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List of units in Civ3 based on screen shots

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  • Originally posted by zoom200
    I don't think the samurai would be considered a mounted unit
    Its more swordsman then Knight. Though they did have an extremely strict code of honour.
    I believe you are right.
    Attached Files
    Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


    • Gramphos

      notice the worker's stats in this screenshot


      again it has the m/M configuration
      m=movement points left
      M=total movement points for the unit

      so a battleship that has 1/4, means that the battleship has one movement point left out of four, because we know that battleships do not travel on roads nor railraods and therefore must use an entire movement point to move


      some samurai were mounted, but besides that, we know that a samurai will either be an upgraded swordman or an upgraded knight, however in one of the screenshots the symbol for chivalry was a samurai so this is why i went with the samurai being an upgraded knight


      • Originally posted by korn469

        notice the worker's stats in this screenshot


        again it has the m/M configuration
        m=movement points left
        M=total movement points for the unit

        so a battleship that has 1/4, means that the battleship has one movement point left out of four, because we know that battleships do not travel on roads nor railraods and therefore must use an entire movement point to move
        If you told me I was right about my reasoning I must have misread your post, I thought you asked me whether what you said was correct (?).

        Also, why didn't you add the Resources to the Helicopter (Rubber and Oil)?
        Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


        • no attack copter?

          Regarding the helicopter, one of my favorite Civ2 strategies was to use attack helicopters. While I like aerial troop transports (awesome idea!), it would be very nice to have something akin to the Apache Blackhawk.... especially for removing infantry and taking cities.


          • Gramphos

            it was really late and i just over looked them, sorry!

            i fixed it though

            so my responce probably wasn't too coherent last night, but i really think that the two numbers for movment mean movement points left and total movement points for the unit


            • Transport 1.4.5

              "Stuie has the right idea" - Japher
              "I trust Stuie and all involved." - SlowwHand
              "Stuie is right...." - Guynemer


              • Correction to Cavalry, should be 6.3.3

                New: Cossack 6.4.3

                "Stuie has the right idea" - Japher
                "I trust Stuie and all involved." - SlowwHand
                "Stuie is right...." - Guynemer


                • Also, cavalry and cossacks require horses and saltpeter.


                  • Great Leader Unit stats:


                    per Dan's comments:

                    (on that other forum.......)
                    "Stuie has the right idea" - Japher
                    "I trust Stuie and all involved." - SlowwHand
                    "Stuie is right...." - Guynemer


                    • No leader unit

                      I guess that 0.0.3 are explorer stats.

                      Check this screenshot:

                      I think that Leader hasn´t its own unit image (in that screenshot we can see them as explorers, really strange). As leaders appear in elite units, they have not a diferent graphic from that of the "host" unit.

                      If that were true, Leader could be seem as a "superelite" status of an unit, that gives it the chance of creating and army of boost wonder of the world production.


                      • I post a quote from the latest interview.
                        Which Wonders have been removed, which remain and why?

                        Jeff: We altered the effect of some wonders to ensure the spirit of the wonder took advantage of the new rules we added to the game. The Lighthouse is a good example of that, since we now have 3 types of ocean. Galleys still can travel the coasts safely and are at risk on seas (the second water type), but now Caravels can travel coasts and seas safely and are at risk on oceans(the third type). The Lighthouse now bumps up their safety net. So the Galleys are only in danger on Oceans, and Caravels can travel unhindered. Another thing we did was break up some of the major wonders into small wonders. The Manhattan Project is one such wonder. Instead of one civilization doing all the hard work for everyone, each civilization now would need to develop the small wonder independently to use nukes.

                        Now, why did I post this in this thread?

                        The main reason is to get some help placing the units named in the quote (Galley and Caravels) into the tech tree.

                        When that is done I hope that you can add the rules for them to the list.
                        Galley - only safe at coast
                        Caravel - in danger on Oceans
                        Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                        • Re: No leader unit

                          Originally posted by Alfonsus72
                          I guess that 0.0.3 are explorer stats.

                          Check this screenshot:

                          Huh? I don't see any stats for an Explorer in that screenshot. Every screenshot with an Explorer that I've seen has shown the stats to be 0.0.2. Perhaps they were using the Explorer graphic for leaders at that point, but I get the feeling the image will have changed in the final release.
                          "Stuie has the right idea" - Japher
                          "I trust Stuie and all involved." - SlowwHand
                          "Stuie is right...." - Guynemer


                          • Re: No leader unit

                            Originally posted by Alfonsus72
                            I guess that 0.0.3 are explorer stats.

                            Check this screenshot:

                            I think that Leader hasn´t its own unit image (in that screenshot we can see them as explorers, really strange). As leaders appear in elite units, they have not a diferent graphic from that of the "host" unit.

                            If that were true, Leader could be seem as a "superelite" status of an unit, that gives it the chance of creating and army of boost wonder of the world production.
                            That page says nothing about ant stats. It just says that it exists three explorers.
                            Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                            • Re: Re: No leader unit

                              Originally posted by Gramphos

                              That page says nothing about ant stats. It just says that it exists three explorers.
                              But it shows that leaders are not separate units (it shows 4 leaders with explorer unit graphics), or at least, as Stuie suggested, they could be using the explorer graphic instead.


                              • Re: Re: Re: No leader unit

                                Originally posted by Alfonsus72
                                But it shows that leaders are not separate units (it shows 4 leaders with explorer unit graphics), or at least, as Stuie suggested, they could be using the explorer graphic instead.
                                It might be an old screen and the explored graphics is just placeholedes
                                Creator of the Civ3MultiTool

