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Language - Question for Firaxis...

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  • #31
    I have a game (non-civ) that is translated from English to Swedish via German.
    Somethings are totally ununderstandable. (It was a German translation company that did all translations from english, and they started with the German translation.)
    Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


    • #32
      The best translations from anglo to ..??.. are made by native speakers themselves.
      I think I'd recognize it immediately if a dutch translation was made by a ... german?/english? person. And I think I would be very annoyed and angry too.


      • #33
        No, the best translations are made by a team of people born to the Original language that have learnt the language to translate to, and people born to the language to translate to that have learnt the original language.
        Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


        • #34
          In CTP I (and even II, the buggers !!) they couldn't get a lot dutch citynames right. That's blunt stupidity and ignorance.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Vrank Prins
            What about marketing reasons. In Europa there are more people speaking german (germany, belgium, luxemburg, switzerland, austria, poland, about 108 million) than english (UK + Ireland, about 70 million) and french (france, belgium, luxemburg and zwitserland about 65 million).
            What I meant was: why ONLY put ONE language on the cd (the translation) when it is pretty easy to make a CD with 2+ languages instead. When making a game with several languages more people will buy the game. This means when shipping the game they could take the most used languages (English, German and French) + the local language

            Originally posted by Vrank Prins
            What if you could help to make a good translation of the game you love and be able to add a your native languagepatch to the game ?? I would go for that !! When I started playing CIV-II years ago, I sometimes needed the german text to understand what the english text was about. Besides, I deleted all the french textfiles from the game once I had the game installed on my harddisk.
            Me? help to make a good translation of the game??? NO WAY, I'm against translation to other languages than the most common languages (english, german, french). The only thing I am for a translation is for kids stuff...But for nothing else, ok if a danish company makes a game I surely want to see that one translated...into english
            This space is empty... or is it?


            • #36
              Yikes, civ in portuguese... No thanks, keep Mao Tse Tung and the rest of the gang talking english please.

              Que raio de piada é que teria o Civ3 com aquela malta toda a falar português?


              • #37
                Why not make it Ido only?
                That is a world language, isn't it.
                Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                • #38
                  Well, I had a lot of fun with Civ2 in Portuguese... I think that when the game is translated into your native language, the insults from other players become a lot more personal...

                  Sure, I did not have the famous "consequences, schmonsequences..." thing, but the translation helps to create a deeper sense of immersion.

                  But I would prefer Civ3 in English, for a good and simple reason that has not been mentioned yet on this thread: MODS. I´m pretty sure that, soon after Civ3 is released, a lot of mods will come up on the net, modifying and tweaking various aspects of the gameplay, and those modifications mostly deal with the text files. Since English is the official internet language, of course those mods will require Civ3 in English (unless you want to translate all the modified text files to your native language everytime you download a new mod... ). So I think that English is the way to go.

                  Que raio de piada é que teria o Civ3 com aquela malta toda a falar português?
                  Suponho que seria no mínimo estranho ver os Babilônios a falar inglês...
                  I watched you fall. I think I pushed.


                  • #39
                    That's like saying "James Bond is fine in Duch, as long as Rutger Hauer does the voiceover". Nah, I don't think so.
                    Certainly not, I do not like voice-overs, but subtitles are a very good solution. Books of some writers I prefer in the original english, others like Jack Vance I cannot understand in english, but I enjoy translated.

                    Kompreneble mi scias ke la angla ne estas la internacia lingvo, sed bedaurinde la usonanoj gajnis la lingvan batalon. Ne estas la plej bona solvo, sed samkiel vindozo ghi solvas la nunan problemojn, do ni devas travivi chi tiun situacion.

                    Kats in t plat is natuurlijk allemachtig mooie::
                    Wiej schrievt 50 joar veyr Christus. Gallie is hilndal inn"omn de Romeinn. Hilndal? Bo nee! Een d"orpken met opsternoate Galliers d"ot aait nog teagnb"orseln. De Romeinse legioensoldoatn in de umlignde kaampemeantn Haemencum, Laudanum, Taemetrum en Aquarium hebt der niks te v"olle an...


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Tventano

                      Certainly not, I do not like voice-overs, but subtitles are a very good solution.
                      Yes, but only if they are done right. The most stupid thing is when the original actor makes a joke and the subtitle people just don't understand it and translate it word by word.

