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death camps

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  • #46
    Thank you jason.......making uber out like he's personally a bad person (or immature) for wanting to see such a feature is ridiculous.
    I see the world through bloodshot eyes
    Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


    • #47
      Answer my questions mannagamus...
      I spare the civilians and after having assimilated the cities the people are always much happier than they were before.

      Enjoying civ as a vehicle for conquest is just as sick and twisted as enjoying the ideas of death camps with the logic you use.
      Not true; I enjoy empire building. Conquest is for me only a small part of the game and certainly not the most rewarding.
      Somebody told me I should get a signature.


      • #48
        I spare the civilians and after having assimilated the cities the people are always much happier than they were before.
        More BS

        You can't "spare" civilians in civ at all. Conquering a people is no more noble than sending them to death camps.

        We had "poison water supply" as an option in civ2. That is certainly as dispicable an idea as death camps.

        Nuke weapons, even worse.

        If youre going to argue against death camps and similarly as slimy ideas, you should also argue against military units whose only intention is to destroy.
        I see the world through bloodshot eyes
        Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


        • #49
          Originally posted by drake
          A piece of literature? Sure. A movie? Sure. A game? No.
          Why are a few black symbols on a piece of paper, or an overpaid actor faking death more emotionally disturbing than some digital variations called citizens?

          It is just a game, but do you play it by numbers? When you are playing, are you just playing a game or are you ruling the world? If you're just playing a game, you're missing out on a lot.
          To be one with the Universe is to be very lonely - John Doe - Datalinks


          • #50
            I never poisoned one water supply and I have nukes disabled in Rules.txt.
            If you say that a military campaign is equal to having deathcamps you basicaly also say that what Bush is doing now is similar to what Hitler and Stalin were doing (only on a smaller scale, but hey ... he's new to the job )
            Somebody told me I should get a signature.


            • #51
              It is just a game, but do you play it by numbers? When you are playing, are you just playing a game or are you ruling the world? If you're just playing a game, you're missing out on a lot.
              I love role playing and getting engulfed in the game. But I also have the ability to step back and realize its still a game afterwords.

              If you say that a military campaign is equal to having deathcamps you basicaly also say that what the Bush is doing now is similar to what Hitler and Stalin were doing (only on a smaller scale, but hey ... he's new to the job )
              I didnt say military campaign I said conquest

              HUGE difference
              I see the world through bloodshot eyes
              Streets filled with blood from distant lies.


              • #52
                I have an even better addition to this tacktik. Why forced laber to rush build new units when u can simply draft the population

                U can make the conquered citizens fight for your empire against their own....


                • #53
                  I agree that drafting the population is the better choice. (Not because I have a problem with forcing people to work to their death in the game.)

                  If I have to nuke a city or two in order to win a game, I will do so. The AI normally deserves it for backstabbing.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by LaRusso

                    Yeah you have some Serbian blood, so you must be sick
                    .25 Serbian
                    .25 Croat
                    .25 Macedonian
                    .25 Slovak

                    The Serbian side is definitely embraced in my family more, though.

                    Yes, I am sick. I want to create a game that contains unheardof terrorist acts that you can attempt against a rival civ. How about releasing massive amounts of salt into the source of a river, thus making the land in the floodplains unable to grow anything, thus starving millions... MUHAHAHAHHA
                    To us, it is the BEAST.


                    • #55
                      Comm'on guys ...I am sure u play Half-Life or those shooting games or even Commandos where u can slit the German soldier's throat..its only Quote: "sprites on a computer screen"
                      " I give you all my chocholate, I give you my Kit Kat, but when you got a tic-tac, you never give me back! " - Why you so like tat


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Boliao
                        Comm'on guys ...I am sure u play Half-Life or those shooting games or even Commandos where u can slit the German soldier's throat..its only Quote: "sprites on a computer screen"
                        I enjoy headshots in Counter-Strike[tm].

                        I got another idea, how about hijacking a crop-duster and... wait a minute... nevermind.
                        To us, it is the BEAST.


                        • #57
                          How about an option where u can choose what things to fire whit your catapult- throwing corpses of slain solders behind enemy fortifications sound funny, they did so middle age


                          • #58
                            Slain soldiers? Pfff, I'd rather throw bodies of people who died of the plague over the city walls
                            In een hoerekotje aan den overkant emmekik mijn bloem verloren,
                            In een hoerekotje aan den overkant bennekik mijn bloemeke kwijt


                            • #59
                              Is it a disturbing idea? violates our sense of decency...but it really doesn't mean anything when dealing with a computer game.

                              Besides, any evil action in the game does have a reaction. If you played CtP2 and used slaves, you had the possibility of slave riots.

                              This is no different. I remember reading that if you conscript or use forced labor, the city will eventually revolt, no matter how many police units are in it. And one would assume that there would be diplomatic ramifications both internally and externally.
                              "I never let my schooling get in the way of my education" -Mark Twain


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by SuiteSisterMary
                                I'll point out that Master Of Orion 2 had the option, when taking an enemy planet, to start exterinating the local populace. About a population point per turn, as I recall. Much easier than building the diplomatic buildings and trying to assimilate them into your culture.
                                Not if your race was telepathic, like mine. They always assimilated before I could say: 'Resistance is...'.
                                Now, if I ask myself: Who profits from a War against Iraq?, the answer is: Israel. -Prof. Rudolf Burger, Austrian Academy of Arts

                                Free Slobo, lock up George, learn from Kim-Jong-Il.

