced Labor". The scars of imperalism have left many scars upon the third world. Modernization theory can only explain the "how" of getting out of economic depression, but through Dependency Theory it becomes possible to see the "why" the third world has in a way been put into the shackles of slavery.

                          Which of course makes the big puzzle, about why Canada which was under imperialistic rule became so sucessful. Various solutions to that problem have been proposed, but I would tend to side upon the theory that mercantilisitic economic policy tends to reinforce and exaggerate the socio-economic state upon which the country had at the start. Since Canada was begun by European with traders' and some social mobility, those traits became exaggerated. Since the Middle East had greater stratification and little mobility (let us say that the farmer had to give 10% of his crop to some sort of figure) , those stratified aspects became so exaggerated that it acted as a much harsher vice than it had previously been (which would mean the farmer would now be forced to surrender 90%, and in addition would no longer be planting food which he could eat, but rather that which could be sold).

                          Am I making sense here? Imperalism by nature involves forced labor upon various levels. Some more obvious, and some more discreet. If one takes the view that America has exerted imperalistic force upon the Middle East, it would then become a logical conclusion that it is true that America benefits from a form of forced labor from the middle east. President Bush, in this day and age, uses such policy in order to obtain forced labor... even during peacetime.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by Admiral PJ
                            In Birth Of the Federation - a decent god strategy space game, I was playing the Cardassians and could build Slave labor camps , but I mostly didn't as they reduced morale and efficiency (which reduced overall production). When I catch a Federation planet, i'll be glad to get those lazy Starfleet p-oofs to do some decent work for a while though
                            BotF had Cardassians? I do remember only Ferengi, Klingons, Romulans and Feds. Was that an expansion pack? Or am I confusing it with another game? Was BotF any good? I remember playing it only once, because it seemed so boring? Should I give it another try?
                            Now, if I ask myself: Who profits from a War against Iraq?, the answer is: Israel. -Prof. Rudolf Burger, Austrian Academy of Arts

                            Free Slobo, lock up George, learn from Kim-Jong-Il.


                            • #74
                              Oh my god.....this thread just went from silly to completely and utterly ignorant. Bush is like Hitler and Stalin? I hope to god you are joking.....
                              KH FOR OWNER!
                              ASHER FOR CEO!!
                              GUYNEMER FOR OT MOD!!!


                              • #75
                                Cygnuz Strikes me as one of those guys who believes that only the United States has commited bad things in it's past. And the only country that continues to commit bad things.

                                His type is the kind that sees Black and White during current events (no gray) and can rationlize any atrocity commited by his own nation.

                                While America may have been Imperialistic in the past, it ain't a patch on the various West European powers, all the way up to the British landing troops in Sierra Leone, 1999.

                                To compare Bush to Hitler and Stalin is out of line, especially in the Civ3 forum. Go over to off-topic if you want to troll.
                                Today, you are the waves of the Pacific, pushing ever eastward. You are the sequoias rising from the Sierra Nevada, defiant and enduring.

