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What strategy will you try out first?

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  • #16
    I think I'll play on chieftan or warlord, and start one city strong, building it up with a worker, then when it gets to about size 5, start cranking out settlers and sending them to places that look like good, full city sites with good resource potential.

    Once I meet up with another civ, I'll be peaceful and stop my expanding in their direction. just build my own civ up.

    for my first game, anyway. by that time, there should be a hundred strategies popping up on these forums.
    Any man can be a Father, but it takes someone special to be a BEAST

    I was just about to point out that Horsie is simply making excuses in advance for why he will suck at Civ III...
    ...but Father Beast beat me to it! - Randomturn


    • #17
      I will start to build a phalanx(or what it is called now) and a temple. In the waiting time, I will use my worker to build up the nearest land. When the temple is build, I will, if the city is big enough(I think it will be that ), I will build a settler, expanding as fast as possible.

      In Civ1 and 2, I always have played half-perfectionist and half-ICS, and I think the right thing to do is to try that out first! I have never managed to build up and, most important, use my military right(...) and therefore I don't think the military way is my way!
      Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
      I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
      Also active on WePlayCiv.


      • #18
        I have been thinking of a builder/culture strategy. It would go something like the following: after building my first city, I will build a military unit for defense then build a temple right away. After the temple I will build a worker and set about building roads to ressources. Then I will build maybe 1 or 2 more military units for defense. Only, then will I build settlers and build more cities. I will build 1 more city and repeat above to build up that new city's defenses and culture. My number of cities won't grow very quickly but my empire should be well developped and well-defended. Hopefully a high culture will expand my borders to give my small empire more territory and more ressources. The key to this strategy is to take an INCREMENTAL approach. I think the Egyptians would be best suited for this strategy as they are religious/industrious. They would allow me to build temples right away and my workers would work faster which would enhance my builder style.
        'There is a greater darkness than the one we fight. It is the darkness of the soul that has lost its way. The war we fight is not against powers and principalities, it is against chaos and despair. Greater than the death of flesh is the death of hope, the death of dreams. Against this peril we can never surrender. The future is all around us, waiting, in moments of transition, to be born in moments of revelation. No one knows the shape of that future or where it will take us. We know only that it is always born in pain.'"
        G'Kar - from Babylon 5 episode "Z'ha'dum"


        • #19
          What strategy will you try out first?
          I'll take my baby daughter to bed ,then I'll cook a nice meal and poor a lot of wine into my wife. Next I'll take her to bed for some serious horizontal dancing which should make her fall asleep.
          This I'm affraid is the only strategy I can think off to play civ3 undisturbed.
          Somebody told me I should get a signature.


          • #20
            Other suggestions are more than welcome.
            Somebody told me I should get a signature.


            • #21
              I'll try and set myself up as the cultural mecca of the world, get enough territory to be a good commodity trader and if I have any civs real near do me some enslaving.

              But first thing/s I wanna do is/are the World map and/or the Europe map.

              My favourite game of civ ever was one I played early on in Prince level with a europe map and most of the civs major european ( couldn't do the germans cause I was the French but I had the English, the Spanish, the Romans, the persians in africa and then the Mongols and Zulus to the far east.

              They all had more or less realistice zones of influence with the English having the UK, Rome Italy and Greece, Spain it'self portugal and southern france and Myself ( france ) the majority of France then the rest of Europe as far as Poland.

              The Mongols and the Zulus were super-powers who were far away the whole game and when spain was getting it's ass kicked by the Mongols we discovered that The Zulus had been at war with them for years and quick became a powerful ally.

              The best bit was when the Spanish invaded the rest of Europe ( me ) in order to get to Mongolia, the AI in it's typical style sent cannon after cannon up over the alps and through the balkans.

              I amused myself with petty border skirmishes with the English before finally joining in the war against the Mongols which led to it's completion.

              When the game was about to end I mobilised my war machine, invaded Great Britain and Spain ( Roman - They'd attacked Spain when it had lost most it's army to the Mongolians - I'd helped in order to conquer Catalan which was doing alright as wonders went at the time ). Sent my armour divisions from the Persian cities in the middle-east I'd conquered over the himilayas to the valley where the Zulus lived and crushed them. As the game ended I was midway through invading Persian owned-Egypt, Conquering Napolitain Italy and taking the last English colonies in Scandivavia.