                      (btw: You (=Tventano) are from Enschede? Isn't that the city which had the involuntary firework party?)

                      Normally i have the choice of buying import games at a local game store here in switzerland, but they are VERY expensive and Civ 3 probably won't be a cheap game anyway.

                      Another solution for the Civ 3 language problem could be warez. I did that before: Just download the warez version, buy the local version and then exchange files. Once i even managed to download just an english demo of the game and patch the german retail version with it's sound and text files.

                      AHH, i want Civ 3 NOW!



                      • #41
                        Re: Re: Re: Language - Question for Firaxis...

                        Originally posted by Earthling7
                        Talk to me in Twents, pleeze...
                        As oe dat geerne hef dan wol ik dat wa doon, moar wat möt ik zeg'n dan? (kiek aans ok es noar mien signature)
                        allinnig as ieje met goat brommers kiek'n
                        Zeg eh, hènig an 'n betjen, ie onmeunig döle weendbuul! Zo ene bin ik nich, erst moar es wat better lear'n ken'n, dan kiek'n wie wa wat wot!

                        Joa, Tventano, Asterix in 't plat bint inderdoad allemachtig good, dat moch ik geerne les'n!
                        (Hmm, Tweants skrief'n is 'n stuk moeilijker dan spreak'n, wee hat dat dacht?)

                        Yep, Rince, our hometown of Enschede is the only city in world where you can oversee the entire city by standing on a beer crate (Well, actually I myself officially live in Hengelo, a town that neighbours Enschede, but I usually spend most of the day in Enschede so I kind of regard it my hometown as well)
                        Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                        • #42
                          Kompreneble mi scias ke la angla ne estas la internacia lingvo, sed bedaurinde la usonanoj gajnis la lingvan batalon. Ne estas la plej bona solvo, sed samkiel vindozo ghi solvas la nunan problemojn, do ni devas travivi chi tiun situacion.

                          ...Esperanto? Or is it Ido? My Esperanto is VERY rusty, and bad, and I know that Ido is similar...


                          • #43
                            I'm sure we can all agree that most of us here, native English speakers or not, prefer the English language version. But then...we all command English with some degree of skill. But what of those not so fortunate? In Europe they are the - believe it or not - the majority. Most non-native English speakers would find it difficult, if not impossible, to get through the manual (which is essential in a game as complex as civ). Surely other language versions are warranted, but not to a degree that in those countries you cannot buy the English version - that is just plain ridiculous.

                            I, for one, would hate to be stuck with a Danish version, just because the English one is not available.

                            Im not sure what Baruk Khazad is , but if they speak Judeo-Dwarvish, that would be "blessed are the dwarves" - lord of the mark


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Asmodean
                              Surely other language versions are warranted, but not to a degree that in those countries you cannot buy the English version - that is just plain ridiculous.
                              To be one with the Universe is to be very lonely - John Doe - Datalinks


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Asmodean
                                (btw: You (=Tventano) are from Enschede? Isn't that the city which had th
                                Yes I am living in Enschede, the fire works disaster happened on saterday the 13th of May 2000 twenty before four in the afternoon. Every citizen of Enschede still knows exactly where he was and what he was doing that day. Just like, I can imagine all New-Yorkers will remember for a long time there they were on the 11th of September.

                                Originally posted by Daoloth
                                ...Esperanto? Or is it Ido? My Esperanto is VERY rusty, and bad, and I kn
                                Esperanto, I do speak that language over twenty years, and used it in the past a lot for traveling. There are still books and magazines printed, and also on the Internet there is some info about Esperanto. Ido, Valap"uk and thousands of other ideas are long dead. Esperanto (Internacia Lingvo=International Language) is the ideal solution for the language problem, english is a suboptimal solution which is the current choice, just like we choose Windows and other Microsoft products just because of good marketing.

                                Originally posted by Locutus
                                Joa, Tventano, Asterix in 't plat bint inderdoad allemachtig good, dat moch ik geerne les'n!
                                (Hmm, Tweants skrief'n is 'n stuk moeilijker dan spreak'n, wee hat dat dacht?)
                                Writing in Twents is quite difficult, especially if you ar enot used to it. The Asterix is for sale in any bookshop in Twente, so just pick it up. The only way to read it is by pronouncing it in your head, otherwise it is not really possible.

