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What strategy will you try out first?

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  • #31
    I'll build lots of coastal cities and harbours and dispatch ships to explore the world, making contact with as many civs as possible.

    I'll be able to get an expansive trade network going, acting as a middleman , buying wine for ten gold and selling it for fifteen for example.

    I'll be the first to find unclaimed continents, and will have a head start colonising them. The Forbidden Palace will come in handy here.

    If an enemy civ declares war, then no more luxuries for them!

    Actually, I'll probably do nothing like what I've suggested above.


    • #32
      Despite being a peacefull builder type I think I'll choose Romans for my first game.

      Commercial to build on my strengths
      Militaristic to cover my weakness (Lack of emphasis on military)

      I like the idea of well trained, well equiped, well paid troops anyway. Sending green units off to their deaths just isn't on

      And Romans are just damn cool! Could there be a cooler civ?
      The AI's I'll play with:

      (Largely based on how amusing the leader looks , and when the UU arrives )


      • #33
        I'm playing dead and hiding, hoping they don't notice me.


        • #34
          Originally posted by squid
          I'm playing dead and hiding, hoping they don't notice me.
          Ahh, though someone would try OCC for their first game
          I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


          • #35
            Originally posted by Skanky Burns

            Ahh, though someone would try OCC for their first game
            You gotta be craaaaazy to try OCC on a practically brand new system! Even the veterans couldn't do it I think.

            I'm playing Chieftain... normal world, normal # of civs (6 now) as the Babylonians (I'm gonna move up through time, my last civ will be the Americans, then I'll just pick things that fit whatever style I develop)
            Click here if you're having trouble sleeping.
            "We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones." - François de La Rochefoucauld


            • #36
              Just commenting that 'playing dead and hiding' sounds exactly like the OCC strategy

              Im not crazy enough to do it tho. Honest
              Ill probably try Prince difficulty with Germans, map settings and number of AIs dependant on what i feel like at the time. Then ill be
              I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


              • #37
                My Thoughts

                I've always played a more peaceful and isolated game. I tend to be anti-ICS and have won games with just 4 or 5 citys a few times. I think that the new rules in Civ III will help me play my normal style so the first game I'm going to play like I normally do and see how it works. Probably start with Chiefen as the Babylonians.

                Early on I'll explore around my starting place and try and build a handful of cities in strategic places and hopefully get some resources and if possible claim the entire continent I'm on. Although, placing cities to get resources will be another change compared to Civ II since you won't see all the resources right from the start.

                After that I'll work for large well developed cities with a decent sized military mainly for defense.

                In the long term I want to try and win each of the ways posible and work on figuring out which tribe I like to start with...or even if I like playing with specific Civ traits.

                I'm also planning to play my first game before reading the manual and then sitting down and reading through it all. I always enjoy reading something and thinking "I didn't notice that", or "oh! That's what that is for!"


                • #38
                  Dunno about you guys but I played the sprawling city tactic... never lost when I played that way... Everyone seems to say it won't work on Civ3.... well I'll find out the first game...and I hope I get my ass woped... which will be difficult for any AI I might point out... esp at chieftan...
                  Without music life would be a mistake - Nietzsche
                  So you think you can tell heaven from hell?
                  rocking on everest


                  • #39
                    For my game, the plan is to secure my entire continent to myself in the early game, by early middle ages or before. Then ill peacefully build up my cities, sprawl across my continent, and generally rake in the cash/science/resources. Once i get enough technology to build panzers, i will.
                    Then its time to increase my continent count by 1 After capturing one continent, go onto the next one, and so on... Until the enemy has one city left. Then ill go back into peaceful mode, and finish making each city a super-city.

                    Win by culture or space
                    I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Skanky Burns
                      For my game, the plan is to secure my entire continent to myself in the early game, by early middle ages or before. Then ill peacefully build up my cities, sprawl across my continent, and generally rake in the cash/science/resources. Once i get enough technology to build panzers, i will.
                      Then its time to increase my continent count by 1 After capturing one continent, go onto the next one, and so on... Until the enemy has one city left. Then ill go back into peaceful mode, and finish making each city a super-city.

                      Win by culture or space
                      Isn't that everyone's plan? Though they may try to win in different ways?
                      Click here if you're having trouble sleeping.
                      "We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones." - François de La Rochefoucauld


                      • #41
                        I'll start on the biggest world map (hopefully huge) with all the civs and play as the americans, the rest, i'll play it by turn
                        Let us unite together as one nation, a world nation" - Gundam Wing

                        "The God of War will destroy all mortals whom dare stand in his way"


                        • #42
                          my first few games will be military domination provided by a scientific lead and i will play as either the romans or germans until i learn the ropes

                          after that then i will go for a OCC win with the greek or indians


                          • #43
                            Does anyone know how you will be able to conquer the world without getting a Domination victory first?
                            Click here if you're having trouble sleeping.
                            "We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones." - François de La Rochefoucauld


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Lorizael
                              Does anyone know how you will be able to conquer the world without getting a Domination victory first?
                              2 ways:
                              1) Disable Domination Victory or
                              2) Slash and Burn - Destroy cities rather than keeping them
                              (thereby not increasing the amount of land you control)
                              I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                              • #45
                                Skanky Burns

                                unless you disable domination victory, then even slash and burn won't work

                                two player game both sides have 4 cities
                                one player takes (and destroys) 3 of the other players cities...the first player now owns 80% (4 out of 5) of the map instead of 50% (4 out of 8)