              Sorry...... I'm rambling. I just hope I'll be able to have games this fun in Civ 3. I think I may well.............
              A witty quote proves nothing. - Voltaire


              • #22
                Re: What strategy will you try out first?

                Originally posted by Grim Legacy

                How are *you* going to start off?
                The first game/s will probably go like this:

                "Hmm... what happens when I click this button?"
                "I see, just disbanded my whole army."

                I suppose I'm going to try the new cultural
                victory in a later game, because I'll try to get
                used to the new environment in the first games.
                In those "test games" I'll probably use my standard
                Civ II tactics. But I really haven't planned that
                "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Mannamagnus
                  Other suggestions are more than welcome.
                  Chloroform. Always works.
                  A witty quote proves nothing. - Voltaire


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Mannamagnus

                    I'll cook a nice meal and poor a lot of wine into my wife.
                    That's not a cheap way to gain peace for playing Civ III.
                    "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver


                    • #25
                      Suggest your wife, that she should visit her mother (together with the children)


                      • #26
                        I'll probably go for expansion at first. Since it's going to be slow I'll settle for fewer cities than in Civ 2/CTP. Then it will be science and commerce all the way heading for a cultural victory and learning the wrinkles. So I'll pick the Greeks for my first game.

                        But wait for the second game and the rise of the Fifth German Reich...

                        Originally posted by yin26
                        I will try to ICS like crazy. See how it goes. Of course, since I won't be playing the game until MP is out, I suppose I'll already know if ICS will work or not. *sigh* The price of principles.
                        Go on Yin, admit you've pre-ordered the Limited Edition already. And you're the pessimist.

                        "War: A by-product of the arts of peace." Bierce


                        • #27
                          I will try to use the strategy I use in Civ II. Expanding fairly quickly on the landI'm on, then settling down and buildings up science and wonders. I usually have one or two units for defense and everyonce in awhile I might send a ship out to explore. But I am usually quite Isolationsist. I make sure that the 20 or 25 cities I have are all very well developed. In the end of the game I usually build up lots of nukes, cruise missiles, and subs, along with a few tanks and armor, just in case the AI gets frisky. I almost always go for space.

                          But I'm not gonna read the rulebook before I start playing. As soon as I get the game I'm just gonna jump right in and see how I do. I doubt I'll win (I'll be playing on Chieftain). Later, I'll sit down and read the rulebook cover to cover (always do that with game) so I can really learn how the game works.

                          I'm just going to go where the game takes me. If i seem peaceful, I'll go for diplomacy. If I have lots of land, domination. I won't pick my win conditions before I start playing, and I'll play with all of the neat little rules on (cause otherwise what's the point?)
                          Click here if you're having trouble sleeping.
                          "We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones." - François de La Rochefoucauld


                          • #28
                            A person won't be able to build a settler unit until they're at least at 3 population points, so I would assume that it will be very difficult to expand early in the game.

                            But... that will be my main goal at first: create that second city.

                            This is how my build queue will look:

                            Warrior (for scouting out new terrain)

                            After I've built my second city, I'll be using that one as a settler pumping station for a while in order to expand as quickly as I can. I'll use my capital to create a wonder, and any new cities will create new military units and city improvements. Once I'm about 4 cities strong, I'll probably take a more balanced approach to the game: building new settlers gradually, after I've built some cultural centers.

                            It's hard to imagine how this initial strategy will work out, but that's what I'm going to try at first. I'll probably be completely wrong about it. Oh well..
                            Of the Holy Roman Empire, this was once said:
                            "It is neither holy or roman, nor is it an empire."


                            • #29
                              Overall I will start out with Russia, build up culture and tech, and once i get the Cossacks I will expand militarily, and then play it by ear from there.

                              Note: No plan ever survives the 1st minute of battle.
                              I don't do drugs anymore 'cause i find i can get the same effect by standing up really fast.

                              I live in my own little world, but its ok; they know me here.


                              • #30
                                I think I will take the French to begin with. I would like to get a bit of an industrial bonus for my workers to get a basic infrastructure up and running faster and a bit more production in the base square, to turn out more settlers and build more cities and build culture enhancing things. Expand out fairly quickly and build a decent number of cities. Remember culture is pooled so the more you have, the more improvements to generate culture you have which means your culture rating can rocket more effectively...

                                I will try and play a defensive game though, and the extra money from being an economic faction will aid my technological acquisition and purchasing necessary resources from other civs...
                                Speaking of Erith:

                                "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith

