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What strategy will you try out first?

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  • #61
    If they provide an earth map (otherwise I'm making one) I will play on that as the English...I will have it on the toughest level (that is still deity) and just see how good this new A.I is...

    Being on my island I will be able to take the role of observer for ages unless the A.I is much better with ships.

    All the time I'll be looking at all the options available to me and thumbing through the manuel...I'll be particulary interested in seeing how well the new A.I responds to diplomacy and see if they can be exploited as in civ2

    I will probably try to colonise India, Canada etc and try to enforce rule will be very interesting and I hope to get my ass whooped!


    • #62
      "Sir, the empire is glowing again!"
      (I'm putting that in my sig!)

      The problem is that all of our strategies are based on Civ II game mechanics and concepts. We keep saying things like, yah I'll do this and I don't think cutlure is gonna matter much. I have a feeling we will all be in for a big surprise when we start our first game!
      Click here if you're having trouble sleeping.
      "We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones." - François de La Rochefoucauld


      • #63
        Personally im not downplaying the AI and the importance of culture thats why im going to play it by turn and see what happens, take what ever stradegy seems most prevalent
        Let us unite together as one nation, a world nation" - Gundam Wing

        "The God of War will destroy all mortals whom dare stand in his way"


        • #64
          I'll take my baby daughter to bed ,then I'll cook a nice meal and poor a lot of wine into my wife. Next I'll take her to bed for some serious horizontal dancing which should make her fall asleep.

          Personally, luck would have it that my wife is going to be heading to a week long conference starting November 1st, so I should be set for at least a good 100 hours or so...


          • #65
            Originally posted by Skanky Burns
            Wow, i salute you, Pseud0nym!! OCC on your first game!!
            One other thing i want to try is to have a nuclear war sometime in the end-game (only after saving, of course ) and see what sort of effect nukes have

            And then load, so i dont have a radioactive empire
            This reminded me of a strategy i used in CTP 2, don't know if you played it (everone says its aweful but i think its okay). In CTP 2 you can't take over so many cities or every additional city will cause unhappiness (one of things i disliked about it actually). So i began to think, how could i make it so that there would be less cities to conquer. My conclusion, Nuke the world of the other cities thereby causing the oceans to rise (and oh yeah some of those cities were nuked to the ground). I built up a massive arsenal of nukes and caused at least 10 global warmings, since i controled most of the inland cities and the strongest, well every thing, other civs declined quickly, eventally i could conquer everyone without every city in my empire revolting. Oh yeah, i like to create stories for my empires, as i'm sure many of you do, and i made a stack of 12 nuclear submarines with 2 nukes in each (grand total of 24) and said i was inside the sub

            In Sum, i nuked the world til the oceans rose and destroyed the amount of cities required to conquer the world without being overwhelmed with unhappiness.

            One of the bad things though was that one of my biggest cities and 3rd favorite was sunk as well, damnit.
            Let us unite together as one nation, a world nation" - Gundam Wing

            "The God of War will destroy all mortals whom dare stand in his way"


            • #66
              Originally posted by Mars

              This reminded me of a strategy i used in CTP 2, don't know if you played it (everone says its aweful but i think its okay). In CTP 2 you can't take over so many cities or every additional city will cause unhappiness (one of things i disliked about it actually). So i began to think, how could i make it so that there would be less cities to conquer. My conclusion, Nuke the world of the other cities thereby causing the oceans to rise (and oh yeah some of those cities were nuked to the ground). I built up a massive arsenal of nukes and caused at least 10 global warmings, since i controled most of the inland cities and the strongest, well every thing, other civs declined quickly, eventally i could conquer everyone without every city in my empire revolting. Oh yeah, i like to create stories for my empires, as i'm sure many of you do, and i made a stack of 12 nuclear submarines with 2 nukes in each (grand total of 24) and said i was inside the sub

              In Sum, i nuked the world til the oceans rose and destroyed the amount of cities required to conquer the world without being overwhelmed with unhappiness.

              One of the bad things though was that one of my biggest cities and 3rd favorite was sunk as well, damnit.
              Oh god Mars, don't bring that up... But really, I would like to see more detail as far as the pollution model goes. That would be cool.

              There was a time in Civ II (ah memories ) where I would nuke a civilization back to the stoneage if they stole a tech or city from me. That was fun
              Click here if you're having trouble sleeping.
              "We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones." - François de La Rochefoucauld


              • #67
                Originally posted by Skanky Burns
                Wow, i salute you, Pseud0nym!! OCC on your first game!!
                One other thing i want to try is to have a nuclear war sometime in the end-game (only after saving, of course ) and see what sort of effect nukes have

                And then load, so i dont have a radioactive empire
                Uh... What exactly is OCC?


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Pseud0nym

                  Uh... What exactly is OCC?
                  OCC stands for One City Challenge. It's wear you only build one city throughout the entire game and try to win. That city will be the best city in the world (if you want any chance of winning) and all those wonders that only affect one city are much more powerful. Problem is (at least in Civ II) you could only win by space. Fun new way to play the game.
                  Click here if you're having trouble sleeping.
                  "We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones." - François de La Rochefoucauld


                  • #69
                    The global warming effects in civ2 was terrible. I likedd the one in CTP. It was fun that you could flood the world in CTP. I hope civ 3 refined the global warming issue
                    Let us unite together as one nation, a world nation" - Gundam Wing

                    "The God of War will destroy all mortals whom dare stand in his way"


                    • #70
                      Now for those who have questioned the culture of Chicago I would like to point out the following:

                      1. The Chicago style hotdog
                      2. Wrigley Field/Wrigleyville
                      3. The Bulls Dynasty
                      4. Chicago style pizza
                      5. The Blues Clubs
                      6. The Chicago Machine and Chicago Politics
                      7. Al Capone / The Mafia (as fabled as NY)
                      8. The Magnificent Mile
                      9. THe Chicago Theatre
                      10. Soldier Field (we can keep the names of our stadium)
                      11. The Shedd Aquarium
                      12. The Adler Planetarium
                      13. The Field Museum
                      14. The University of Chicago
                      15. Northwestern University
                      16. DePaul University
                      17. Loyola University
                      18. The Chicago Fire (not the soccer team)
                      19. The Lakefront
                      20. The "El"

                      Chicago has more culture than most any city in the western hemisphere...the only cities that come close are NY and Boston. Thus, anyone who thinks that Toronto, holds a candle to the windy city is sadly mistaken! OK I can get off my soapbox now.

                      My initial strategy will be basically the same as learning Civ 2: Build cities quickly on an easy setting and see how fast I can take over as much land as possible. Grab goodie huts with reclouse abandon and see how well the new game responds to quantity over quality in the first couple thousand years. Then after amassing many cities, work on building up their quality for a strong finish. I still have to decide who my first choice will be for a civilization to use, but I have always been a big fan of being creative and customizing my own civ.


                      • #71


                        I think that I put my Chicago rant on the wrong thread. I apologize.


                        • #72
                          I'm going to try for winning the Space Race, but probally like most people if I get pushed or see an opportunity to win another way I'll take it.

                          Of course I'll first play it with the easiest AI.

