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Thoughts on the replacement of Fundamentalism with Nationalism

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  • Originally posted by Saddam
    Guys, Nationalism is not a government. It is a form of National Pride. historically, it never was a Government. Napoloen established himself as an Emperor like diety.

    Anyway, Nationalism could be anything! Americans are nationalist, we just call it patriotism! Yugoslavia had bouts of Nationalism during Natos bombing. The Chinese and the Soviets used to be big fans of Nationalism.

    Nationalism is simply pride of a citizen towards his country. Never heard of a 'Nationalist' Government.

    They should have put Fascism in its place! But we can always Mod it
    Read the entire thread.
    It is stated, by Soren Johnson, in the beginning of the thread that Nationalism isn't a Government in Civ3.
    Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


    • This topic seems to have drifted into American/Anti-American idiocy, but heres something about FUNDAMENTALISM:

      With the new civ ability of Religion and under a Dictatorship(or maybe a monarchy/republic?) government you can probably recreate a FUNDY government to an extent, with cheap Religious buildings because of being Religious (with Egyptian/Babylonian aztec or indian civs, but not persian unusually?)
      so you get the happiness from the cheap cathedrals as you did with FUNDY.
      Fundamentalism is really just a dictatorship, more like monarchy with the religious links this has.. Civ's fundamentalism was an unrealistic goverment - how can everyone be happy all the time in a fundy government, if anything more should be unhappy than in a democracy where there is more freedom.


      • This topic seems to have drifted into American/Anti-American idiocy, but heres something about FUNDAMENTALISM:

        What!!? You blithering idiot!

        Keep your bias in OT you English pig-dog!

        Read the entire thread.
        I was addressing the thread title you boof head. Did I not point out that is not a government, rather it is an advance!


        • Originally posted by Saddam
          I was addressing the thread title you boof head. Did I not point out that is not a government, rather it is an advance!
          Mind your language. You may get a vacation by Markos.

          Yes you did, but that has already been pointed out, and in the time the Thread title were written that post was not made.
          Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


          • saddam you lamer

            I'm not going to listen to some fool named after Saddam Hussein.
            I don't know how you were allowed on this forum with a name supporting that evil dictator.
            You seem to have some good comments but don't spoil things with your bigotist halfbaked comments, I only meant such posts about the US being a fundamentalist style religious government are crazy. I wasn't going against the US either , though they have had their shares of problems and bad decisions related to foreign policy (such as President Reagans attack on that Carribean island - Haiti I think it was ).

            Admins- I call for Saddam to have a 2 day ban.



            • Bigoted!!?

              You my friend are the one who made the derogatory comment.
              American/Anti-American idiocy
              Next I suppose your going to say you can back that up? Theres no difference between what I said and what you said. Please address your own issues first.

              admins- this sure is not worth a ban

              Mind your language. You may get a vacation by Markos.
              Actually I apoligize. I thought admiral PJ made that comment. My apoligys


              • Originally posted by Saddam
                Actually I apoligize. I thought admiral PJ made that comment. My apoligys
                I think you shouldn’t call anyone that, but I accept you apology as I don't know the history of the fight between you and PJ (and don't want to find out either).
                Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                • There's no way to avoid it
                  Well, actually there is it's called self-control. If you lack that you may not be able to avoid it but if you possess that trait it might still be difficult to avoid it but you have the capability to avoid it. In fact, I have drinken a soda pop of any kind since January 27, 2001. Nor have I drinken coffee or tea. I won't be drinking another one until January 28, 2001. Don't ask why I'm doing this but I just wanted to show that it is possible to avoid it. With that being said your whole last post is inaccurate.
                  However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.


                  • I was not in any way making a derogatory statement towards americans or even anti americans, I was just saying I didn't like the way the topic was turning into a debate on wether the US is good or not . I didn't mean that americans were idiots, I have american friends and I wouldn't mind living there - despite president Bush being in power.
                    You were being bigoted Saddam with your racist taunts about the english (i'm more scottish/ new zealander anyhow )

                    Sometime i'm not that clear in my writings.. I guess you misunderstood, accept my apologies if I offended you.
                    I don't know if your american,from somewhere else or anti -american saddam?

                    I think its good to be able to discuss America ..
                    I think Americas a great economic and technological 'federation' or nation, and does produce a lot of 'good' and creative (read original) culture.
                    Americas film and music industries (the good ones like the Matrix film and Nine inch nails/ Korn music bands ) offer good modern culture to the world as well internally to the US itself. Its just bad when you get Greed based globalisation with businesses such as McDonalds. (where the quality and staff pay are atrocious)
                    Interestingly Chinese and other cultures also globalise their culture with such things as Chinese Takeaways , offering good quality of food with less of a capitalist obsession , although they aren't branded in the way american globalisation is.

                    Americas giving us Civ3.. so no one can complain



                    • Originally posted by TechWins
                      Well, actually there is it's called self-control. If you lack that you may not be able to avoid it but if you possess that trait it might still be difficult to avoid it but you have the capability to avoid it.


                      • ok ok

                        I apologize admiral... I guess my response was a bit harsh.

                        I was just puzzled at wildly OT this thread is. I come in to make a comment about the orignal topic, and I get assaulted


                        • Originally posted by Saddam
                          Nationalism is simply pride of a citizen towards his country. Never heard of a 'Nationalist' Government.

                          They should have put Fascism in its place! But we can always Mod it
                          I think the Civ designers wanted Fundamentalism to cover a more diverse range of governments than just religious types. The definition of Fund. in ToT is that it is "usually" religious whereas Oxford dictionary says Fund. is specific to religion. The broader definition taken by the Civ designers means that Fascism could be included as a Fund. gov't.

                          Anyway, Saddam raises the point that we could create a mod pack with Fascism in it.

                          What would be the characteristics of a Fascist government? How would it differ, in terms of game play, from the other forms of government?

                          And on an OT note: Techwins wrote: "In fact, I have drinken a soda pop of any kind since January 27, 2001. Nor have I drinken coffee or tea. I won't be drinking another one until January 28, 2001."

                          Did you mean to say that you stopped drinking pop, coffee, and tea for a single day?
                          Last edited by Tingkai; September 3, 2001, 00:20.
                          Golfing since 67


                          • Did you mean to say that you stopped drinking pop, coffee, and tea for a single day?
                            Oh sorry about that I meant to say until January 28, 2002. In my opinion it's pretty damn good not to have pop, coffee, or tea for a year. Considering that I used to drink at least one pop a day before.
                            However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.


                            • Originally posted by TechWins

                              Oh sorry about that I meant to say until January 28, 2002. In my opinion it's pretty damn good not to have pop, coffee, or tea for a year. Considering that I used to drink at least one pop a day before.
                              Sounds like an interesting experiment and you're past the halfway mark. Has it made a difference in your life? Has it been easy? What do your friends and family think? Do they even notice? Do you think you will start drinking pop again after Jan. 28, 2002?
                              Golfing since 67


                              • Re: saddam you lamer

                                Originally posted by Admiral PJ
                                I'm not going to listen to some fool named after Saddam Hussein.
                                I don't know how you were allowed on this forum with a name supporting that evil dictator.
                                he is the mother of all statesmen

