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I SAY: Do not localize it

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  • #31
    Originally posted by PGM
    It's up to the players to learn english if they want to play the game.
    Bull$hit. They shouldn't have to learn a new language just to play a computer game.


    • #32
      Originally posted by PGM
      English version .
      Translations are a waste of time and effort. It's up to the players to learn english if they want to play the game.
      Once again, I refer to my example of console games. They are pretty much all made in Japan, and made with the Japanese language first. Should console games only be available in Japanese?
      Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

      Do It Ourselves


      • #33
        i know I won't buy the game if it's dutch only. as for manual i don't really care. maybe that should be localised.

        it's abit like dubbing movies i feel. some like it, others hate it
        (i do
        Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
        Then why call him God? - Epicurus


        • #34
          Originally posted by Boris Godunov

          How's this for Imperialist - I don't care because the game is originally in English and therefore I don't have to worry about it.

          *Proudly sticks head in the sand*
          Way to go!!

          Some people are IMO just trying to be too politically correct to support the localised version.

          English language rules in Civ III!
          Rome rules


          • #35
            Originally posted by alva848
            i know I won't buy the game if it's dutch only. as for manual i don't really care. maybe that should be localised.

            it's abit like dubbing movies i feel. some like it, others hate it
            (i do
            Yep, I also don't care about the manual, but the game would better be in English.
            Rome rules


            • #36
              Originally posted by Roman

              Yep, I also don't care about the manual, but the game would better be in English.
              You and I might prefer the game in english, but what about the people that don't speak it?


              • #37
                Originally posted by Sabre2th

                You and I might prefer the game in english, but what about the people that don't speak it?
                As I said, I doubt there are many potential customers like that and moreover I don't care if they produce localised versions as long as they ship the English version to Germany too.
                Rome rules


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Osweld
                  Should console games only be available in Japanese?
                  No, but english is pretty much an universal language, now more than ever. Japanese isn't.

                  I learned english on my own, are people just too lazy to pick up a dictionary?


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by PGM

                    No, but english is pretty much an universal language, now more than ever. Japanese isn't.
                    Exactly my point.
                    Rome rules


                    • #40
                      No, but english is pretty much an universal language, now more than ever.
                      Sorry to burst your bubble but although english may be the international language of choice, it is very FAR from being universally understood.

                      I dare you to post in english on a non-english, non-german board. (Your mileage may vary)
                      Student: You can't give us this test, I don't understand anything!
                      Teacher: What would be the point of giving you a test if you understood?


                      • #41
                        the original version, only and always

                        I ALWAYS use them products in their ORIGINAL VERSION:

                        - a U.S. video game in english only ( I've never played an import japanese anyway);
                        - an american or anglo-saxon movie in english;
                        - an animé DVD in japanese with english subtitles;
                        - a japanese movie ( Kurosawa ) in japanese with subtitles;
                        - a French movie in french;
                        - a U.S./anglo-saxon sci-fi novel in english;
                        - a french sci-fi novel in french.

                        Oh yes, dubbing the original ALWAYS destroy the atmosphere.
                        The art of mastering:"la Maîtrise des caprices du subconscient avant tout".


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Osweld

                          Once again, I refer to my example of console games. They are pretty much all made in Japan, and made with the Japanese language first. Should console games only be available in Japanese?
                          It's about markets. The reason Japanese console companies do this is because there is a vast market in America to sell their products to. This market is also notoriously selfish and chauvinist when it comes to learning foreign tongues.

                          For American game companies, the vast majority of their market is either A) in the USA anyway or B) In a country where English is commonly spoken, even if not as a first language.

                          Therefore, it boils down to economics. If it makes economic sense to have the game localized, then fine. If the expense just isn't worth the trouble, then they won't do it.

                          I imagine, given Civ's broad appeal, they will release foreign-language versions. Having never played one, I am in the dark as to why people object to them.

                          Now, if you excuse me, I will go back into my Capitalist Imperialist Isolationist shell. That means I will take off in my SUV, which gets 1.5 miles to the gallon (which costs half as much here than over there thanks to the oil lobby), run my A/C at full-blast, leaving the windows open, listen to music loudly, burp in public, scratch and then throw litter upon the ground.

                          Tutto nel mondo è burla


                          • #43
                            Re: the original version, only and always

                            Originally posted by Master Marcus

                            Oh yes, dubbing the original ALWAYS destroy the atmosphere.
                            While I agree with this 99% of the time, can think of 2 exceptions:

                            1) The English dub of The City of Lost Children is excellent, I enjoyed it more than the subtitled version (you, being a French speaker, need not bother, I suppose).

                            2) The NEW dub of Akira is also excellent, far superior to the original dub, and preserves much of the atmosphere. Now the dialogue actually makes sense, fancy that.

                            But yes, most dubbing is horrible. Like the english dub of the 1950s French movie of Les Miserables. BLAAAAAARGH!
                            Tutto nel mondo è burla


                            • #44
                              I bought Simcity 3000 here in Korea and when I put in the CD a message appeared asking if I wanted to install the English or Korean version. Thumbs up to Maxis. That's a great way for Koreans to improve their English if they are interested. I installed the English version but had to read the manual (well, bits of it when I was stumped) in Korean. The Korean version of Microsoft Office 2000 comes with a Language Pack that allows you to switch between English and Korean interfaces whenever you want. Even all the help files are in both languages. The dog is bilingual also. I'm not sure how much money and effort it costs to put in a feature like that but it might not be worth it for the number of non-English speakers that buy Civ3. Although, if the ratio of English to non-English speakers on this forum is representative of the people who will buy the game then it might very well be worth it to have the language option.
                              Formerly known as Masuro.
                              The sun never sets on a PBEM game.


                              • #45
                                Local Version

                                By the way, I voted in your poll as a bilingual person. The Korean version of Simcity is funny, just like the English version. The names of the advisors are puns and there is nothing lost. I think the translators did a great job. With effort, I'm sure Civ3 could be translated well.
                                Formerly known as Masuro.
                                The sun never sets on a PBEM game.

