Originally posted by wrylachlan
Statue of Liberty: has a percentage chance every turn of stealing one or more points of population from other civs and giving them to one of your cities. The civ loosing the poplutation cannot be at war with your civ, and must have a smaller economy. The population added to your city retains its nationality. The chance of stealing population goes up in relation to the unhappiness of the civ to be stolen from.
Statue of Liberty: has a percentage chance every turn of stealing one or more points of population from other civs and giving them to one of your cities. The civ loosing the poplutation cannot be at war with your civ, and must have a smaller economy. The population added to your city retains its nationality. The chance of stealing population goes up in relation to the unhappiness of the civ to be stolen from.

Or you could have it automatically turn one foreign citizen in a newly flipped/conquered city to the host civ's nationality, reducing re-flipping, resistors, foreign citizen WW in your cities, etc.