I'll build lots of coastal cities and harbours and dispatch ships to explore the world, making contact with as many civs as possible.
I'll be able to get an expansive trade network going, acting as a middleman , buying wine for ten gold and selling it for fifteen for example.
I'll be the first to find unclaimed continents, and will have a head start colonising them. The Forbidden Palace will come in handy here.
If an enemy civ declares war, then no more luxuries for them!
Actually, I'll probably do nothing like what I've suggested above.
I'll be able to get an expansive trade network going, acting as a middleman , buying wine for ten gold and selling it for fifteen for example.
I'll be the first to find unclaimed continents, and will have a head start colonising them. The Forbidden Palace will come in handy here.
If an enemy civ declares war, then no more luxuries for them!
Actually, I'll probably do nothing like what I've suggested above.